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Nihangs- obsolescence and onwards to oblivion.


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29 minutes ago, 13Mirch said:

In the past few years, owing to a boom in the field of Sikh Studies, we have witnessed a number of impressionable Sikh youth fall under the sway of Nihang Dals in Europe. Whereas the Dals of the past were famed for their martial prowess and political pull, their modern-day counterparts are nothing more than hollowed out shades. Budha-Dal UK, for all it's seva, has ultimately been backed in the corner owing to several factors:

1.) It was initially adamant that Nidar Singh was not connected, in any form, to the RSS. The man's own admission, and controversial actions at Nanded, flew in the face of their pretexts and ultimately they were forced to go into damage control mode.

2.) They stringently opposed Balbir Singh's Jathedari and promulgated Baba Joginder Singh Ji as Jathedar in the imprisoned Baba Surjit Singh Ji's stead. Baba Joginder Singh, slowly, was assimilated into Balbir Singh's faction and now openly supports him and espouses his chieftainship. 

3.) It cannot be denied that in his initial years Santa Singh performed seva for the Panth, but his connections with Congress are already well known among Nihangs and non-Nihangs alike. He openly espoused Giani Zail Singh's chief-ministry of Punjab, received a police escort, received governmental amnesty whenever he forcefully captured prime land or an eatery, and in the 80's was let off for having fellow Nihangs like Ranjit Singh Balangan and his family murdered. The UK Nihangs, contrary to history, are brainwashing their young acolytes into believing that he was some sage who opposed the "demonic" Sant Jarnail Singh or forewarned him against the Akalis- its an archetypal pretext from the Dal, "we don't support the Akalis, lets use this as an excuse whenever we shaft the Panth..."- no ready consensus is available, even from among the Nihangs themselves, as to what Santa Singh did: did he oppose the Dharam Yudh Morcha or did he endorse it? 

Such nefarious activities will surely prove detrimental in the future if not arrested swiftly. There needs to be pressure put on various foreign based Nihang Dals to implement transparency in their doings and provide a general indication of how they will resolve the historic differences which have crept up between them and the mainstream. Otherwise their present obsolescence will push them into oblivion in the near future.   

but bro Guru Pita JI has defined who is a nihang , a true Khalsa who actually stands for truth and justice come what may ... Unfortunately it may become the situation that aam Khalsa will have to enhance their Miri Piri aspects outside the umbrella of the labels as it seems the only recent hereos have come from their midst.

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45 minutes ago, MrDoaba said:

Forgive my ignorance, but where does/would Kamalroop Singh fall into all of this?

Weird bloke.. Just got excommunicated by the shaheed jathedar baba bahadur singh. Pretty knowledgeable dude but just weird.

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38 minutes ago, Singh123456777 said:

Weird bloke.. Just got excommunicated by the shaheed jathedar baba bahadur singh. Pretty knowledgeable dude but just weird.

Thanks for this.

In one week we've brought down two Singhs. First 'Gyani' Thakur Singh and now Dr Kamalroop Singh.

I don't know how much more I can take. Lol

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4 minutes ago, MrDoaba said:

Thanks for this.

In one week we've brought down two Singhs. First 'Gyani' Thakur Singh and now Dr Kamalroop Singh.

I don't know how much more I can take. Lol


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45 minutes ago, 13Mirch said:

Think Parmjit, of Kashi House, might soon go down?

A Nihang trifecta. I'd say the odds are looking pretty good. The anti-Sanatan brigade already has him in their sights. Wouldn't you say he's already been brought down somewhat through his association with Niddar?

Although, I wouldn't have seen it coming with Kamalroop Singh. Now even he's being lumped together with Niddar.

Then again, personally, I don't know enough of the ins and outs of Nihang politics to make any comments which have much validity.

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28 minutes ago, MrDoaba said:

A Nihang trifecta. I'd say the odds are looking pretty good. The anti-Sanatan brigade already has him in their sights. Wouldn't you say he's already been brought down somewhat through his association with Niddar?

Although, I wouldn't have seen it coming with Kamalroop Singh. Now even he's being lumped together with Niddar.

Then again, personally, I don't know enough of the ins and outs of Nihang politics to make any comments which have much validity.

As someone whose nearest and dearest perished during the Delhi, Kanpur and Calcutta pogroms I have full empathy for Pav Singh's expose which- if there are any doubts- has only recently been published by Kashi House. But it seems quite uncanny that Kashi House would elect to publish such a book. I feel compelled to theorize that in the aftermath of Nidar and Parmjit's warm reception at Nanded, and Nidar Nang's messy divorce, the publication of this book is only an opportunity to gain more associates and play with their emotions. It might sound ludicrous, at this stage, but I am sure Parmjit and the Nang's upcoming four volume release on the Budha-Dal will simply undo Pav Singh's work. 

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