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What does it mean to be AKJ??


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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Pyare jio, no one has broken away from anything. Mkhalsa still has complete faith in bani. He just now has a different view of things. California situation revloves around one person. I am sure there is enough wisdom in california to resolve all situations. In life many challenges are thrown at you. We have to overcome each one.

I am not worried about Mkhalsa, and other youth. The jatha is not about specific people. It is a reflection on Gurbani via paat and keertan. They have not broken from this. Their sikhi will become stronger through this becuase they will reflect more inside and question and ask for guidance more. It is them growing as Singhs. With Guru Jis kirpa, they will have even more conviction in Gurbani and Guru Khalsa Panth. They will learn to stand taller and be full of Khalsa Spirit.

Only worry when people break from Bani, that is our blood. If some elders are not righteuos then some period of evolution is required. This spirit always comes from Youth. Read our history this is documented time after time. But if youth are wrong, then they will also learn. Only cali sangat knows the facts. it is in their hands.

Everything is in his Will.

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School, broken foot, etc were not the only reasons I've been staying off the net. Since some troublesome events at August Samagam I have backed off from the Jatha along with some other singhs. I just felt so dissillusioned. After what happened, my avastha just plummetted, I could literally feel my spirituality and love be replaced with cynicism and doubt.

I don't really want to go into the details of what happened, its not important anymore. But the thing is, I want to stand up for what's right, you know? No matter what the cost. Standing up for whats right, especially in these kinds of situations, is the duty of every Sikh. Why waste our time in duality over such things?

I just feel so dissapointed in all the great panthic jathebandis of today. We have allowed the panth to be filled with corrupt people who do things for selfish reasons. I've had nothing to gain over whats happened since august, but I sure had a lot to lose. Quitting the Jatha and distancing myself from singhs was one of the hardest decisions of my life, but it was the right one--At least for the time being.

The youth of the Jatha and Taksal in North America and UK (not so much UK) just are really dissapointing. Most of the jatha thinks that life is all about going to keertan, they don't care about rehat, or if they do, its a very superficial rehat. They don't care about gurmat, most don't know the first thing about gurbani and its meanings! The youth in taksal similarly have issues that I hav

e seen, they may learn about gurbani, but even that seems superficial to me, its just a way for them to feel superior and they use taksal as a replacement for a gang. These jathas are not clubs, there is a reason for them.

Gurmat is so much deeper than most of us see, but we are stuck in our week to week AKJ or Taksal or whatever else that we forget about whats right. The Jatha is NOT just about keertan. Thats what panchain is about. The Jatha is about much much more. And if you don't care about more, go join the panchain and leave the AKJ name for those who will keep stand up for whats right and fight for the truth and for gurmat. (This isn't aimed at any specific person, so please don't take it personally. I am just trying to make some outside observations, don't take it as a personal attack but rather a suggestion on how we can all improve ourselves.

That was taken from mkhalsa's blog at blog.mkhalsa.com
Pyare jio, no one has broken away from anything.

Doesn't seem like that to me.

If some elders are not righteuos then some period of evolution is required. This spirit always comes from Youth. Read our history this is documented time after time. But if youth are wrong, then they will also learn. Only cali sangat knows the facts. it is in their hands.

Who are you to judge which elders are righteous? You aren't a judge, and you don't get to pass judgement. Further

more, cali sangat is not the only sangat that has the facts, in fact other people have more facts. It is far from in their hands, because the situation is a much more diffrent thing than you could possibly imagine.

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Interesting thread. My belief is that it is never wise to get deeply involved in any one thing, be it a jatha, or one person or whatever because if something were to occur then you would feel disappointed by that person/group. BUT these chardee kala Jathas are to be used as a template to follow Sikhi because these Singhs/Singhneea are Chardee Kala and they are templates to follow Sikhi. I am not saying be exactly like that person, but definately take some pointers and apply them in your life. And also if you look at GurSikhs which started these Jathas and others, for example AKJ, Bhai Randheer Singh Ji, Bhai Jeevan Singh Ji, the late Giani Amolak Singh Ji, and so on are beacons of light and if we can take even a small spark from them and apply it to our lives then it will better our jeevans. So these jathas are to be a template on the path to Sikhi, now you don't have to follow them to the letter, for example in terms of AKJ, if you read Raag Maala, then that is fine but what you should take away from them is that Simran is important, Kirtan, Paat, and Amrit is important so on, then that's what matters. Now you don't even have to become a member to get all this, just come to the sangat. If you take me for example, I have taken Amrit at a AKJ samagam, but I don't consider myself AKJ. Why? It's because I don't follow Rehat at the level of the GurSikhs in AKJ, I am a Keera compared to the GurSikhs in AKJ. But what is taught in AKJ, the importance of Sikhi is what I take away from it, I am not involved in the deep issues of AKJ and I don't know every person in the Jatha.

So lets use these Jathas as templates to the path of Sikhi. Those that founded

these Jathas (Taksal, AKJ, etc...) found the path to God and followed and received Mukhti. So lets take their example and follow it aswell.

Don't go too deep.

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

we all are sikhs and i respect all the jathebandhi'z becuz they are all doing something or the other for khalsa unlike other people may god keep all these jathebandhi's in charddi kalla forever and plus even malik is a AKJ..i jus think that all these jathe'z are a big profit 2 khalsa not a disadvantage ...sorry if i am rong


Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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i understand that mkhalsa was disillusioned from what happened at thhe samagam....but i don't quite understand the disillusionment with the taksali kids....i thought it was an internal akj issue

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I agree with jagjit bro.. Only his post actually make sense here.. some are just here to flame wars..

If i disagree with sikhsangat forum rules and leave this place for my own good.. that doesn't necessary means that sikhsangat is playing the role of the BAD GUY ! It's probably my own issues. Jatha is not about everything, it's only limited to naam simran and keertan. Full form of the "AKJ" explains it pretty well. And i also believe that jatha can't be representated by one or few sikhs. Don't judge the whole kaum/jatha just by the actions of few peoples. Choose to stay neutral rather than being a one sided type of person. I have loads of clashes with various types of people/jathas on many central Sikh issues, but i opt to drop em before it becomes a wall between me and them. Have a peace relation with every jatha and keep it limited to naam simran, bani and keertan.

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so what does it mean to be AKJ?

I think it means the same as being Taksali, sant samaji, nihang or whatever. It means you believe in their core principles.

So in the case of AKJ, this is wearing keski for all females and males. Listening to akhand keertan, lots of simran, strict rehit and standing up for things like Khalistan and Guru Granth Sahib ji.

It means being a more strict khalsa. :wub: :wub:

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The Akhand Keertanee Jathaa is dedicated to the Sikh lifestyle. The Jathaa follows a strict discipline in keeping the Rehit of Guru Gobind Singh Jee. They also enjoy an active style of Keertan recited by Amritdhaaree Sikhs in a collective manner in front of Sree Guru Granth Sahib Jee. This style of Keertan is relatively simple, and the entire congregation devotionally participates in singing along.
Taken from the Akj.org site
Jatha is not about everything, it's only limited to naam simran and keertan.

Taken from S1ngh

For a full explanation of the Jatha, click here


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