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47 mins of abusive comments read out by a woman who took her scarf off. very intolerant people.
- I can not believe that in the US Judges will permit people to "circumcise" female children. How soon will they legalize jihad killings?!?
interesting video about what islam thinks of non muslims, gives an idea of why some muslims treat non muslims the way they do
At my job today I met a new white muslim man. He had a very conniving look on his face and very unattractive african muslim female with him. She was shaking as she handed me the money and he laughed very VERY loudly when they left. I have noticed that white male converts to islam in the US are often the most contrarian people, looking for fights. In the one instance I met a white female convert she was extremely loud and talked fast with bouts of uncontrollable laughter, she seemed quite insane. Is this true in the UK? On another note I have notice that whites that begin to follow the Guru seem depressed. They talk very slowly and sound defeated, and often not very strong!
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Austria to shut seven 'political' mosques and expel imams
Premi5 posted a topic in WHAT'S HAPPENING? Austria has said it will close down seven mosques and expel imams who it says are funded by foreign countries. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said the move was a crackdown on political Islam. Some mosques are suspected of having links to Turkish nationalists. In April images emerged showing children in Turkish army uniforms re-enacting the World War One Battle of Gallipoli. The Turkish president's office called Austria's move "Islamophobic, racist and discriminatory". Austria to cut benefits for immigrants Austrian far-right triumph inspires nationalists Europe and the veil Presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin took to Twitter to condemn the move. -
Ironic how the author of the 10 commandments profit moses was himself an extremist terrorist and mass murderer of israelites who chose to worship the golden calf rather than his own abrahamic cult's false blood thirsty God. And one of the key 10 commandments is though shalt not kill, what did Moses end up doing? He ordered the slaying of all israelite pagan men, women, kids and babies who had renounced the bloodthirsty abrahamic God. The christians, jews and muslims like to hide the dirty evil past sins and crimes of their heros and prophets but a little research will do wonders to expose their evil sinister cults and false god.
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Right-wing hindutva's drive to reclaim indian islamic sites as hindu temples
Guest posted a topic in POLITICS | LIFESTYLE
In a calendar issued by Hindu Mahasabha , it has claimed The Mecca mosque , Qutub Minar , Gyanvapi mosque among other islamic sites in india as being original temples . For those who don't know Hindu Mahasabha is around 150 yr old organization , from which all modern day hindutva thought has come , be it RSS, VHP , BJP , etc. In its calendar , it has put pics of islamic sites , mostly mosques and claimed that they're infact Hindu temples. Qutub Minar has been called Vishnu stambh . Mecca mosque has been bizarrely claimed as "Makkeshwar mandir" (shiva temple) Gyanvapi mosque is claimed as Kashi temple. (Its a fact Gyanvapi mosque is built on top of demolished krishna temple, krishna's birth place) Taj Mahal has been claimed as Tejomahalaya (shiva) temple. source : -
NOTE: This post is a work in progress Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! Often times I hear Non-Sikhs bring up common arguments against Sikhi, and as someone who likes to create a lot online resource hubs for Sikhs, I am taking it upon myself to create a list of Q/A's. I recently got a series of arguments (posing as questions) from an anonymous user on the Sikh Reddit who was allegedly Ex-Sikh. He frequently made references to Islam, and also claimed that he had done a lot of research on his "questions", yet the questions themselves seem as if they are taken from wikipedia or some anti-sikh site. Here are some of the arguments I would like to debunk: Q: If Sikhi is against the Caste System, then why are their Caste based Gurdwara's? A: Anyone can just create a "Gurdwara" and install their own beliefs into it, that doesn't make it valid. The key part here is that this cannot be supported by the actual theology of Sikhi, and all the main Gurdwara's still allow people of lower-caste to enter. All of these so called "caste Gurdwara's" are also not backed by the Akal Takth, and are not recognized by the Khalsa Panth. Q: Why were the Gurus themselves all from the Khatri caste and married within their own caste despite preaching against such barriers? A: The very premise of this question is incorrect, Guru isnt from the Khatri caste becuase the concept of caste itself is invalid. There is no evidence to suggest that caste was involved in the marrage decision, and neither was any proposal rejected due to caste. Furthermore, the Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji itself contains writings from people of different "castes" and backgrounds. When the Guru created the Khalsa Panth, the Panj Pyare were from different occupations, locations, and families, the entire concept of the Khalsa itself destroys the caste system. If the Guru was secretly supporting the caste sustem, he would have not created the Khalsa and passed on the Guruship. Gurbani itself is the Guru, and its anti-caste message is very clear, but it's some food for thought. Q: How about the succession of the Gurus? How do we go from the 4 first being chosen by merit and from different lineage, then suddenly it turns into a system of monarchy resulting in the succession of Guru Harkrishan Ji at such a young age who also passed away at a young age. A: "Nepotism" is defined as: The practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs. A lot of people like to accuse the Guru of being Nepotistic, and use it to bring down Sikhi by stating the successors of the Guru were not truly worthy of the title. The next Guru was never chosen on the basis of nepotism, and was always chosen based on Merit, the Guru tested each of his followers to see if they were worthy of the title of Guru. We are all just vessels filled with the same light, "family" is an illusion, we are all One. Although some of the Gurus did pass the Guruship on to their human sons, many did not, and even if they did, it was becuase their sons just happened to pass the test.If Sikhi allowed Nepotism, then why didnt Guru Nanak Dev Ji or many of the other Guru's pass it on to their children? Guru Nanak could have easily made Sri chand or Lakhmi Das the next Guru, the same applies with Guru Gobind Singh ji who did not have to let any of his sons sacrifice themselves for Sikhi, and could have asked them to not give Shaheedi. The fact that Guru Gobind Singh Ji established the Khalsa in 1699 before the death of all his human offsprings shows that he was going to stop the line of Human Guru's anyways. The ultimate argument against nepotism in Sikhi is the fact that the Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji & the Khalsa Panth were made the eternal Guru. Hypothetically, even if the Guruship was passed down based solely on Nepotism, I would have no problem with it becuase it is the Guru's decision and looking back at history and how each Guru lives his life, I can say the Guru made the perfect decision. As for Guru Harkrishan Ji, the reason the Guru chose the vessel of a young boy was to show that spirituality isnt affected by age, and even a child can attain liberation. The reason Guru Harkrishan Ji physically passed away at such a young age was to exemplify shaheedi, it makes no sense for the Guru to go around curing other people of small pox, yet die from it himself. Q: why has Sikhi remained confined for the most part to the Punjabi population? A: Sikhs dont go out and actively convert people like people of Abrahamic theologies do, the Sikh community is also generally very young compared to others. This issue is already starting to change, there are already hubs of non-punjabi Sikhs thriving in places like America, Indonisia, UK, Canada, etc, and we just need time. Q: Why did/are some Sikhs converting to other religions, if Sikhi is supreme, then why would people leave it? A: The message itself is supreme, but the people themselves are not. The argument of people leaving/joining a certain religion can be made for any group. The larger abrehamic religions are the ones that generally have a higher turnover rate compared to easter Dharams. Q: why hasn’t history seen Gurus with a similar message in the West or other corners of the world? A: There are other people with similar messages, there's even some new relgion in the west called "Eckankar" which is very similar to Sikhi on certain aspects. Gurbani also contains Bani from a lot of people who lived before the physical arrival of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, who's Bani is inline with Gurmat. Q: Why is Gurbani repetitive? A: I dont know if your reading the english translation or something, but in Gurmukhi the way certain words are used has a different meaning depending on the context. Furthermore, Gurbani is also multilayered, and speaks to the mind during its different states. As for repetitiveness in message, it's important becuase Humans learn from repetition, when you were a child, your parents had to constantly call you by your name so you remember it, etc. Gurbani is not like the abrehamic texts, it is not divided by chapters, but rather by Music. Gurbani does not have dedicated sections for certain topics, becuase as a Sikh our job is not to pick and choose what we want to learn, the Guru teaches us what we need, and the format Gurbani is written in ensures its multi layered and speaks to different people at different stages in their spiritual journey. The fact that there are other Bhagats whose Bani is inline with the Guru, reinforces the Oneness of the message of Sikhi. Q: Why did the Gurus have multiple wives? At least with Islam there is a specific guidelines prescribed, a lot of Sikhs like to argue based on emotion rather than historical evidence. A: The narrative that the Gurus were polygamists is highly contestable on the basis of historical analysis, not emotion. "The story of Guru Har Rai having married seven wives, who were all sisters, is found only in one MS of Suraj Prakash and is written on unpaged leaves which are clearly an interpolation. Unfortunately this copy became the basis of the editions nowadays in vogue. Other copies mention only one marriage. Mahima Prakash, which is much older than this book, also mentions only one wife. See on this point the annotation of Bhai Vir Singh on Suraj Prakash" -Dr. Ganda Singh, Baba Teja Singh; 'A Short History of the Sikhs,' vol. i, pg. 48. Here is a good post discussing this issue As for Islam, providing specific guidelines, I hope you realize that it also provides guidelines to beat ones wife, among many other things... Q: Why so much debate over a simple matter of canon scriptures (the Dasam Granth which oddly enough contains 2 of the prayers forming the Nitnem) A: There isnt "so much" debate over this. the Anti-Dasam granth crowd is a vocal minority, and the Dasam Granth is accepted by the Khalsa Panth as a whole, and even backed by the Akal Takth. Furthermore, the Debate that does happen isnt about the nitnem banis from Dasam Granth (Jaap Sahib, Tav Prasad Savaiye, Chaupai Sahib). Overall, Sikhs have still preserved their scriptures far better than many others, and the Quran itself was never even written down by Muhammad, Jesus never wrote the Bible, etc... Q: Why is there such a controversy over vegetarianism vs meat eating? Why didnt the Guru lay our a clear guideline? A: This wasn't really an issue before the start of the modern day meat industry, but we as a community have turned it into an issue. Sikhs historically ate meat, this is a fact, the reason there is a big vegetarian movement in the Sikh community is mainly due to the modern day meat industry and the idea that Sikhs dont really need meat anymore becuase they have so many more alternatives. As for the actual theology regarding this issue, its already clearly laid out by the Guru: Sikhs are to refrain from Halal Meat, if a Sikhs is to hunt or eat meat, then they must follow the Jhatka Maryada set up by the Guru. More information and sources can be found at Q: Why are Sikhs encouraged to be critical thinkers, yet told not to ask questions? A: People are getting two concepts confused: its ok to question the Guru similar to how a student questions a teacher, however its discouraged to question for the sake of trying to create an arguement or disruption. Final Thoughts A deep underlying issue that motivates a lot of these arguments is the idea that if Sikhi is true, then why would it not also temporally reign supreme, and why would "bad things" happen to Sikhs if they are morally correct? The answer to this is the simply: Hukam, and the fact that "good" and "bad" dont really exist. However, the issue here is that others will see this as a cop out. I am interested in developing a more indepth response to this strain of thought. Any recommendations? Feedback If you have any suggestions, please let me know any way you can, you can also email me at or contact me via Reddit at
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So if you was to meet say a muslim and you wanted to convince him her to leave the abrahamic cult of islam and opt for Sikhi how would you go about it? To me muslims are often per-occupied by the afterlife they are often taught to foresake this world and its people and look for rewards in jannah (islamic paradise). They also often cite creation mythological story of allah creating the world in 6 days like the jewish/christian bible and how the devil is real. As the alleged story goes he was a fallen angel (shaytan) who was once the most beloved of allah's creation until one day allah decided out of no where to create adam on earth and told Lucifer to bow down to him. And rightly so in a just world in a fair system you would not bow down to someone inferiour to you or who hasnt risen amoung the ranks and thus the fallen angel did not do so either. Imagine you worked and served your master for eons and today this unknown simpleton adam is created out of no where and you are told to be subservient to him. Mad decisions mad choices unfair system The whole abrahamic mythological creationist story can be easily dismantled and destroyed. The afterlife also can be explained away because in jannah there will be rivers of alcholic wine and 72 houris to have sex with. All kinds of fake and false pleasures...the believer is allegedly going to get as rewards... you will almost come across various murderers and rapists who killed many innocent non-muslims and now allegedly living it up with allah and his messanger enjoying the fruits of their terrible labor.
I was so surprised that the Ahmediya Muslim people had a stall at the Surrey Nagar Kirtan with books on Life of Mohammed and preaching material. Honestly, please let these people know that all this does is promote the narrative by the media that muslims are fundamentalists, the fact that they would do this at SIKH parade is retarded. Phone: (604) 583-4669 Ahmdiyaa Mosque Delta There was also a Brahamakumari stall, as well, .. Just find it mind blowing that people have the gall to promote their religion at a SIKH NAGAR KIRTAN.. Do we have nimraata for others, or are we foolish? Please be kind, ask the mosque to kindly not use the Sikh Nagar Kirtan as an opportunity to promote their religious views.
I was so surprised that the Ahmediya Muslim people had a stall at the Surrey Nagar Kirtan with books on Life of Mohammed and preaching material. Honestly, please let these people know that all this does is promote the narrative by the media that muslims are fundamentalists, the fact that they would do this at SIKH parade is retarded. Phone: (604) 583-4669 Ahmdiyaa Mosque Delta There was also a Brahamakumari stall, as well, .. Just find it mind blowing that people have the gall to promote their religion at a SIKH NAGAR KIRTAN.. Do we have nimraata for others, or are we foolish? Please be kind, ask the mosque to kindly not use the Sikh Nagar Kirtan as an opportunity to promote their religious views.
Indian Punjabi woman converts to Islam after Pakistan visit
TejS posted a topic in WHAT'S HAPPENING?
Indian Punjabi woman converts to Islam after visit to Pakistan Not sure if this is true or not, however I have seen it on a lot of websites. If this is true, and I wouldn't be surprised, why? What is the reason that our people are so lenient in comparison to other South Asian religions in marrying out? This isn't only targeted against our women, our men are included as well. However, our women are usually the ones prayed on by Pakistani Muslims for marriage and conversion. I remember asking one of my fellow cousin's Sikh friend who was married to a Hindu man, how they were planning to raise the child, and she blatantly stated that" God is one, doesn't matter what religion he is," and then she continued to tell me how, "the whole family, including the child, go to the Mandir once a week." Are these cases due to a lack of education of fundamental principles, or is it the leniency of Sikh families? -
I wrote this after being on the other topic that was made regarding the negative portrayal of a Sikh woman in a Pakistani drama. Here are some of my observations over the years: The portrayal of Sikhs in Pakistani cinema ranges from the sometimes positive to the rather often negative end of the spectrum. One of the first films to be a big hit in Pakistan was based on a fictional Sikh character during the times of partition: Kartar Singh (1959). While initially Kartar is shown as a rogue, he has a change of heart after the Muslim protagonist Umerdeen saves his life. Sikhs were generally shown as ill-mannered drunkards in many films, often without their turbans. Some other films with Sikh characters include Gabroo Putt Punjab De (1969), Balwant Kaur (1975), Chan Veryam (1981), Gernail Singh (1989) and so on. In Veryam (1981) they show the Muslim protagonist saving a Sikh girl from the British while all the Sikhs of the village failed to defend her (including the 'gyani'). Later she runs away to his house and converts to Islam. When her brother finds out and goes after her she gives him a whole speech of seeing the 'light' and inviting him to leave Sikhi as well, a rather demeaning scene that can be seen from 1:47:00 onwards here: One can't fail but see the constant subconscious need to show Sikh women converting to Islam, be it the films like Veryam (1981) & Larki Punjaban (2003, with a 'twist' in the end to please Sikhs) or TV Drama Bilqees Kaur (2012). Besides that the clear attempts to show the Hindus as scheming villain creating problems between Sikhs and Muslims is also seen in their films. You have to give them credit where its due though, they made a drama on the dark periods of fake police encounters in Indian Punjab. It is called Kesri Painday. A young Pakistani Sikh was also part of the cast.
I guess it just goes on to prove that its loss of a religion when it is forced
This is a thread created in relation to other threads and posts recently. I am quite interested to know what those who are wiser amongst us, believe is the 'plan' of the 'elite', with regards to the future of the world. E.g. what are the motivations for the unrest in the Middle-east, reasons for recent issues between Qatar and Saudi Arabia, the antagonism of the West towards Iran and Russia, why there is uncontrolled immigration in Europe? Is this to benefit Jews and Christians? To benefit the bankers and big businesses How will Sikhs be affected in India and in the West? What collective stand can be take as a community in India, and in the West? Sorry if I am repeating much of what has been said before, but I feel this deserves its own thread
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The rise of radical Islam in Punjab is never touched upon within the Qaum but it is a pressing issue. With the restoration of hundreds of mosques, conversion of Sikhs to Islam in our Sikh home land, increase in religious riots involving Muslims and non-Muslims and the Muslim immigrants facilitating Jihadi activity and there have been talks about introducing Sharia Panchayats within Punjab. The Muslim population of East Punjab was 0.8 % in 1971 and was at 1.92% in 2011. We need to act proactively before it is too late. The Gujar immigrants from Kashmir have been known to harbor terrorists and store weapons for a while now. A consignment of weapons was found more than 10 years back near the Adampur town of Doaba. The Gujar deras of Gurdaspur were used as a refuge by the terrorists before they launched the 2015 Pathankot attacks. Now in April 2017 a Muslim immigrant from Uttar Pradesh who was living in Jalandhar for several years working as a tailor was arrested for his links to ISIS. These are the developments of dangerous trends for the future of Punjab.
The ringleader of the London Bridge terror attack was a former Underground and KFC worker known for his extremist views. The 27-year-old attacker, who can only be identified as 'Abdul' at the request of police, was a home-grown jihadi who came to the UK from a village near Lahore in Pakistan as a child and spent his life in Barking, East London. But in recent years he had become increasingly radical and was twice reported to anti-terror authorities, it has been claimed. He even appeared in TV documentary about British jihadis and was questioned by police after an Islamic State flag was unfurled in a park. The revelations will put further pressure on Britain's security services after Manchester bomber Salman Abedi also appeared to have slipped through the net before carrying out the atrocity. A neighbour recognised this picture of the killer in an Arsenal away shirt (Photo: AFP) Police raided a number of addresses in barking, East London, on Sunday (Photo: PA) Abdul was well-known in his local community, with one mother claiming she confronted him for trying to brainwash her children with extremist religious views in a park. A neighbour said he immediately noticed the Arsenal away shirt Abdul was wearing after being shot dead by police outside the Wheatsheaf pub on Saturday night. He said: "I looked on Twitter and saw one of the terrorists who had been shot by police and he looked 90 per cent like my neighbour - he was even wearing the same Arsenal shirt that I had seen him in at 5pm that evening." A number of arrests have been made in the Barking area today (Photo: PA) Searches are still ongoing (Photo: REUTERS) Officers unleashed a hail of bullets after the trio used a hired van to mow down pedestrians on one of the capital's busiest bridges. They then leapt from the vehicle and began knifing people at random in bars and restaurants. According to The Times, Abdul is the only one of the Pakistani attackers positively identified so far. He lived in a block of flats with his wife and two young children which was raided by police early on Sunday. Ken Chigbo, 26, who lives in the same building, described him as "really sociable" and said the killer had invited him to a barbecue just last week. "I know he was quite a devout Muslim, I heard him talking about the Koran," said Mr Chigbo. "He would preach to young Muslims at the flat. "Sometimes up to six people quite regularly.” Twelve people have been taken into custody (Photo: PA) CLICK TO PLAY WATCH NEXTSecurity guards dance with the crowd at One Love THREE SUSPECTS SHOT AND KILLED BY ARMED POLICE An online CV suggests the attacker worked for Transport for London and took a course in teaching English as a foreign language. He also worked at fast-food chain KFC but quit around two years ago, according to a friend. "He began stopping his neighbours in the street and asking them if they had been saying their prayers and when they had been to the mosque." One man who knew the killer told the BBC he had become so concerned by his extremist views he rang the anti-terrorist hotline. He claimed the attacker was not arrested and was allowed to keep his passport. Locals in Barking said they had raised concerns about the killer (Photo: REUTERS) Erica Gasparri, 42, said she had also raised concerns. She said Pakistani terrorist Abdul would sit in a park opposite Northbury Primary School in Barking with two other men and talk to local children. The mum-of-three said he would offer the kids sweets in order to groom them and claimed to be "teaching them about religion".
The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights, vis-à-vis Islam, 1990 was nothing more than a sheer travesty. In the words of Abul A'la Mawdudi, a leading Islamist of the 20th century, "all the rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration are subject to the Islamic Shari'ah." Though apologists were out in full force spinning yarns regarding some golden age of Dhimmitude, the more erudite couldn't help but shake their heads; where was the objectivity in this so-called declaration of rights? Sarkar's words, written nearly a century back, lent a grim air to the proceedings in Cairo; non-conformism in a fully fledged Islamic state, which is essentially theocratic and run on the diktats of Shari'ah, is akin to treason and treason-Ipso facto- in the caliphate is punishable by death. Some of the more radiant facets of this declaration are quoted below: 'Call upon the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers to consider the possibility of establishing an independent permanent body to promote human rights in the Member States, in accordance with the provisions of the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam and to also call for the elaboration of an OIC Charter for Human Rights. Introduce changes to national laws and regulations in order to guarantee the respect of human rights in Member States...' followed further by the now infamous: 'Mandate the OIC General Secretariat to cooperate with other international and regional organizations to guarantee the rights of Muslim Minorities and Communities in non-OIC Member States, and promote close cooperation with the Governments of the States hosting Muslim communities.' Put simply, the preamble makes clear the OIC's desire to create and direct international organizations with the aim of preserving Muslim Rights (specifically the practice and promulgation of the Shari'ah as stated further in the charter) in non-Islamic nations even at the expense of the said nations' constitution and constitutional mandate. And: 'Believing that fundamental rights and freedoms according to Islam are an integral part of the Islamic religion and that no one shall have the right as a matter of principle to abolish them either in whole or in part or to violate or ignore them in as much as they are binding divine commands, which are contained in the Revealed Books of Allah and which were sent through the last of His Prophets to complete the preceding divine messages and that safeguarding those fundamental rights and freedoms is an act of worship whereas the neglect or violation thereof is an abominable sin, and that the safeguarding of those fundamental rights and freedom is an individual responsibility of every person and a collective responsibility of the entire Ummah...' It is to be noted here that only Islamic yardsticks are to be utilized to question the faith, any objectivity will not be tolerated on the grounds that it is blasphemy. Put simply apostasy, homosexuality, adultery and criticism of Islam will be severely punished etc etc: '(a) It is the duty of individuals, societies and states to safeguard this right [of life] against any violation, and it is prohibited to take away life except for a shari’ah prescribed reason.' More nefarious are the following: Article 9: '(a) The seeking of knowledge is an obligation and provision of education is the duty of the society and the State. The State shall ensure the availability of ways and means to acquire education and shall guarantee its diversity in the interest of the society so as to enable man to be acquainted with the religion of Islam and uncover the secrets of the Universe for the benefit of mankind.' This point is further clarified in Article 10: 'Islam is the religion of true unspoiled nature. It is prohibited to exercise any form of pressure on man or to exploit his poverty or ignorance in order to force him to change his religion to another religion or to atheism.' It should be remembered that conscious apostasy in Islam (by an adult) is punishable by death. Again, no parameters are ever set to assist in defining "pressure," "exploit," "poverty" and "ignorance." One cannot help but remember the words of Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Cordozo here: 'Freedom of the matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every other form of freedom...' -Palke vs. Connecticut (1937). Generally Muslims lie to deflect attention from such elements of their faith. The truth, however, stands. It must be remembered that because the 5th Guru had Sikhs who were ex-Muslims among his apostles, he was executed; in the words of the imbecile Adeeba: ‘The question that arises is how a community, enjoying sufficient freedom to achieve all that it had, could continue to increase its power establishment, move towards relative self-autonomy whilst impudently converting the Muslims from the truth of al-Islaam to the falsehood and disbelief of Sikhism...?' It becomes transparent to anyone reading this gross perversion of the UN Declaration of Rights that, vis-a-vis ideology, no separation of Church and State exists in the Islamic spectrum. In the words of Burckhardt: 'In Islam, where this fusion (between state and church took place), the whole culture was dominated, shaped and colored by it. Islam has only one form of polity, of necessity despotic, the consummation of power, secular, priestly and theocratic, which was transferred from the Caliphate to all dynasties. Thus all its pasts were mere replicas of the world empire on a small scale, hence Arabized (sic) and despotic...' -Burckhardt (1865-1885), 'Reflections on History,' Liberty Fund, 1979, pg. 141. *OIC- Organization of Islamic Cooperation. The Jihad against non-Muslims has already been declared. Where do you stand?
Islam is the world's second-largest religion, after Christianity. But this could change if the current demographic trends continue, according to research published by the US-based Pew Research Center. Best to start educating your grandchildren and future generations on what the meaning and purpose of 'jizya' is, lol.
Just saw this today and the thought was even the Gorey Canadians want our girls to stop getting involved with the Islamic guys:
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An interesting view point of Islam
An article exploring the true genesis of the Sikh Warrior-Saint ideal. To quote the hypothesis: 'A creature of classic Indic thought, it was hard for Tagore to comprehend that in Nanakian philosophy spiritual freedom naturally leads to political liberty. The Guru criticized the Siddhs, of Tantric Buddhism, for acquiring some spiritual gains but not utilizing them for the betterment of society at large. (6) It is evident, however, that even centuries after the Guru’s edicts were in circulation the odium attached to force and politics were still in power and men like Tagore were their blind prey. What was Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s perspective on force and it’s utilization? In order to truly understand this query, and subsequently manifest an answer, we will approach it from several various directions.' To read more, visit:
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