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Mahan Akhand Keertan Smaagam

preet k

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Guest KirtanLover

You are no one to decide who calls himself what.

You have classified everyone before you as losers. And I already told you that is not what is expected of someone calling themselves as singhs. Singhs never call other people names. Inculcate the properties of singh before calling yourself a singh.

The reason for that statement about akjI post was to clarify it is not dodra program. read carefully please.......

About moorkhey naal na lujhe.....

I didnt call you a moorakh......and there are you again showing your properties of how wise you are calling people moorakh again.

it was written there to tell you that if you want to respond respond pointwise. donot try to wriggle out by twisting. I have stated some facts about akjI...and I wanted a reply to that and as usual you have proven what is expected of people like you who loose an argument and then try to go into different directions.

You say that you are not akjI......do you agree then that akjI are into advertising their organisation and individuals?

How about using Mahapurash's pics on their site?

You posted the poster in program sections. Are you from Leamington and Warwick?

You people easily give your leanings away and its too late to hide them now. It is pathetic when behind keyboards people say I have nothing to do with akjI and yet all their posts are supporting akjI.

It was you who brought bhai sahib and akjI into this...wanna drag on I will continue because I will not call you a moorakh.

Moorakhs dont need to be called moorakh people already know who a moorakh is by their actions posts and replies. Reading all the posts and they were about putting thin

gs right. You say keertan at that place is step in right direction. There have been so many keertans there.....so many steps in right direction........has it made a difference?

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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

Kirtan lover ji, you keep going on about what this post is about etc, akji has been dragged into it by individuals such as yourself. This thread was originally about the committee of the Gurdwara Sahib in Leamington Spa. How it became so warped my brain just cannot comprehend.

Anyway, benti to all to go back to the topic or abandon this thread altogether. If you have issues with akji, or any of the sevadaars, please contact them direct. They will be happy to respond.

A public forum is not the place to implement your personal vendetta's.

If I do wrong, if I say wrong - slander me if you so wish, but please also do Ardas for me, that Guru Ji may bless me with Gurmatt also.

In search...

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jae lorrehi sadhaa sukh bhaaee ||

If you long for eternal peace, O Siblings of Destiny,

saadhhoo sa(n)gath gurehi bathaaee ||

then join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; this is the Guru's advice.

oohaa japeeai kaeval naam ||

There, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is meditated on.

saadhhoo sa(n)gath paaragaraam ||3||

In the Saadh Sangat, you shall be emancipated. ||3||




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Guest KirtanLover

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

well sense prevails now.....

Teejay Ji I appreciate your wise post.

When you blame me about dragging akjI name into it akjI name will always come into context as akjI are advertising it on their website. Arent they? and if you read the thread it was made clear that its not akj but akjI who are advertising it? Am I right or wrong? So when akjI advertise some program on their website they take resposiibilty of their suport to the program....dont they?

What were stated here on the message board (public forum) were facts.......is any one of those wrong?

If stating facts is personal vendetta then every truth will be personal vendetta?

As for J Singh he was vehemently calling it a STEP in RIGHT direction........and then he said in another post that he did not belong to any jatha..................and now tries to take the veil of gurbani and be a goodie when JSingh was the one who started calling names and dragged the name of Mahapurash who got his teeth broken instead of opening his mouth when he was force fed beef soup.

I will again say look at the sorry state of akjI who use the name of such mahapurash and advertise programs at place who go against gurmat.

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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

No Kirtan Lover ji. Some of the facts that have been stated have been what you or other individual consider or believe to be facts.

When I say personal vendetta, I mean YOUR private agenda to undermine the name of akji. FACT is, akji has no status and wishes to have no status. We just do seva of kirtan wherever and whenever Guru Ji blesses us. As for leamington spa Gurdwara, well that is an internal matter for the organiser's of the smagam to deal with and believe you-me it will be addressed as appropriate.

We have not and will not ever stop anyone from doing kirtan. The sangat, wherever they are, deserves However, if beadbi of Maharaj is done then we will address it if we are in a position to do so.

If any of us have any shame then we will move this thread away from attacking each other and aim for solidarity and unity, especially with regards to dealing with the matters at hand. Whether all of us have the capacity to do so remains to be seen.

Yes, look at the state of akji. But if you really cared, you'd do Ardas for us too.

Goodnight everyone!

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

please please please...

can we jus get on with it!

if u wanna chat there is a PM system here!

i dont want to come to this forumn reading ..this rubbish ..of a web chat

this website is about sikhi!

helooo.... am i the only one with out there heads in the cloud..

kirtanlover je..jsingh and co! *MOVE ON*


thank u!

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

please please please...

can we jus get on with it!

if u wanna chat there is a PM system here!

i dont want to come to this forumn reading ..this rubbish ..of a web chat

this website is about sikhi!

helooo.... am i the only one with out there heads in the cloud..

kirtanlover je..jsingh and co! *MOVE ON*


thank u!

Agree :wub: :wub:

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

i dont want to come to this forumn reading ..this rubbish ..of a web chat

Its true Kirtan lover and j singh u can use the pm facility or msn messenger - one a seperate note I agree with what kirtan lover is saying. And how dare u call us losers J Singh - ur new to this forum and u start insulting people who you dont even know - its pathetic.

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Admin Note: Due to excessive member requests, this topic has been shut, please refrain from such discussions, and concentrate on your naam/bani/simran.


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