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Origen Of The 5Ks- Hindu Devtas


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this video of a Nihang Singh saying the each of the 5ks came from a hindu devtas. Like Khes from vishnu, sword from devi and khachera from hanuman. Almost every purtan granth mentioning the 5ks says it came from a hindu devta. what is the orthodox view on this and how would we respond with texts of our own saying they werent from devtas.

Nihang Baba Balli Singh Ji

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this video of a Nihang Singh saying the each of the 5ks came from a hindu devtas. Like Khes from vishnu, sword from devi and khachera from hanuman. Almost every purtan granth mentioning the 5ks says it came from a hindu devta. what is the orthodox view on this and how would we respond with texts of our own saying they werent from devtas.

Nihang Baba Balli Singh Ji

they were given by devte ..whats the point of making up your own stories?

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are you saying they were from the devtes or they werent?

Nah. They were given by Guru Gobind Singh. You can argue that nihang bana is inspired by the image of shiva, but I wouldn't go farther than that. It's the whole image of death and destruction that's so badass. I've never heard this baba ji's theory before. I'm not gonna criticize him cuz I think he's too adorable.

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Is this for real??? So accordingly to this guy, 4 of the 5 karkar came from the hindu devta but wait they forgot the 5th so Bhai Sahib Baba Deep Singh gave it to the Khalsa?? and Baba Deep Singh gave this to us after Siri Guru Gobind Singh Maharaj had already given us the complete paanj karkar??


The have to consume cannabis / intoxicants otherwise they get ill??

Waheguru, Waheguru Waheguru please give me strength

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are you saying they were from the devtes or they werent?

im saying they were given to sri guru gobind singh ji maharaaj by the devte under hukam from akaal purkh

I'm not gonna criticize him cuz I think he's too adorable.

no offence bro but who are you to criticize a farladhari akaali nihang singh anyway?..

I'd say lets use this theory for our advantage. Hindus worship the devi devte and make offerings. But the devi devte made offerings to Sikhs. WOW!

thats correct..the devi devte are desperate to take birth as gursikhs

The 5 K's were given by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

If the kachera was given by hanuman then why isn't there a tail opening for the poosh lol. Also these devtas were alive thousands of years before the time of Guru Sahiban so they are all dead. Some did good but none of them were perfect or even Sikhs. If they were alive during the time of Guru Gobind Singh Ji they would have probably (as I would think) taken Amrit from Guru Gobind Singh Ji and got blessed with the Panj Kakaar as well

bro you do know hanuman used to wear a kachera too?...and how do you know the devte are dead?.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Many of us look at these topics to literally and immaturely, we don't try and understand the superb psychology and stategy of Guru Gobind Singh bani and the writers and parcharaks of the puratan era (18th C).

How did the Khalsa panth keep getting populated and rejuvinated when it was being systematically removed from the face of the Earth by those who were threatened and in Raj?

Parcharaks drew in large numbers from the Hindu fold, by showing respect to the devtai but at the same time, showing their subservience to the Master of both Worlds - Guru Gobind Singh. Hindus are of many folds, if you take the most popular devtai (many of whose sakhiyan are actually very inspiring) and subtely enjoin/unite them under the hand of the tenth master, you open flood gates to a whole world of potential Khalsai.

Our semetic strategy of removing and insulting all non Sikh elements and proclaiming monopoly on God will never work if we want to grow the Panth and spread Sikhi.

The 'factual' element of these sakhiyan is of lesser importance, all that matters is the artth (underlying philosophy) which many of us sadly miss.

We should quit our phobias and make effort to understand more deeply the wisdom of old. You will find in many cases, it does not contradict Gurbani.

Guru Gobind Singj is said to have always carried a copy of Hanuman natak in his kamarkasa. If we bother to read the story of Hanuman, we may actually Be inspired by it and realise what it means to be a shargrid of the highest calibre - his love and devotion to his Guru/Parmatma, Sri Ramchandar was a masterclass in discipleship. We of course have are own traditions to look at and consider even more importantly like the majestic devotion of Bhai Lena to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, but that does not mean we cannot respect and also be inspired by others too.

Knowledge removes the need for low level insults and phobias of all kinds.

There cannot ever be any panthic ekta if all we do is ridicule the diversity of traditional beliefs, ithihas and traditions that exist. We don't have to agree, but at least 'try' and take something positive from them, and respect that other Guru Pyare hold those beliefs dear.

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