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Should Sikhs support this group. 

They seem to have many valid points. 

Ie they talk about islamic extreemism in uk. Forced conversions, grooming ect which many of the uk partys are to afraid to talk about. 

Maybe would could form an alliance with them at the same time keeping our distance. 

I actually feel ms fransen says alot of things that make sence. Its the only group that is taking on the extreemists in the uk as they feel that the msin partys are doing nothing. 

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5 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:


Why not? 

Sure we may not agree with everything they say or do. But we certainly agree with alot of their points as I have mentioned. 

Also they may have some unsavoury members but there are fruitcakes in all political parties. 

Why Should we be against them when they 

Openly stand against

1) uncontrolled/illegal muslim migration to uk

2)forced conversions/grooming

3)islamification of britian

4)against implementing sharia law in uk

ect ect

Whats not to like about these policies?

We should show our support and be grateful that this group has the courage to voice the nations concerns.

Britian First which used to be the BNP has moved on. They now know the real threat is muslims. 

They have nothing against the hardworking Indian community of Sikhs and Hindus. Infact they respect us and know the difference between us and Muslims. 

All Sikhs and Hindus should vote for them. As the tory and labour goverments are taking us down the pan. 



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Not support them but not go against them either.

Their two leaders speak in praise of Sikhs and stand up for Sikh victims of muslim pedo sex gangs but British Sikhs shouldn't get a big head and go over the top by supporting them openly.

Yes we have a common enemy of Islamic extremists and muslim pedo sexual grooming / conversion gangs. But also we should note that Britain First is essentially a far right white nationalist christian group. A reactionary group that formed to oppose islamic extremist groups and islamification of the UK. And whose interests are not entirely in line with ours even though we may believe in similar modern democratic values of things like right to free speech, free mixing of the sexes, etc.


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2 hours ago, Big_Tera said:

Why not? 

Sure we may not agree with everything they say or do. But we certainly agree with alot of their points as I have mentioned. 

Also they may have some unsavoury members but there are fruitcakes in all political parties. 

Why Should we be against them when they 

Openly stand against

1) uncontrolled/illegal muslim migration to uk

2)forced conversions/grooming

3)islamification of britian

4)against implementing sharia law in uk

ect ect

Whats not to like about these policies?

We should show our support and be grateful that this group has the courage to voice the nations concerns.

Britian First which used to be the BNP has moved on. They now know the real threat is muslims. 

They have nothing against the hardworking Indian community of Sikhs and Hindus. Infact they respect us and know the difference between us and Muslims. 

All Sikhs and Hindus should vote for them. As the tory and labour goverments are taking us down the pan. 



What is this "ect ect"? I always thought ECT was a type of psychiatric therapy which essentially uses electrocution to provide relief from mental disorders. It's a therapy I'd heavily recommend to "britain First" supporters.

"indian community of Sikhs and hindus" ey? Thankfully, I'm not a part of that community so they can keep their respect to themselves. 

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42 minutes ago, superkaur said:

Not support them but not go against them either.

Their two leaders speak in praise of Sikhs and stand up for Sikh victims of muslim pedo sex gangs but british Sikhs shouldn't get a big head and go over the top by supporting them openly.

Yes we have a common enemy of Islamic extremists and muslim pedo sexual grooming / conversion gangs. But also we should note that Britain First is essentially a far right white nationalist christian group. A reactionary group that formed to oppose islamic extremist groups. And whose interests are not in line with ours even though we may believe in similar modern democratic values of things like right to free speech, free mixing of the sexes, etc.



That is exactly my point. We dont need to do public displays of support but can do it covertly and intelligently. Deep down we know we have much common ground to work on. In effect we can shape the party to our liking. ie we can change the party from a christian extremist party to one that is mostly concentrated on extremist Muslims and how to combat it. 

I am thoroughly against for instance when that turbaned Sikh appeared on a video promoting the EDL. Which made us look bad. 

It is about doing it tactfully.


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13 hours ago, Big_Tera said:

Why not? 

We do things on our terms, not by linking arms with an organisation who will never be accepted and viewed as anything less than racist. I'm not suggesting all BF sympathisers are inclined towards discrimination based on race and religion. There's enough of us in this country to suggest we don't need to ride on the coat tails of a white organisation in order to be heard. Why allow a corrupt and ideologically corrupted media to dismiss our totally valid concerns when it comes to Islamic extremism because of the company we choose to keep? We need to be heard, not castigated as the bad guys for choosing to team-up with a fringe organisation. 

I think some of you Sikhs who don't have a visible Sikh identity are mistakenly under the assumption that you're somehow immune from the problems faced by your kesh-toting brethren.

In general, we begin to tackle this problem by sitting down with our children, and talking to them. That's only possible by educating yourself on the issues at hand. You don't tackle this issue by linking arms with a group like BF. You'll lose the battle before it's even begun. If talking and dialogue is too much hassle for some of you, then take a leaf out of the Islamic book by scaring and threatening youngsters into compliance. Unfortunately, we've fast become a bunch of soft, middle-class faggots who don't have the balls for anything remotely dangerous unless its fiddling the system for monetary gain. The survival of our people and our faith in the face of an aggressive and dangerous minority is not a cause our lot find to be worth the trouble. 

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