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vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

Its been a couple of months at school, and theyve told me to remove my kara in p.e so i said no, from there the suituation had become worser...the gurdwara rang the school and spoke to the key stage managar( the person incharge of my year)

So a meeting has been arranged at the gurdwara with the key stage manager and somebody from the gurdwara on wednesday next week!....well its going to go to court IVE BEEN TOLD!... i think its soo stupid...as muslim girls wear their headscafes with pins in!...only because theres not many sikhs they feel they can say what they please!

....but when this KAUR! gets involved i dont think so!....all the other teachers let me do p.e but 1 of the teachers who is the head she cant take it so thats why its going this far.....SUX!

But im not going to backdown!....as they cant get me to remove my kara!

juts thought id let everybody know!...and with guru ji's kirpa eevryhting wil be ok


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why do they want you to remove the kara? Is it because it can cause injury to the other while being in a physical activity? I read on this forum someone gave advice to wear a sweat band sweatband.jpg over your kara.

seems like a good solution if its the case of causing physical injury to others.

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the band thing is a gud idea if for gym

if for other reeasons be like tkake away scissors, proctractors, etc

they cal allc ause damage

if they say a kara is different

say y?

its purpose is not to hurt innocent people

bhula chuka maf


I guess they could argue back that they are not used in physical exercise, unless you carry a protractor or scissors with you while doing a physical activity.

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Bhaen Jee or Bha Jee,

Really shocked to hear what you're having to face. Which country are you in? If in UK, which City are you in? If you let people on this forum know - I'm sure loads of people would be willing to help make representations to your school. It might also be good to get a politically recognised organistion involved, like Sikh Federation (if you're in UK).

If you can provide more details, I'm sure that a good legal team could get sorted out, to really scare the crap out of your school!!! And also, make sure the Gurudwara representative is well educated and can present Sikhi views across to the school well in a professional manner.

In anticipation of more info.

Bhul Chuk Maaf


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Well im in the u.k in Nuneaton which is near Coventry, and the thing is they wont let us wear sweatbands!!! ...

...im going to try and compromise by saying wearigna a smaller kara and covering it with a sweatband!

but lets juts say this teacher is not going to back down!

... its so unfair...how i get treated though :)

fateh x

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Well im in the u.k in Nuneaton which is near Coventry, and the thing is they wont let us wear sweatbands!!! ...

...im going to try and compromise by saying wearigna a smaller kara and covering it with a sweatband!

but lets juts say this teacher is not going to back down!

... its so unfair...how i get treated though :)

fateh x


please email all_info@hotmail.com and we will sort out the problem for you. We will visit your school or phone them and speak to them. Just email in the full set of details and a contact number for you (if you dont mind someone from the team calling you) or jst email address we can contact you on.

We will help you on this! Have no worry bout that! If one of the guys with more experience and knowledge isnt able to, then i will myself come and speak to your school! Could do with a day of sick.... *rolling my eyes lookin at the camera above me!!*


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Guest Lohgarh Singh

wjkk wjkf

I read on this forum someone gave advice to wear a sweat band  over your kara.

heheheh that was me! wen b4 i changed my name from iron arm

glad sum1 reads n remembers wat i write :):) :cool:

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