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Balwinder Singh

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Everything posted by Balwinder Singh

  1. Are your parents forcing you for RIGHT reasons or are they just want u to be Sikh due to social reasons? Understand the situation fully to get rid of this duality. I personally do not beleive in "forcing" as it affects the soul directly. I was in same situation when I was in my teens. I trimmed my beard and use to listen a lot from my Dad. But with time I myself started liking my beard and I grew it back. It look nice now and I love it. So I think give urself time and things will become more clear to you (in either direction). People will tend to make u emotional (by citing Guru's stories or other things) but that emotion stays for a while and after that u will face the same dilemma. So make ur decisions wisely. Also, you NOT a bad son as u r thinking too much abt ur parents. Bad people do not think this much about their parents. You are a GOOD son.
  2. "Guru Ji right in front of all cut of his head from his body in one stroke" Well I heard something else. The head was cut, but NOT in front of everybdy, People say that there was a tent. Guru ji gave amrit to Panj in that tent also.
  3. I think "singh/kaur" should only be addded after they take amrit......cuz that what guru ji originally did. right?
  4. Gandhi philosphy doesn't work everywhere or in every situation but he gave a good food for thought. His life was very open to public view. I personally do not acknowledge Gandhi methods but still he had the courage to do something which people never tried to its extreme. Finding faults in every person of this world is very easy job. We can rip apart anybdy. But still I admire Gandhi as a unique creation of the almighty.
  5. This is soooooooo beautiful. It smells like Osho, but I am not sure. Specially the last line is like soooooo true. Thanks for sharing.
  6. I am really really impressed by the answers given by Pheena ji. I need sources of all those experts in your above posts pheena ji. Now, curious veer ji, your questions are very valid and u r going in right direction. I just want to mention beforehand that NO answer will satisfy u...u have to get ur answers by urself. Like u r saying that "doing good deeds" against "naam japna". Naam Japna or "any other practise" which has a capability of making u balanced "mentally and spirtually", so that u can make unbiased decisions leads to "doing good deeds". If u r biased then there is a chance that u may do a "bad deed" but if u totally balanced ( or enlighted) then ur every action will be " good deed"....no matter what. Bad deeds become bad because of the bad intention behind the deed. So "nam japna" or simran (I am not saying here "tota rattan", I am talking about real simran) or "any other practise" which can change u internally can do miracles. So in summary, I can say, Nam Japna or any other practises are there to ensure that ur every deed become good and acceptable in Lord's court. When u r enlightened then u are like a flute played by the lord himself. "Har jio gufa andar rakh ke baja pavan bajaya."
  7. On a side note: I think u should do ur homework otherwise u wont get time to go to gurudwara
  8. IMHO you should sleep well....and try not to stay awake late at night to avoid such "brain ticklers"
  9. Why do u seprate human from God. Whats happening is God's play. Creator is in the creation itself. Its like Dancer is in Dance itself. Some people depict this with natraj....I hope i made some sense.
  10. This is new to me ....that somebdy is saying something abt Guru ji....but I have seen here a lot of "sikhs" saying derogatory stuff about hindus and their gods. They use hindu word as if its a discease and use castiest words like bahman etc. forgetting one jot in all message by Guru Gobind Singh ji.
  11. My very very sincere advise to you. DO NOT make any ASSUMPTION about him and his ego. You may be WRONG Talk to him and find out whats going on. Do not discuss with some pre-judgement in ur mind about him. Ask him innocently about ur doubts. Hope you will find something new.
  12. Sarbloh veer ji its easier said than done. People have a habit of seeing things in black / white...good/bad......etc. They can't acknowledge the diversity of the nature created by the Almighty.
  13. beign married does not mean lust is not their , people get married and divorced nowadays what about them ? Without being married also doesn't mean lust is there. God made everybdy unique.....every case is unique. You cannot generalize something in one ctegory.
  14. its again duality....light/dark. ummm does Anand has it's counter part? If anand is a state where u r mukt from duality (like happiness/sadness....or sukh /dukh) then its a grace of the Guru.
  15. Very nice reply. It means a lot if we think about it. Spirtual beings just break this duality.
  16. I agree with most part of ur post but I *think* khalsa is above all guns. Like real khalsa is above rajo,tamo and sato gun. I know that its not at all related to the topic.
  17. Nice advise. Its hard to find people whom u really like....so....I dont know.
  18. Responce to aman kaur ji: that actually can be classified as idol worshipping. I think people should first define what is idol worshiping and whats not. Also, why is it bad to worship idols.
  19. Guru fill a sikh with compassion and Love. I dont know love, so I dont know whether its an emotion or something else.
  20. I disagree with this statement about Gandhi. Can u prove ur allegation?
  21. I dont think the original poster wrote anything about "conversion"....why everybdy is thinking the issue from that angle only?
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