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Suggestions / Improvements For Hyde Park 2009 Programme


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Just thought we should start a thread as to what should happen for the June 2009 Hyde Park event. Hopefully, some of the event organisers will take see this thread and take some of the comments of the sangat on board and make this forthcoming event a great success in getting our message across.

I'll start with SaRpAnCh's idea which was posted in the Hyde Park 2008 Event thread.

* All should wear black clothes, imagine if thousands of people were dressed the same and held candles in their hands. The Media would be there straight away. On-lookers would pay more positive attention and understand this is some sort of mourning.

* Have a few funeral cars leading march with caskets saying "20;000 Sikhs murdered in 1984" etc

* Having better banners which address the reason we are there.

* Have English speakers addressing public on loud speakers throughout the whole march. No point shouting out Sikhi slogans as on-lookers don’t understand them. We are there to create awareness.

* Invite the Jews or Tibetans, and have them march with us against genocide. That creates more attention and helps spread the message.

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With the coffins/funeral boxes, we made those i think on the 20th anniversary. They were really effective, unfortunetly we didnt get media attention cus i think on the the ex american presidents died on the same day or something like that? The people carrying them also had their mouths gagged with cloth which had the words 'THE DEAD HAVE NO VOICE' written on them. Pics are on the net somewhere.

Problems we had with all this was mainly to do with the organisers. The comments we received were that it was 'beadbi' to be carrying coffins (they werent real coffins, we had to make 20 of them by chopping, sawing and hammering wood together! They also didnt want the coffins to go at the front as that was where the organisers should stand!! (im talking about the FSO guys here). Overall they tried to make it difficult, but they were told politely cough where to go and problem was resolved. However this kind of mentality may come again, as it still the same people.

We have also used sandwich boards (the ones you wear over ur shoulders with a message on the front and the back) in the past which were also very effective. They were i think A2 size and had a number of messages on them again pics are on the net somewhere, we had little kids walking about 8 in a line holding hands with around 8 or 9 lines in total i think. very very effective, even the cops said that they thought the message was very hard hitting. unfortunetly we had the same mentaility from the jathedhars. but oh well.

With the black clothes, my mum told me how in the past they would do exactly that. all the women would dress in black suits and black chunnis and go to the march like that.

Candles wont work as is broad daylight and the wind will simply blow them out especially when its a moving protest.

New english slogans have been used in the past, but people just seem more comfortable shouting the good old ones and arent as loud or enthusiastic trying the new ones. But needs to be done.

One thing i will say is that we need to decide what the PURPOSE of the march is.

Is it to create awareness and educate the bystanders?

Is it to send a message to India?

Is it both of the above?

this year was a confused mess, with no real message coming out and no real purpose. Before we start making plans on what to do, we need to seriously think WHY we are doing it. the strategy you adopt will depend on the purposes you decide.

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Black roses? maybe

We need to bring the 2007 rally and 2006 one together in to one single rally ie: 25th rally, they both had good points we just need to join the two,and don;t listen to what the old men say,we're the future not them.We all know they ain't going to do nothing so it's down to us for innovative ideas.

Maybe something like this:


Similar to the protests against Guantanamo bay ,orange bolier suits ,Sikhs could stand on a tralier in front of the gallows, or with their hands tied as a visual reminder this will have a great effect on the mind of not only our community but the rest of London who sees it

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The aims of the rally would be to

*Send a message to India

*Inform Our Community and the World ,as you know most of the Qoum is asleep 15% is awake

*Right to self determination - Khalistan - without this there is no point in the event this is a must,the event must promote Sikh Freedom ,while outlining why we need and want freedom.

Operations like WoodRose,should be highlighted like in the pic above ,and other operations like Shudi Karan should be highlighted through simple striking pictures of Sikh Women who have been through it.

Bluestar should be shown with new posters like on NeverForget84.Com where one has the whole complex on fire with a tank in the Parkarma im sure the PhotoShopers here can make pictures to capture the atmospehere during bluestar in a poster.

Slogans at certain points of the march need to be co ordinated ie: at Trocadero on the corner - Slogans like 'Never Forget ' everyone replies 84!,Or Khalistan Zindabad! all at the same time so all of the thousands of Sikhs who are there are in ONE SINGLE VOICE which shakes London.

Not like now where we have several slogans at once in Panjabi/English don;t make sense ,all Sikhs must reply to the slogans or there is no point in shouting them,we need proper loud speakers not the old 1's new advanced ones.

The young kids should have their own section ie: 5- 12 yr olds in lines like in 2006 this will attract loads of media news and so on,also a message to India about our new generations waking up.

Key words:

Genocide,Death,Destruction,Fight for Freedom ,Khalistan,Ethnic Cleansing,India State Sponsored Terrorism and so on

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to completely discredit the older generation is foolish...they are more wiser than we may sometimes realise..i agree the youth are the future but we need the support of the elders...everything needs to be done with pyaar

Raju don't ask me if im Sikh or not pathetic question,this year proved how foolish our elders can be at last years August Rally outside the Indian embassy there was a 'banner competition' whos banner goes over whos,we Youth are sick of this and there competitions amongst one another.Ok im not dis crediting them tottaly BUT there is a limit to how much one can take,there is more unity amongst us Youth than the elders , they had their day back in the day as they say,now its time to step aside as they're just arguing and fighting over little things which in turn have a huge effect on the events.

August rally is comming on Indian Independece day - Urge all the Youths to come , hopefully JUST HOPEFULLY THE ELDERS CAN LEAVE THEIR BANNER COMPETITION AT HOME THIS YEAR

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