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Are new generation Sikhs/Punjabi’s lighter?

Guest Daas

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My mom said I'll get whiter if i wash my face with soap more ?

She use to give me baths with milk when i was a kid just so that i could look whiter. Nothing worked though. I still became brown & now sometimes yellow & sometimes black when its sunny.

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11 minutes ago, NonExistant said:

My mom said I'll get whiter if i wash my face with soap more ?

She use to give me baths with milk when i was a kid just so that i could look whiter. Nothing worked though. I still became brown & now sometimes yellow & sometimes black when its sunny.

my mum got "fair and lovely" from india for my sister lmao     honestly this obsession with light skin is madness lol 

i also get very tanned in summer 

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Guest GuestSingh
3 hours ago, puzzled said:

Half my moustache is a mix of black, brown, and blonde  haha! I often catch people looking at them when talking to me 

same..there's a singh or two at work with it too so not unique with us but more common than we think..

my nani is very fair with green eyes, my bibi is the same and so is my mom..but all the men are darker so the same didnt happen with myself which is good but can get lighter in winter..

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9 hours ago, Guest Daas said:

Some Sikhs are very fair and have light eyes unlike the older generation (according to people I have asked) how is this? 

I’m a Sikh but I am a chamar and when I go to the gurdwara (ravidaas) generally the people are dark skinned with black/dark brown eyes but when I went to my local gurdwara which is guru Nanak gurdwara and predominantly the people are jatt they are very fair skinned, so is it to do with caste?

Theres a Sikh  in my school I think he’s a jatt because his last name is Dhaliwal (apologies if I’m wrong) and he has very light skin with bright green eyes, his parents are the same and when I asked him if he had any European heritage he laughed and said no. so I’m thinking it’s to do with caste however there are ravidasiye with light skin. 

Where has this appearance come from? 

And generally the paintings of gurus are drawn with light skin and in some cases light eyes as well, does that mean the gurus had this lighter appearance too?

If you are talking about people here in the west , jatts etc are less likely to be working outdoors so will not be as bronzed as their parents/grandparents , I know that I can pass for italian when it's wintertime but in the sun I will turn a reddish bronze shade  which is fairly dark.  My Dada ji had reddish blonde hair and ice blue eyes , as did his eldest , as the first male child of each generation, rest of chachay bhua normal skin eyes combo but bhua had light hazel eyes , my sis and bro started with dark eyes as babies and their eyes got lighter  . Just variations in nature , I've seen it in maori tribes which are pure also but kids are blond and blue/green eyed brothers and sisters and parent like our colouring dark eyes and hair.

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1 hour ago, GuestSingh said:

same..there's a singh or two at work with it too so not unique with us but more common than we think..

my nani is very fair with green eyes, my bibi is the same and so is my mom..but all the men are darker so the same didnt happen with myself which is good but can get lighter in winter..

Yeah I have seen a few singhs with a similar thing. It's the moustache and hair under the lip and hair around the mouth which randomly is different colours. I don't know where it comes from, I guess it's a genetic thing.

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Guest GuestSingh
2 hours ago, puzzled said:

Yeah I have seen a few singhs with a similar thing. It's the moustache and hair under the lip and hair around the mouth which randomly is different colours. I don't know where it comes from, I guess it's a genetic thing.

it must be bro..mine turns orangey brown on both ends of the mucha with a few strays in dhari and kes..

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On 12/13/2018 at 12:35 PM, Guest Daas said:

Some Sikhs are very fair and have light eyes unlike the older generation (according to people I have asked) how is this? 

I’m a Sikh but I am a chamar and when I go to the gurdwara (ravidaas) generally the people are dark skinned with black/dark brown eyes but when I went to my local gurdwara which is guru Nanak gurdwara and predominantly the people are jatt they are very fair skinned, so is it to do with caste?

Theres a Sikh  in my school I think he’s a jatt because his last name is Dhaliwal (apologies if I’m wrong) and he has very light skin with bright green eyes, his parents are the same and when I asked him if he had any European heritage he laughed and said no. so I’m thinking it’s to do with caste however there are ravidasiye with light skin. 

Where has this appearance come from? 

And generally the paintings of gurus are drawn with light skin and in some cases light eyes as well, does that mean the gurus had this lighter appearance too?

What made you ask such a absurd question? ie who is light and who is dark and also refring to different castes. Why would you be bothered about these foolish things. Seems like your insecure in your appearance and also your caste . 

What does it matter - It is what is inside that counts not the outside. 

Anway to answer your question now that you have asked it. 

I would not say jatt are more lighter skinned then other castes. you get the odd few that are slightly lighter. but most are as dark as other sikhs. 

infact the darkest Sikh I met was actually a jatt. 




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Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh

When I was little and foolish. I wanted to be fairer.

Now that I'm older and wiser, I want to be a wee bit darker.

Not as dark as big-tera but a little bit darker.

When I was little and foolish, I used to find khatri girls attractive because they were so fair.

Now that I'm older and wiser I find their lack of colour and glow off-putting. Like heroin addicts lacking nutrients that the sun brings.

I feel like grabbing hold of them and shaking them. Saying "for god's sake get out into the sun woman" "get yourself a healthy glow"

But I don't do that because it would be technically counted as an assault. In this crazy PC world we're living in.

Now I'm attracted to the darker hues of Patel girls or South Indian girls. Not the normal looking Tamil ones because alot of them are ugly but I'm taking about the sophisticated ones. That work in the city. Or are doctors. Not the ones that work as nurses because alot of them are ugly. But the doctors.

Anyway I am married. My wife is neither overly fair nor overly dark. Just normal. Whatever that means.

But when she nags. And nags. I look at her dream.

Of dusky dark hued Patel girls. And what could have been.


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