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DnwsrI CMq mhlw 1 ]

ipr sMig mUTVIey Kbir n pweIAw jIau ] msqik iliKAVw lyKu purib kmwieAw jIau ] lyKu n imteI purib kmwieAw ikAw jwxw ikAw hosI ] guxI Acwir nhI rMig rwqI Avgux bih bih rosI ] Dnu jobnu Awk kI CwieAw ibriD Bey idn puMinAw ] nwnk nwm ibnw dohwgix CUtI JUiT ivCuMinAw ]1] bUfI Gru GwilE gur kY Bwie clo ] swcw nwmu iDAwie pwvih suiK mhlo ] hir nwmu iDAwey qw suKu pwey pyeIAVY idn cwry ] inj Gir jwie bhY scu pwey Anidnu nwil ipAwry ] ivxu BgqI Gir vwsu n hovI suixAhu lok sbwey ] nwnk srsI qw ipru pwey rwqI swcY nwey ]2] ipru Dn BwvY qw ipr BwvY nwrI jIau ] rMig pRIqm rwqI gur kY sbid vIcwrI jIau ] gur sbid vIcwrI nwh ipAwrI iniv iniv Bgiq kryeI ] mwieAw mohu jlwey pRIqmu rs mih rMgu kryeI ] pRB swcy syqI rMig rMgyqI lwl BeI mnu mwrI ] nwnk swic vsI sohwgix ipr isau pRIiq ipAwrI ]3] ipr Gir sohY nwir jy ipr Bwvey jIau ] JUTy vYx cvy kwim n Awvey jIau ] JUTu AlwvY kwim n AwvY nw ipru dyKY nYxI ] AvguixAwrI kMiq ivswrI CUtI ivDx rYxI ] gur sbdu n mwnY PwhI PwQI sw Dn mhlu n pwey ] nwnk Awpy Awpu pCwxY gurmuiK shij smwey ]4] Dn sohwgix nwir ijin ipru jwixAw jIau ] nwm ibnw kUiVAwir kUVu kmwixAw jIau ] hir Bgiq suhwvI swcy BwvI Bwie Bgiq pRB rwqI ] ipru rlIAwlw jobin bwlw iqsu rwvy rMig rwqI ] gur sbid ivgwsI shu rwvwsI Plu pwieAw guxkwrI ] nwnk swcu imlY vifAweI ipr Gir sohY nwrI ]5]3]

SnIvwr, 17 BwdoN (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg: 689)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

DnwsrI CMq mhlw 1 ]

hy mwieAw dy moh ivc T`gI geI jIv-iesqRIey! qyrw pqI-pRBU qyry nwl hY, pr qYnMU ies g`l dI smJ nhIN AweI[ qyry BI kIh v`s ? jo kuJ qMU pihly jnmW ivc krm kmwey, auhnW dy Anuswr qyry m`Qy auqy pRBU dI rzw ivc lyK hI Ajyhw iliKAw igAw ik qMU sMg-v`sdy pRBU-pqI nMU pCwx nhIN skdI[ pihly jnmW ivc kIqy krmW Anuswr m`Qy qy iliKAw lyK iksy pwsoN imt nhIN skdw[ iksy nMU ieh smJ nhIN Aw skdI ik aus ilKy lyK Anuswr swfy Awaux vwly jIvn ivc kIh vwprygI[ pUrblI kmweI Anuswr jyhVI jIv-iesqRI guxW vwlI nhIN, au~cy Awcrn vwlI nhIN, pRBU dy pRym-rMg ivc rMgI nhIN, auh kIqy AOgxW dy kwrn muV muV duKI hI hovygI[ jIv Dn, jobn Awidk dy mwx ivc pRBU nMU Bulw bYTdw hY, pr ieh Dn qy jvwnI A`k dy buUty dI CW vrgy hI hn, jdoN b`uFw ho jWdw hY, qy aumr dy idn Aw^r mu`k jWdy hn qW ieh Dn, jvwnI swQ qoV jWdy hn[ hy nwnk! prmwqmw dy nwm qoN KMuJ ky ABwgx jIv-iesqRI Cu`tV ho jWdI hY, kUVy moh ivc Ps ky pRBU-pqI qoN ivCV jWdI hY[1[ hy mwieAw dy moh ivc fu`bI hoeIey! qMU Awpxw Gr brbwd kr ilAw hY, hux qW jIvn-s&r ivc gurU dy pRym ivc rih ky qur[ sdw-iQr pRBU dw nwm ismr ky qMU Awqmk AwnMd ivc itk ky prmwqmw dw dr l`B leyNgI[ jIv-iesqRI qdoN hI Awqmk AwnMd mwx skdI hY jdoN prmwqmw dw nwm ismrdI hY ies jgq dw kIh mwx ? jgq ivc qW cwr idnW dw hI vwsw hY[ismrn dI brkq nwl jIv-iesqRI Awpxy AslI Gr ivc phuMc ky itkI rihMdI hY, sdw iQr rihx vwly prmwqmw nMU iml pYNdI hY, qy hr roz Bwv sdw hI aus ipAwry nwl imlI rihMdI hY[ hy swry loko sux lvo, BgqI qoN ibnW mn Btkdw hI rihMdw hY, AMqr Awqmy itkwau nhIN lY skdw[ hy nwnk! jdoN jIv-iesqRI sdw-iQr pRBU dy nwm-rMg ivc rMgI jWdI hY qdoN auh Awqmk rs mwnx vwlI pRBU-pqI dw imlwp hwsl kr lYNdI hY[2[ jdoN jIv iesqRI nMU pRBU-pqI ipAwrw l`gx l`g pYNdw hY qdoN auh jIv-iesqRI pRBU-pqI nMU ipAwrI l`gx l`g pYNdI hY[ pRBU-pRIqm dy pRym-rMg ivc rMgI hoeI auh gurU dy Sbd ivc juV ky ivcwrvwn ho jWdI hY[ gurU dy Sbd dw ivcwr krn vwlI auh jIv-iesqRI Ksm-pRBU dI ipAwrI ho jWdI hY qy inaUN inaUN ky Bwv, pUrn inmRqw-SrDw nwl pRBU dI BgqI krdI hY[ pRBU-pRIqm aus dy AMdroN mwieAw dw moh swV dyNdw hY, qy auh aus dy nwm-rs ivc iB~j ky aus dy imlwp dw AwnMd lYNdI hY[ sdw-iQr pRBU dy nwl juV ky aus dy nwm-rMg ivc rMgIj ky jIv iesqRI Awpxy mn nMU mwr ky sohxy jIvn vwlI bx jWdI hY[ hy nwnk! sdw-iQr pRBU dI Xwd ivc itkI hoeI suBwg jIv-iesqRI pRBU-pqI nwl pRIq krdI hY, pqI dI ipAwrI ho jWdI hY[3[jIv-iesqRI pRBU-pqI dy dr qy qdoN hI soBw pwauNdI hY jdoN auh pRBU-pqI nMU psMd Aw jWdI hY[ pr jyhVI jIv-iesqRI AMdroN ipAwr qoN s`KxI hovy qy bwhroN pRym d`sx leI JUTy bol boly, aus dw koeI BI bol pRBU-pqI dw ipAwr ij`qx leI kMm nhIN Aw skdw[ ijhVI jIv-iesqRI JUTw bol hI boldI hY, auh bol aus dy kMm nhIN AwauNdw, pRBU-pqI aus vl q`kdw BI nhIN[ aus AOgx-BrI nMU ^sm-pRBU ny iqAwg id`qw huMdw hY, auh Cu`tV ho jWdI hY, aus dI izMdgI dI rwq du`KW ivc lMGdI hY[ jyhVI jIv-iesqRI gurU dy Sbd nMU ihrdy ivc nhIN vswauNdI, auhI mwieAw-moh dI PwhI ivc PsI rihMdI hY, auh pRBU-pqI dw dr-Gr nhIN l`B skdI[ hy nwnk! gurU dI Srn pY ky jyhVI jIv-iesqRI Awpxy Asly nMU pCwxdI hY, auh Awqmk Afolqw ivc lIn rihMdI hY [4[ auh jIv-iesqRI mubwrk hY cMgy BwgW vwlI hY ijs ny Ksm pRBU nwl fMUGI sWJ pw leI hY[ pr ijs ny aus dI Xwd Bulw id`qI hY, auh kUV dI vxjwrn hY auh kUV hI kmWdI hY[ Bwv, auh nwsvMq pdwrQW dI dOV-B`j hI krdI rihMdI hY jyhVI jIv-iesqRI pRBU dI BgqI nwl Awpxw jIvn sohxw bxw lYNdI hY, auh sdw-iQr pRBU nMU ipAwrI l`gdI hY, auh pRBU dy pRym ivc pRBU dI BgqI ivc msq rihMdI hY[ AwnMd dw somw qy sdw hI jvwn rihx vwlw pRBU-pqI aus pRym-rMg ivc rMgI hoeI jIv-iesqRI nMU Awpxy nwl imlw lYNdw hY[ gurU dy Sbd dI brkiq nwl iKVy ihrdy vwlI jIv-iesqRI pRBU-pqI dy imlwp dw AwnMd mwxdI hY, gurU dy Sbd ivc juVn dw ieh Pl aus nMU imldw hY ik aus dy AMdr Awqmk gux pYdw ho jWdy hn[ hy nwnk! aus nMU sdw-iQr pRBU iml pYNdw hY, aus nMU pRBU-dr qy Awdr imldw hY, auh pRBU-pqI dy dr qy soBw pwauNdI hY[5[3[

English Translation :


Your Husband Lord is with you, O deluded soul-bride, but you do are not aware of Him. Your destiny is written on your forehead, according to your past actions. This inscription of past deeds cannot be erased; what do I know about what will happen? You have not adopted a virtuous lifestyle, and you are not attuned to the Lords Love; you sit there, crying over your past misdeeds.Wealth and youth are like the shade of the bitter swallow-wort plant; you are growing old, and your days are coming to their end. O Nanak, without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, you shall end up as a discarded, divorced bride; your own falsehood shall separate you from the Lord. || 1 || You have drowned, and your house is ruined; walk in the Way of the Gurus Will. Meditate on the True Name, and you shall find peace in the Mansion of the Lords Presence. Meditate on the Lords Name, and you shall find peace; your stay in this world shall last only four days. Sit in the home of your own being, and you shall find Truth; night and day, be with your Beloved. Without loving devotion, you cannot dwell in your own home listen, everyone! O Nanak, she is happy, and she obtains her Husband Lord, if she is attuned to the True Name. || 2 || If the soul-bride is pleasing to her Husband Lord, then the Husband Lord will love His bride. Imbued with the love of her Beloved, she contemplates the Word of the Gurus Shabad. She contemplates the Gurus Shabads, and her Husband Lord loves her; in deep humility, she worships Him in loving devotion. She burns away her emotional attachment to Maya, and in love, she loves her Beloved. She is imbued and drenched with the Love of the True Lord; she has become beautiful, by conquering her mind. O Nanak, the happy soul-bride abides in Truth; she loves to love her Husband Lord. || 3 || The soul-bride looks so beautiful in the home of her Husband Lord, if she is pleasing to Him. It is of no use at all to speak false words. If she speaks false, it is of no use to her, and she does not see her Husband Lord with her eyes. Worthless, forgotten and abandoned by her Husband Lord, she passes her life-night without her Lord and Master. Such a wife does not believe in the Word of the Gurus Shabad; she is caught in the net of the world, and does not obtain the Mansion of the Lords Presence. O Nanak, if she understands her own self, then, as Gurmukh, she merges in celestial peace. || 4 || Blessed is that soul-bride, who knows her Husband Lord. Without the Naam, she is false, and her actions are false as well. Devotional worship of the Lord is beautiful; the True Lord loves it. So immerse yourself in loving devotional worship of God. My Husband Lord is playful and innocent; imbued with His Love, I enjoy Him. She blossoms forth through the Word of the Gurus Shabad; she ravishes her Husband Lord, and obtains the most noble reward. O Nanak, in Truth, she obtains glory; in her Husbands home, the soul-bride looks beautiful. || 5 || 3 ||

Saturday, 17th Bhaadon (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 689)

:WW: :WW: :WW:

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sloku m3 ]

siqgur kI syvw sPlu hY jy ko kry icqu lwie ] min icMidAw Plu pwvxw haumY ivchu jwie ] bMDn qoVY mukiq hoie scy rhY smwie ] iesu jg mih nwmu AlBu hY gurmuiK vsY min Awie ] nwnk jo guru syvih Awpxw hau iqn bilhwrY jwau ]1] m: 3 ] mnmuK mMnu Aijqu hY dUjY lgY jwie ] iqs no suKu supnY nhI duKy duiK ivhwie ] Gir Gir piV piV pMifq Qky isD smwiD lgwie ] iehu mnu vis n AwveI Qky krm kmwie ] ByKDwrI ByK kir Qky AiTsiT qIrQ nwie ] mn kI swr n jwxnI haumY Brim Bulwie ] gur prswdI Bau pieAw vfBwig visAw min Awie ] BY pieAY mnu vis hoAw haumY sbid jlwie ] sic rqy sy inrmly joqI joiq imlwie ] siqguir imilAY nwau pwieAw nwnk suiK smwie ]2] pauVI ] eyh BUpiq rwxy rMg idn cwir suhwvxw ] eyhu mwieAw rMgu ksuMB iKn mih lih jwvxw ] clidAw nwil n clY isir pwp lY jwvxw ] jW pkiV clwieAw kwil qW Krw frwvxw ] Eh vylw hiQ n AwvY iPir pCuqwvxw ]6]

somvwr, 19 BwdoN (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg: 644)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

sloku m3 ]

jy koeI mnu`K ic`q lgw ky syvw kry, qW siqgurU dI d`sI syvw zrUr Pl lWdI hY; mn-ie`iCAw Pl imldw hY, AhMkwr mn ivcoN dUr huMdw hYY; gurU dI d`sI kwr mwieAw dy bMDnW nMU qoVdI hY bMDnW qoN ^ulwsI ho jWdI hY qy s`cy hrI ivc mnu`K smwieAw rihMdw hY [ ies sMswr ivc hrI dw nwm durl`B hY, siqgurU dy snmuK mnu`K dy mn ivc Aw ky v`sdw hY; hy nwnk! AwK- mYN sdky hW auhnW qoN, jo Awpxy siqgurU dI d`sI kwr krdy hn[1[ mnmuK dw mn aus dy kwbU qoN bwhr hY, ikauNik auh mwieAw ivc jw ky l`gw hoieAw hY; is`tw ieh hY ik aus nMU supny ivc BI suK nhIN imldw, aus dI aumr sdw d`uK ivc hI guzrdI hY[ Anykw pMifq lok pVH pVH ky qy is`D smwDIAW lw lw ky Q`k gey hn, keI krm kr ky Q`k gey hn; pVHn nwl qy smwDIAW nwl ieh mn kwbU nhIN AwauNdw[ ByK krn vwly mnu`K (Bwv, swDU lok) keI ByK kr ky qy ATwhT qIrQW qy nHw ky Q`k gey hn; haumYN qy Brm ivc Bu`ly hoieAW nMU mn dI swr nhIN AweI[ v@fy Bwg nwl siqgurU dI ikrpw dy rwhIN Bau aupjdw hY qy mn ivc Aw ky v`sdw hY; hrI dw Bau aupijAW hI, qy haumYN siqgurU dy Sbd nwl swV ky hI mn v`s ivc AwauNdw hY[ jo mnu`K joqI-pRBU ivc AwpxI ibRqI imlw ky s`cy ivc rMgy gey hn, auh inrml ho gey hn; pr hy nwnk! siqgurU dy imilAW hI nwm imldw hY qy suK ivc smweI huMdI hY[2[ rwijAW qy rwixAW dy ieh rMg cwr idnW (Bwv, QoVy icr leI soBnIk huMdy hn; mwieAw dw ieh rMg ksuMBy dw rMg hY Bwv, ksuMBy vWg iCn-BMgur hY), iCn mwqR ivc lih jweygw, sMswr qoN qurn vyly mwieAw nwl nhIN jWdI, pr ies dy kwrx kIqy pwp Awpxy isr qy lY jweIdy hn[ jdoN jm-kwl ny PV ky A`gy lw ilAw, qW jIv fwFw BY-BIq huMdw hY; mnu`K-jnm vwlw auh smw Pyr imldw nhIN, ies vwsqy pCuqwauNdw hY[6[

English Translation :


Service to the True Guru is fruitful and rewarding, if one performs it with his mind focused on it. The fruits of the minds desires are obtained, and egotism departs from within. His bonds are broken, and he is liberated; he remains absorbed in the True Lord. It is so difficult to obtain the Naam in this world; it comes to dwell in the mind of the Gurmukh. O Nanak, I am a sacrifice to one who serves his True Guru. || 1 || THIRD MEHL: The mind of the self-willed manmukh is so very stubborn; it is stuck in the love of duality. He does not find peace, even in dreams; he passes his life in misery and suffering. The Pandits have grown weary of going door to door, reading and reciting their scriptures; the Siddhas have gone into their trances of Samaadhi. This mind cannot be controlled; they are tired of performing religious rituals. The impersonators have grown weary of wearing false costumes, and bathing at the sixty-eight sacred shrines. They do not know the state of their own minds; they are deluded by doubt and egotism. By Gurus Grace, the Fear of God is obtained; by great good fortune, the Lord comes to abide in the mind. When the Fear of God comes, the mind is restrained, and through the Word of the Shabad, the ego is burnt away. Those who are imbued with Truth are immaculate; their light merges in the Light. Meeting the True Guru, one obtains the Name; O Nanak, he is absorbed in peace. || 2 || PAUREE: The pleasures of kings and emperors are pleasing, but they last for only a few days. These pleasures of Maya are like the color of the safflower, which wears off in a moment. They do not go with him when he departs; instead, he carries the load of sins upon his head. When death seizes him, and marches him away, then he looks absolutely hideous. That lost opportunity will not come into his hands again, and in the end, he regrets and repents. || 6 ||

Monday, 19th Bhaadon (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 644)


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soriT mhlw 5 Gru 2 dupdy

<> siqgur pRswid ]

sgl bnspiq mih bYsMqru sgl dUD mih GIAw ] aUc nIc mih joiq smwxI Git Git mwDau jIAw ]1] sMqhu Git Git rihAw smwihE ] pUrn pUir rihE srb mih jil Qil rmeIAw AwihE ]1] rhwau ] gux inDwn nwnku jsu gwvY siqguir Brmu cukwieE ] srb invwsI sdw Alypw sB mih rihAw smwieE ]2]1]29]

mMglvwr, 20 BwdoN (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg: 617)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

soriT mhlw 5 Gru 2 dupdy

<> siqgur pRswid ]

hy BweI! ijvyN sB bUitAW ivc A`g (gupq mOjUd) hY, ijvyN hryk iksm dy du`D ivc iGau (m`Kx) gupq mOjUd hY, iqvyN cMgy mMdy sB jIvW ivc pRBU dI joiq smweI hoeI hY, prmwqmw hryk srIr ivc hY, sB jIvW ivc hY [1[hy sMq jno! prmwqmw hryk srIr ivc mOjUd hY [ auh pUrI qrHW swry jIvW ivc ivAwpk hY, auh sohxw rwm pwxI ivc hY DrqI ivc hY [1[rhwau[hy BweI! nwnk (aus) guxW dy ^zwny prmwqmw dI is&iq-swlwh dw gIq gWdw hY [ gurU ny (nwnk dw) BulyKw dUr kr id`qw hY (qWhIeyN nwnk XkIn hY ik) prmwqmw sB jIvW ivc v`sdw hY (iPr BI) sdw (mwieAw dy moh qoN) inrlyp hY, sB jIvW ivc smw irhw hY [2[1[29[

English Translation :



Fire is contained in all firewood, and butter is contained in all milk. Gods Light is contained in the high and the low; the Lord is in the hearts of all beings. || 1 || O Saints, He is pervading and permeating each and every heart. The Perfect Lord is completely permeating everyone, everywhere; He is diffused in the water and the land. || 1 || Pause || Nanak sings the Praises of the Lord, the treasure of excellence; the True Guru has dispelled his doubt. The Lord is pervading everywhere, permeating all, and yet, He is unattached from all. || 2 || 1 || 29 ||

Tuesday, 20th Bhaadon (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 617)


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soriT mhlw 5 ]

bKisAw pwrbRhm prmysir sgly rog ibdwry ] gur pUry kI srxI aubry kwrj sgl svwry ]1] hir jin ismirAw nwm ADwir ] qwpu auqwirAw siqguir pUrY ApxI ikrpw Dwir ] rhwau ] sdw AnMd krh myry ipAwry hir goivdu guir rwiKAw ] vfI vifAweI nwnk krqy kI swcu sbdu siq BwiKAw ]2]18]46]

bu`Dvwr, 21 BwdoN (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg: 620)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

soriT mhlw 5 ]

hy BweI! pwrbRhm prmysr ny ijs syvk au~qy b^SS kIqI, aus dy swry rog ausny dUr kr id`qy[ jyhVy BI mnu`K gurU dI Srn pYNdy hn, auh du`KW-klySW qoN bc jWdy hn[ gurU auhnW dy swry kMm svwr dyNdw hY[1[ hy BweI! prmwqmw dy ijs syvk ny prmwqmw dw nwm ismirAw, nwm dy Awsry ivc Awpxy Awp nMU qoirAw, pUry gurU ny AwpxI ikrpw kr ky aus dw qwp lwh id`qw[rhwau[ hy myry ipAwry BweI! gurU dI Srn pY ky AsI BI sdw AwnMd mwxdy hW[ hir goibMd nMU gurU ny hI qwp qoN bcwieAw hY[ hy nwnk! isrjxhwr krqwr v`fIAW qwkqW dw mwlk hY[ aus sdw-iQr pRBU dI is&iq swlwh dw Sbd hI aucwrnw cwhIdw hY[ gurU ny ieh shI bcn aucwirAw hY TIk aupdyS id`qw hY[2[18[46[

English Translation :


The Supreme Lord God, the Transcendent Lord, has forgiven me, and all diseases have been cured. Those who come to the Sanctuary of the True Guru are saved, and all their affairs are resolved. || 1 || The Lords humble servant meditates in remembrance on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; this is his only support. The Perfect True Guru extended His Mercy, and the fever has been dispelled. || Pause || So celebrate and be happy, my beloveds the Guru has saved Hargobind. Great is the glorious greatness of the Creator, O Nanak; True is the Word of His Shabad, and True is the sermon of His Teachings. || 2 || 18 || 46 ||

Wednesday, 21st Bhaadon (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 620)


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Today’s Hukamnama is from Ang 709 of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib.

slok ]



rsnw aucrMiq nwmM sRvxM sunMiq sbd AMimRqh ]

rasnaa uchrant naamaN sarvanaN sunant sabad amritah.

With my tongue, I chant the Lord’s Name; with my ears,

I listen to the Ambrosial Word of His Shabad.

nwnk iqn sd bilhwrM ijnw iDAwnu pwrbRhmxh ]1]

naanak tin sad balihaaraN jinaa Dhi-aan paarbrahmaneh. ||1||

Nanak is forever a sacrifice to those who meditate on

the Supreme Lord God. ||1||

hiB kUVwvy kMm ieksu sweI bwhry ]

habh koorhaavay kamm ikas saa-ee baahray.

All concerns are false, except those of the One Lord.

nwnk syeI DMnu ijnw iprhVI sc isau ]2]

naanak say-ee Dhan jinaa pirharhee sach si-o. ||2||

O Nanak, blessed are those, who are in love with their True Lord. ||2||

pauVI ]



sd bilhwrI iqnw ij sunqy hir kQw ]

sad balihaaree tinaa je suntay har kathaa.

I am forever a sacrifice to those who listen to the sermon of the Lord.

pUry qy prDwn invwvih pRB mQw ]

pooray tay parDhaan nivaaveh parabh mathaa.

Those who bow their heads before God are perfect and distinguished.

hir jsu ilKih byAMq sohih sy hQw ]

har jas likheh bay-ant soheh say hathaa.

Those hands, which write the Praises of the infinite Lord are beautiful.

crn punIq pivqR cwlih pRB pQw ]

charan puneet pavitar chaaleh parabh pathaa.

Those feet which walk on God’s Path are pure and holy.

sMqW sMig auDwru sglw duKu lQw ]14]

santaaN sang uDhaar saglaa dukh lathaa. ||14||

In the Society of the Saints, they are emancipated; all their

sorrows depart. ||14||

In today’s hukam the Guru is speaking to us really simply about the benefit and promise of a single minded life. A mind, that is really focused on the experience of the divine and not too concerned with other things.

The Guru says, “With the tongue and voice talk about the Naam, about the divine identity. With the ears listen to the Shabad“, which brings the experience of Amrit, or the experience of your own deathlessness. The Guru says, “He is forever a sacrifice for those who meditate on the Transcendent One.” That notion of being a sacrifice for: what does it mean? The Guru is there to do everything in his power to help those who are truly trying to experience the divine in the state of meditation.

Then the Guru says, “all the other works that we do, don’t come to anything.” Most of what we do in our life has a very temporary outcome. We can earn money for today or money for the month. We have families, even though those families are with us our whole lives, but when we leave our body they are not with us in the experience of death. All these things that we pursue in life, do not lead to experience of truth.

When we are focusing on the identity of divinity and the truth of divinity and ourselves in the whole creation: that is the work that really means something. Guru Nanak says that the people who are in space of love and can experience truth through that love are really blessed. It’s not love for someone or love for something. It’s just the love that genuinely lives inside us. When we can be with that love and be with the truth of the divine in everything then that is a tremendous blessing.

Again the Guru is saying to those who listen to this story of this divine essence inside of everything, for people who spend their time in that way the Guru is a sacrifice to those people. So again, that notion of sacrifice, that Guru will do everything in his power to help those who really are here to listen to the story of the divine.

Those who bow their heads before the Transcendent One: the Guru says, those people are perfect and are very noble and honorable people. Those people who write about the divine essence, their hands are tremendously beautiful. So the Guru is describing what a beautiful life is: like the hands are beautiful that write about the divine essence, the people who bow to the Transcendent One are perfect and noble. So he is just giving us a vision of what the human life can be, when we are allowing ourselves to be focused on the reality of the divine inside of ourselves and inside of everything around us.

So the feet that walk this path of the divine are also very Pavitar, are also very pure. The Guru ends by saying that those who are in the company of people like this find liberation. They find liberation from pull of time and space from the play of the Maya and all of their pain, all of their sorrows, all of their sufferings just depart, just leave, just go away.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!


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soriT mhlw 5 ]

sorat(h) mehalaa 5 ||

Sorat’h, Fifth Mehla:

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa! Waheguru ji ki Fateh!

Today’s hukam is a really beautiful description of how the consciousness of the human being becomes awakened, and is a place of total surrender. And in Gurbani what the Guru will clarify is that when we come into a place of grace and we come to the experience of the Naam, it is because the Divine is smiling on us. It is not something that we can grab ourselves. It is not something that we can manipulate or control. But when the awakening happens, it is a miraculous experience where we start to feel the kindness of the Divine so present in our lives that everything is completed and taken care of for us. This is the state of consciousness that Guru Arjan is describing for us in this hukam.

sathigur poorae bhaanaa ||

When it was pleasing to the Perfect True Guru,

thaa japiaa naam ramaanaa ||

then I chanted the Naam, the Name of the Pervading Lord.

The hukam begins that when it pleases, or when it is within the will or the plans of the Perfect Teacher of Truth, then we Jap. Then we are in a continual meditative speaking and remembering of the Identity of the Divine. And when the Creator is kind and is showing kindness to us, then that Transcendent One brings protection and honor into our lives. So it is a reciprocal communication between the individual and the transcendental consciousness of the Divine that we call God. And it is through the Guru, the Perfect Guru, that we actually begin to relate, meditatively repeat, the Naam or the Name of God. What that means is to be in a remembrance always of the fact that the Universe is an expression of the identity of the Divine. Through the Guru we come into that place in continual remembrance or continual repetition of seeing that Divine identity. And then when that Universe that we are seeing, that Universal Creator that we are perceiving and repeating, when that energy then responds with kindness toward us, it is because the Guru has taken us to that place. Then all of a sudden that energy comes into our lives and protects us completely and covers us. So it is a very subtle relationship that the Guru gives us between inability to remember the Creator and for the Creator to kindly come into our lives, and have a tremendously positive effect on our lives.

har kae charan sadhaa sukhadhaaee ||

the Lord’s feet are forever peace-giving

Charan is feet. Har is the Divine Essence within the Creation, that surrounds the Creation. And in other explanations I have talked about how Charan, the feet, is also the connection to the subtle body. So when we are in the experience of the feet of God or we are relating to the subtlety of the Divine Essence, that is an energy that gives us peace always. The guru is directing our mind about how to live life and how to complete our affairs keeping our minds focused on the feet of God. Keeping our mind focused on the subtlety of divinity– that is what brings peace into our lives.

jo eishhehi soee fal paavehi birathhee aas n jaaee ||1|| rehaao ||

Whatever fruit one desires, he receives; his hopes shall not go in vain. ||1||Pause||

He takes it further and he says: Everything that you have a longing for when you are in the space of relating to the subtelty of the Divine, then all of the fruits that you need and that will satisfy the longing that you have, will come to you, and there there is no pain and no hope that will go unanswered by the Creator. So all of your anxiety is answered and all of your hopes will b answered by the Creator. There is nothing that isn’t taken care of. We have a habit in our daily lives, to hustle and to hassle, that we need to be the doer that we have to take care of things. But what Guru is describing is this beautiful relationship; that the Guru can guide us to where all we have to do is repeat meditatively the Naam and then that creative energy of the universe comes in and takes care of everything for us.

kirapaa karae jis praanapath dhaathaa soee sa(n)th gun gaavai ||

That Saint, unto whom the Lord of Life, the Great Giver, extends His Mercy - he alone sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

He goes on talking about this state of consciousness. It always comes back to this experience of kindness when we start to feel the presence of the Divine in our lives. It is tremendously compassionate and kind and loving. It is never a vengeful energy. It is never a judging energy. It is simply a pure kindness.

praem bhagath thaa kaa man leenaa paarabreham man bhaavai ||2||

His soul is absorbed in loving devotional worship; his mind is pleasing to the Supreme Lord God. ||2||

And in the next line, Guru Arjan says that when kindness of the Divine, the one who gives to us and the One who gives us the breath of life, when that kindness that comes into our lives, then those are the people, through the kindness, who are the sants, the role models; and they sing about the virtues of God. It is a powerful statement, because a lot of people will imitate religious feelings or spiritual awareness and understanding in order to get attention or fulfill some ego needs that they have. But the real state of the sant is the state of the person who is receiving the kindness from the Divine. So it is never what you and your ego can project and create for yourself. It is only the awareness that the kindness of the Creator brings into your life. From that kindness there is a true soul singing that can talk about the virtues and the beauty of what that Divine power is and how it can take care of us. He is talking more about this and how that kindness leads to the state of this very beautiful and subtle love.

The mind becomes really merged into the experience of the love, that as we begin to develop this conscious relationship with the Creator. You know love can never be this thing you can command yourself to do. Love has to come from a place that is the deepest part in side of you has nothing to do with what your mind thinks or your mind wants or tells you should or you shouldn’t. So Gurun Arjan is saying we have to have this subtle relationshp with the Creator. That Love can grow, and that is what brings us to that place of being bhagat, we become a devotee. So the mind becomes compeltely absorbed in this love and devotion. The mind that becomes compeltely absorbed, that mind becomes very pleasing to the Creator. All the human incarnations– there is a purpose. The purpose is to bring us to that experience of Divine Love or Transcendent Love. And that is something that the Guru is a sacrifice for, that the Creator really enjoys. So the mind that is in that state of devotion becomes very pleasing to God. Then our own mind, it is not just a moment in time when we feel the love and we fee the connetion. It then becomes something we experience throughout the day,

aat(h) pehar har kaa jas ravanaa bikhai t(h)agouree laathhee ||

Twenty-four hours a day, he chants the Praises of the Lord, and the bitter poison does not affect him.

So throughout all the hours of the day we are talking about the Divine, and appreciating the Divine, and praising the Divine. The mind doesn’t get caught in being negative about what is happening in its day to day life. It sees everything as the work of the One, as the reality of the One. as the Will of the One. So the only thing to speak about whenthe mind is immersed in that love about it the gratitude of hwo wonderful this Divine play is and this Divine energy is.

sa(n)g milaae leeaa maerai karathai sa(n)th saadhh bheae saathhee ||3||

My Creator Lord has united me with Himself, and the Holy Saints have become my companions. ||3||

Then thagouree laathee, thagouree is an herb that makes you an <banned word filter activated> essentialy. Your senses no longer work properly. The five poisons in Gurbani are related to the notion of the herb that makes us senseless. Inside of us we have these poisons that make us incapable of perceiving reality. But in every moment we are speaking of then the effect of those poisons starts to dissipate and go away. And then through the power of the Divine, through the power of the Divine, the Doer, Kartar the Doer, we come to meet other people who are also having this experience. So it isn’t just that we alone, if we are blessed, can come into this consciousness; but through the hand of God, we get to be in the company of other people who also have this consciousness. These people become our social reality as well. Even our social reality starts to change.

kar gehi leenae sarabas dheenae aapehi aap milaaeiaa ||

Taking me by the hand, He has given me everything, and blended me with Himself.

kahu naanak sarab thhok pooran pooraa sathigur paaeiaa ||4||15||79||

Says Nanak, everything has been perfectly resolved; I have found the Perfect True Guru. ||4||15||79||

And in the last line it is really beautiful and so hopeful–what Guru Arjan talks about is: The Creator takes me by the hand and everything is given to me and I intermix my being with that Divinity. Rather than have a sense of fear or lack, all of a sudden we exchange our energy with Divine energy. Everything is a gift. We experience life as a total gift. And in that experience, Guru is going to say: Then all of my affairs, all of my karmas and all the work I have to do in this lifetime come into this perfect completion, become perfectly completed, and this is domething that the Sat Guru,, the Perfect Guru helps us to experience and realize. So we can live our lives hustling and hastling or we can work with the energy of the Guru and allow the Guru to open us up tpexperience of the Divine in a very subtle way. Allow the love inside of us to grow because of that experience. And then see that by the Hand of God, all of our affairs are arranged for us, and get completed. Living in the of God and Guru, and this is also a possibility. This reality counts as the most beaurtiful experience of awakening consciousness that we can have as a human. And when this experience, comes it is not because we demanded it or our intellect has But because we have earned it. It is a kindness that is bestowed on us by the Creator.

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa! Waheguru ji ki Fateh!

siqgur pUry Bwxw ]

sathigur poorae bhaanaa ||

When it was pleasing to the Perfect True Guru,

qw jipAw nwmu rmwxw ]

thaa japiaa naam ramaanaa ||

then I chanted the Naam, the Name of the Pervading Lord.

goibMd ikrpw DwrI ]

gobi(n)dh kirapaa dhhaaree ||

The Lord of the Universe extended His Mercy to me,

pRiB rwKI pYj hmwrI ]1]

prabh raakhee paij hamaaree ||1||

and God saved my honor. ||1||

hir ky crn sdw suKdweI ]

har kae charan sadhaa sukhadhaaee ||

the Lord’s feet are forever peace-giving

jo ieCih soeI Plu pwvih ibrQI Aws n jweI ]1] rhwau ]

jo eishhehi soee fal paavehi birathhee aas n jaaee ||1|| rehaao ||

Whatever fruit one desires, he receives; his hopes shall not go in vain. ||1||Pause||

ik®pw kry ijsu pRwnpiq dwqw soeI sMqu gux gwvY ]

kirapaa karae jis praanapath dhaathaa soee sa(n)th gun gaavai ||

That Saint, unto whom the Lord of Life, the Great Giver, extends His Mercy - he alone sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

pRym Bgiq qw kw mnu lIxw pwrbRhm min BwvY ]2]

praem bhagath thaa kaa man leenaa paarabreham man bhaavai ||2||

His soul is absorbed in loving devotional worship; his mind is pleasing to the Supreme Lord God. ||2||

AwT phr hir kw jsu rvxw ibKY TgaurI lwQI ]

aat(h) pehar har kaa jas ravanaa bikhai t(h)agouree laathhee ||

Twenty-four hours a day, he chants the Praises of the Lord, and the bitter poison does not affect him.

sMig imlwie lIAw myrY krqY sMq swD Bey swQI ]3]

sa(n)g milaae leeaa maerai karathai sa(n)th saadhh bheae saathhee ||3||

My Creator Lord has united me with Himself, and the Holy Saints have become my companions. ||3||

kru gih lIny srbsu dIny Awpih Awpu imlwieAw ]

kar gehi leenae sarabas dheenae aapehi aap milaaeiaa ||

Taking me by the hand, He has given me everything, and blended me with Himself.

khu nwnk srb Qok pUrn pUrw siqguru pwieAw ]4]15]79]

kahu naanak sarab thhok pooran pooraa sathigur paaeiaa ||4||15||79||

Says Nanak, everything has been perfectly resolved; I have found the Perfect True Guru. ||4||15||79||

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soriT mhlw 5 ]

ismir ismir pRB Bey Andw duK klys siB nwTy ] gun gwvq iDAwvq pRBu Apnw kwrj sgly sWTy ]1] jgjIvn nwmu qumwrw ] gur pUry dIE aupdysw jip Baujlu pwir auqwrw ] rhwau ] qUhY mMqRI sunih pRB qUhY sBu ikCu krxYhwrw ] qU Awpy dwqw Awpy Bugqw ikAw iehu jMqu ivcwrw ]2] ikAw gux qyry AwiK vKwxI kImiq khxu n jweI ] pyiK pyiK jIvY pRBu Apnw Acrju qumih vfweI ]3] Dwir AnugRhu Awip pRB smI piq miq kInI pUrI ] sdw sdw nwnk bilhwrI bwCau sMqw DUrI ]4]13]63]

somvwr, 26 BwdoN (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg : 625)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

soriT mhlw 5 ]

hy pRBU qyrw nwm ismr ismr ky ismrn krn vwly mnu`K pRsMn-ic`q ho jWdy hn, auhnW dy AMdroN swry du`K-klyS dUr ho jWdy hn[ hy BweI! v@f-BwgI mnu`K Awpxy pRBU dy gux gWidAW Aqy aus dw iDAwn DridAW Awpxy swry kMm svwr lYNdy hn[1[hy pRBU! qyrw nwm jgq dy jIvW nMU Awqmk jIvn dyx vwlw hY[ pUry siqgurU ny ijs mnu`K nMU qyrw nwm ismrn dw aupdyS id`qw, auh mnu`K nwm jp ky sMswr-smuMdr qoN pwr lMG igAw[1[rhwau[ hy pRBU! qMU Awp hI Awpxw slwhkwr hYN, qMU Awp hI hryk jIv nMU dwqW dyx vwlw hYN, qMU Awp hI hryk jIv ivc bYTw pdwrQW nMMU Bogx vwlw hYN[ ies jIv dI koeI pWieAW nhIN hY[2[ hy pRBU! mY qyry gux AwK ky ibAwn krn jogw nhIN hW[ qyrI kdr-kImq d`sI nhIN jw skdI[ qyrw vf`px hYrwn kr dyx vwlw hY[ hy BweI! mnu`K Awpxy pRBU dw drSn kr kr ky Awqmk jIvn pRwpq kr lYNdw hY[3[ hy pRBU! hy suAwmI! qMU Awp hI jIv auqy ikrpw kr ky aus nMU lok prlok ivc ie`zq b^Sdw hYN, aus nMu pUrI Akl dy dyNdw hYN[ hy nwnk! AwK-hy pRBU! mYN sdw hI qYQoN kurbwn jWdw hW[ mYN qyry dr qoN sMq jnW dy crnW dI DUV mMgdW hW[4[13[63[

English Translation :


Remembering, remembering God in meditation, bliss ensues, and one is rid of all suffering and pain. Singing the Glorious Praises of God, and meditating on Him, all my affairs are brought into harmony. || 1 || Your Name is the Life of the world. The Perfect Guru has taught me, that by meditating, I cross over the terrifying world-ocean. || Pause || You are Your own advisor; You hear everything, God, and You do everything. You Yourself are the Giver, and You Yourself are the Enjoyer. What can this poor creature do? || 2 || Which of Your Glorious Virtues should I describe and speak of? Your value cannot be described. I live by beholding, beholding You, O God. Your glorious greatness is wonderful and amazing! || 3 || Granting His Grace, God my Lord and Master Himself saved my honor, and my intellect has been made perfect. Forever and ever, Nanak is a sacrifice, longing for the dust of the feet of the Saints. || 4 || 13 || 63 ||

Monday, 26th Bhaadon (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 625)


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soriT mhlw 5 ]

ismir ismir pRB Bey Andw duK klys siB nwTy ] gun gwvq iDAwvq pRBu Apnw kwrj sgly sWTy ]1] jgjIvn nwmu qumwrw ] gur pUry dIE aupdysw jip Baujlu pwir auqwrw ] rhwau ] qUhY mMqRI sunih pRB qUhY sBu ikCu krxYhwrw ] qU Awpy dwqw Awpy Bugqw ikAw iehu jMqu ivcwrw ]2] ikAw gux qyry AwiK vKwxI kImiq khxu n jweI ] pyiK pyiK jIvY pRBu Apnw Acrju qumih vfweI ]3] Dwir AnugRhu Awip pRB smI piq miq kInI pUrI ] sdw sdw nwnk bilhwrI bwCau sMqw DUrI ]4]13]63]

mMglvwr, 27 BwdoN (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg : 625)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

soriT mhlw 5 ]

hy pRBU qyrw nwm ismr ismr ky ismrn krn vwly mnu`K pRsMn-ic`q ho jWdy hn, auhnW dy AMdroN swry du`K-klyS dUr ho jWdy hn[ hy BweI! v@f-BwgI mnu`K Awpxy pRBU dy gux gWidAW Aqy aus dw iDAwn DridAW Awpxy swry kMm svwr lYNdy hn[1[hy pRBU! qyrw nwm jgq dy jIvW nMU Awqmk jIvn dyx vwlw hY[ pUry siqgurU ny ijs mnu`K nMU qyrw nwm ismrn dw aupdyS id`qw, auh mnu`K nwm jp ky sMswr-smuMdr qoN pwr lMG igAw[1[rhwau[ hy pRBU! qMU Awp hI Awpxw slwhkwr hYN, qMU Awp hI hryk jIv nMU dwqW dyx vwlw hYN, qMU Awp hI hryk jIv ivc bYTw pdwrQW nMMU Bogx vwlw hYN[ ies jIv dI koeI pWieAW nhIN hY[2[ hy pRBU! mY qyry gux AwK ky ibAwn krn jogw nhIN hW[ qyrI kdr-kImq d`sI nhIN jw skdI[ qyrw vf`px hYrwn kr dyx vwlw hY[ hy BweI! mnu`K Awpxy pRBU dw drSn kr kr ky Awqmk jIvn pRwpq kr lYNdw hY[3[ hy pRBU! hy suAwmI! qMU Awp hI jIv auqy ikrpw kr ky aus nMU lok prlok ivc ie`zq b^Sdw hYN, aus nMu pUrI Akl dy dyNdw hYN[ hy nwnk! AwK-hy pRBU! mYN sdw hI qYQoN kurbwn jWdw hW[ mYN qyry dr qoN sMq jnW dy crnW dI DUV mMgdW hW[4[13[63[

English Translation :


Remembering, remembering God in meditation, bliss ensues, and one is rid of all suffering and pain. Singing the Glorious Praises of God, and meditating on Him, all my affairs are brought into harmony. || 1 || Your Name is the Life of the world. The Perfect Guru has taught me, that by meditating, I cross over the terrifying world-ocean. || Pause || You are Your own advisor; You hear everything, God, and You do everything. You Yourself are the Giver, and You Yourself are the Enjoyer. What can this poor creature do? || 2 || Which of Your Glorious Virtues should I describe and speak of? Your value cannot be described. I live by beholding, beholding You, O God. Your glorious greatness is wonderful and amazing! || 3 || Granting His Grace, God my Lord and Master Himself saved my honor, and my intellect has been made perfect. Forever and ever, Nanak is a sacrifice, longing for the dust of the feet of the Saints. || 4 || 13 || 63 ||

Tuesday, 27th Bhaadon (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi)


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DnwsrI bwxI Bgq nwmdyv jI kI

<> siqgur pRswid ]

ghrI kir kY nIv KudweI aUpir mMfp Cwey ]

mwrkMfy qy ko AiDkweI ijin iqRx Dir mUMf blwey ]1]

hmro krqw rwmu snyhI ]

kwhy ry nr grbu krq hhu ibnis jwie JUTI dyhI ]1] rhwau ]

myrI myrI kYrau krqy durjoDn sy BweI ]

bwrh jojn CqRü clY Qw dyhI igrJn KweI ]2]

srb suoien kI lµkw hoqI rwvn sy AiDkweI ]

khw BieE dir bWDy hwQI iKn mih BeI prweI ]3]

durbwsw isau krq TgaurI jwdv ey Pl pwey ]

ik®pw krI jn Apuny aUpr nwmdyau hir gun gwey ]4]1]

Dhanaasaree, The Word Of devotee Naam Dayv Jee:

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

They dig deep foundations, and build lofty palaces.

Can anyone live longer than Markanda, who passed his days with only a handful of straw upon his head? ||1||

The Creator Lord is our only friend.

O man, why are you so proud? This body is only temporary - it shall pass away. ||1||Pause||

The Kaurvas, who had brothers like Duryodhan, used to proclaim, ""This is ours! This is ours!""

Their royal procession extended over sixty miles, and yet their bodies were eaten by vultures. ||2||

Sri Lanka was totally rich with gold; was anyone greater than its ruler Raavan?

What happened to the elephants, tethered at his gate? In an instant, it all belonged to someone else. ||3||

The Yaadvas deceived Durbaasaa, and received their rewards.

The Lord has shown mercy to His humble servant, and now Naam Dayv sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||4||1||


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iblwvlu mhlw 5 ]

kru Dir msqik QwipAw nwmu dIno dwin ]

sPl syvw pwrbRhm kI qw kI nhI hwin ]1]

Awpy hI pRBu rwKqw Bgqn kI Awin ]

jo jo icqvih swD jn so lyqw mwin ]1] rhwau ]

srix pry crxwribMd jn pRB ky pRwn ]

shij suBwie nwnk imly joqI joiq smwn ]2]2]66]

Bilaaval, Fifth Mehla:

Placing His Hand upon my forehead, God has given me the gift of His Name.

One who performs fruitful service for the Supreme Lord God, never suffers any loss. ||1||

God Himself saves the honor of His devotees.

Whatever God's Holy servants wish for, He grants to them. ||1||Pause||

God's humble servants seek the Sanctuary of His Lotus Feet; they are God's very breath of life.

O Nanak, they automatically, intuitively meet God; their light merges into the Light. ||2||2||66||

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