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Yeah it is made by naamdhaari, because their guru's are in the Guru section. However, it doesnt mean the information on there is completely false, like i said before you just have to make your own mind up. I know my Sikhi is different to theirs but there is alot on that site that mainstreams Sikhs do not share knowledge on on the net.

Bhul Chuk Maaf!!


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Just in case anyone was wondering, this is part of the PM i sent Curious Man veer Ji....


Looking at the information on this section in the site, a clear agenda can be seen, as for instance the Sant-Nirankaris are painted as saintly figures, who have never commited any crimes- even their belief in living Guru is happily accepted. On the other hand, look at the Khalistan section, and Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwala is painted as a murderer of Hindus and moderates. Also, the whole Singh Sabha movement is painted as a creation of the British to stem the growth of the Namdharis.

In conclusion, the site is absolutely ridicioulous in its assertations, and a large part of the observations baseless. I wish I had more time so that I could point out more fallacies, but unfortunately cannot do so.


thus i disagree with the notion "I don't think its bias towards any group it just presents information" that has been presented here on this thread. There is clearly a slant on the site, which is to be expected if it is the product of a so-called 'sect' of Sikhi as has been suggested. Lets face it, any site created by any Jatha or group would favour that jatha or group, thus we can hardly accept that the scenario would be any different here.

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My Webpage

i found this thru google.....

r these all sects real...i mean sikhi is soo divided..

i m confused...whre do i stand!!


koi na i used to b confused too blush.gif actually i stil kind of am

in my Sikhism class our prof also talked bout these different types of sects and how they differed from the 'orthodox Sikhs'('normal' Sikhs)

but mos ppl these dayz r confused and r mixin up sum things from sects to wha Sikhi is reli suposed to b about

i think we need more education bout this

not necessarily teaching ppl bout sects but bout what real Sikhi shud b about woohoo.gif

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Who cares about em.. those who believe that there is some kind of *Club membership* to get into something then day isn't far for those clubs to go down.. These radhaswamis and all these jathabandis will go down the way they are acting today..

To sikh like me who wants to follow sikhi without any *membership* then he/she shouldn't be worried about any clubs/jathas.. just follow what guru sahib jee says (guru granth sahib).. You don't need jathabandis to tell you what sikhi is.. Guru jee set the way for us real straight without any kind of help needed from others.. The straight way to reach god is Following guru granth sahib jee mahraj..

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i don't think it is the jathebandis that are doing anything wrong...in fact MOST people who are involved in jathas are nice loving decent people...

just cuz there are some people who are egotistical and like to look down on people not part of the jatha...doesn't mean that jathas a bad....

it's like people who aren't part of any jatha that like to look down on people who choose to follow sikhi through a jatha....arent they then just as guilty for creating anymosity between fellow sikh??

there is nothing wrong with having jathas...they have done a lot of good for the sikh community worldwide....

the KEY is to maintain LOVE and RESPECT for ALL sikhs regardless of jatha affiliations...we must remember that jathas are just a tool for us to use..ie...organizing samagams...not the be all end all.....

at the end of the day we are all brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of Guru Gobind singh ji.....

as for jathas going down...i highly doubt that...i live in TO and recently we have been experiencing a lot of piyaar and respect among our generation of youth who may be from different jatha affiliations....

just look at the waterloo university kirtan darbars...youth from all jathas come together and do sangat together...and they are some of the most beautiful kirtan darbars i have attended..

also...in May, us youth in TO are organizing a huge kirtan darbar to honour the memory of parminder singh ji, rena kaur, and charanjeet singh ji....and the singhs organizing the event include youth who attend akj sangat, ddt, dodra (sadh sangat), and kids with no affiliations....watch out for more details being posted in the near future...

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Ignore the website. Someones having a field day. Looks more favourable to the Naamdharis, wouldn't be surprised if the site is set up by a Naamdhari.

At the end of the Naamdharis, Nirankaris and Rashasoamis are not Sikhs so should not be even classified as "SIKH".


the guy who made the site calls himself a ramgharia,hes evan made a publication

about ramgharias and he calls baba ram singh a satguru.the sites alright exept the

sects and castes.he even includes hindu festivals like durga puja in sikh festivals.

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