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Sikhnet Youth Forum..

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Stopsingh, You have to stop attacking the SGPC as much as you do. Sure, the people that are running it are reeeeeeally screwed up. Granted, the maryada isn't the best, but they still should be (most of the time) obeyed. And Mahavir, Sikhnet is really messed up. The stuff they've been recommended isn't good at all.

No thank you. I will continue to write againt the SGPC until they reform it. ohmy.gif

There is nothing Panthic anymore about the SGPC and as such it has lost the respect it once had. :wub:

The sGPC has for years been taking the crores of offerings from Gurdwara in Pakistan and Haryana and doing zilch for the people there. The Sikhs of Haryana have already raised a banner of revolt against the sGPC. Most of those elected to the SGPC were pro establishing a Haryana SGPC.

Open a new thread. Stay on Topic

If you want to carry on thinking the draft Rehat Maryada issued by the sGPC is pucca then you do that.

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Some singhs only asked to edit those 3 or 4 posts of admin replies but all we are getting is STUPID replies, suggesting it's okay to bend some rules of rehit to give space to youths. ohmy.gif We cannot bend sikhi rules.. rolleyes.gif

Oh well.. is there any petition for this??

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Sat Sri Akal:

I hate to bring this up again and again but...

When Guru Gobind Singh Ji tested his Sikhs by lowering his arrow as a sign of respect to the grave of a "peer's" grave, the Panj Pyare were swift to punish Guru Sahib.

If Guru Sahib is liable to proper Rehat, so is Sikhnet and its moderators. If something wrong is done by a Sikh or a Panthic organization, no matter the prestige, it must be addressed and resolved. The consequence of leaving it alone is the trend to get worse and worse.

Bhul Chuk Maaf.

ms514 can u please narrate this event in detail please? i found it interesting :T:

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

well there should be a petition sooo sikhnet can see that how many youths are behind this......i mean they are doing awesome sewa...but that doesn't mean they should bend sikhi to make it acceptable...that sorta led to the downfall of other religions....they bended to hold the masses ..so the real meanings got changed.......


Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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Sat Sri Akal:

I hate to bring this up again and again but...

When Guru Gobind Singh Ji tested his Sikhs by lowering his arrow as a sign of respect to the grave of a "peer's" grave, the Panj Pyare were swift to punish Guru Sahib.

If Guru Sahib is liable to proper Rehat, so is Sikhnet and its moderators.  If something wrong is done by a Sikh or a Panthic organization, no matter the prestige, it must be addressed and resolved.  The consequence of leaving it alone is the trend to get worse and worse.

Bhul Chuk Maaf.

ms514 can u please narrate this event in detail please? i found it interesting :T:

indeed, i am also curious now about this event of the Panj punishing the 10th Nanak.

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

well there should be a petition sooo sikhnet can see that how many youths are behind this......i mean they are doing awesome sewa...but that doesn't mean they should bend sikhi to make it acceptable...that sorta led to the downfall of other religions....they bended to hold the masses ..so the real meanings got changed.......


Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Could it be not that you are holding so tightly to the perception of A meaning, but lost the true message because you refused to see otherwise.

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We contacted Sikhnet couple of times and despite our pleas, they completely ignore us saying, "Go and open your own youth forum" and so on. Since Sikhnet is famous website, we would like to get sangat's support to advice sikhnet moderators to give replies to youth according to the sikh rehat. Making fun of Kacchera and advicing youth that it's okay to marry muslim is completely unsikh advice.

for details visit :


What is wrong with marying a Musilm? Don't give me a Rehitnama as your answer. Give me an answer which is from your personal experience. If you wish to follow the bandwagon of that "Muslims will make you convert if you want to marry them" then do not answer, because it is a cheap excuse that is interdepent upon the 2 individuals getting married on how usefull and dedicated they are to make the marriage work.

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Pheena Ji :wub: ,

Well it could be me.....but its not like i am the one who wrote these maryadas and rehitnamas.....if u don't believe them then its no use arguing....i know that im still learning but i wasn't born a sikh...i grew up in a radha soami enviroment and the 'holding so tightly to the perception of A ' is what i am doing after researching and having faith in these rehitnamas...its not forced upon me...all im saying is that the point is they are indirectly admitting that they are wrong but at the same time they are saying that its their experience that kindness and support, but not rigidity and judgement,

that help bring people back to the Guru's feet.....soo that means if u tell people stuff according to the rehit then u are being rigid and judgemental.......anyways but they say :

The Sikh Rehit Maryada is the core of Sikh Dharma. It is the Code of Conduct of the Dharma. Sikh Rehit Maryada has shaped all of Sikh history and is today continuing to shape the history of a Dharma which is young and just beginning to make its impact upon the world.

soo therefore if we start bending it now.....in the future......i don't even wanna think what wi

ll happen......

Waheguru ji ka khalsa!

Waheguru ji ki fateh!!

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Pheena Ji :wub: ,

Well it could be me.....but its not like i am the one who wrote these maryadas and rehitnamas.....if u don't believe them then its no use arguing....i know that im still learning but i wasn't born a sikh...i grew up in a radha soami enviroment and the 'holding so tightly to the perception of A ' is what i am doing after researching and having faith in these rehitnamas...its not forced upon me...all im saying is that the point is they are indirectly admitting that they are wrong but at the same time they are saying that its their experience that kindness and support, but not rigidity and judgement,

that help bring people back to the Guru's feet.....soo that means if u tell people stuff according to the rehit then u are being rigid and judgemental.......anyways but they say :

The Sikh Rehit Maryada is the core of Sikh Dharma. It is the Code of Conduct of the Dharma. Sikh Rehit Maryada has shaped all of Sikh history and is today continuing to shape the history of a Dharma which is y

oung and just beginning to make its impact upon the world.

soo therefore if we start bending it now.....in the future......i don't even wanna think what will happen......

Waheguru ji ka khalsa!

Waheguru ji ki fateh!!

you make a good enough point, i just thought i'd bring the reverse prespective into the picture. I have always found it to be very helpfull while deriving a conclusion, looking from within and outside of the box. :@

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