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Khalistan Will Never Be Made By Peace

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ur right Bijla Singh...but sometimes the dogs bark so loud it is hard to ignore them. I have nothing against Sidhu sahib personally because most people in Punjab think like him. They are so keen on remembering the Mughal injustice but when it comes to injustice done by the Indian gov't they say move on. When there is a war with pakistan, they tell us about our mahaan shaheeds, but when it comes to sikh issues they say the shaheeds were terrorists. Bollywood is showing these sikhs in india as hindus, they get excited seeing amitabh bachan with a pag on his head but they don't realize that he is also wearing a tilak on his head doing puja in mandirs in the same movie. They say forget everything but my family and I land at Indira Gandhi airport everytime we visit our homeland. They say everything is fine but Sikhs are rotting in jails since 1984.

Mr Sidhu says you people have nothing at stake, would you move back to PUnjab. Well personally let me tell you something, my family spends $15,000 American dollars on one trip to Punjab. We have five members in our family, each ticket costs at least $1500. Then we have to buy all our relatives clothes etc, and we take money to shop in Punjab. Mr Sidhu talks about NRI's, mr Sidhu all the NRI's you speak have their homes in pUnjab, go to delhi airport and see how many sikh from abroad come to visit their homeland, go see for yourself. While peopel in Punjab are paying agents lakhs of dollars to get out of Punjab, NRI's spend lakhs of rupees to visit with their families! Mr SIdhu, go see all the jathas that go to nankana sahib for Gurpurab, almost all of the jatha is NRI Sikhs because they love their sikhi. Come and see in teh West how the sikhs have made Gurdwaras in every major city of teh world keeping Sikhi alive. See in the west how we don't let RSS and other groups infiltrate and destroy Sikhi. You speak of NRI's, Mr Sidhu you will find that Sikhi is much stronger in the West than drug ridden Punjab. Your gov't has destroyed the movement and we understand that, but what is sad that they also have destroyed your spirit. You speak of NRI's, I am an NRI but I have zameen and a home in Punjab. I visit as much as possible and I would love to live in a sovereign Punjab, khalistan. While "sikhs" in PUnjab are doing drugs, come here and see Nagar Kirtans being held in white countries, see how we have made PUnjab in Yuba City, Vancouver, Southhall, New York, etc. While people in PUnjab, think the PUnjabi language is for uneducated people and prefer Hindi, come here in the WEst and see our Punjabi schools, see how we have so much love for our homeland, see how there are street signs in canada in punjabi.

You don't want more bloodshed, and neither do we. Sikhs are not blood hungary terrorists like gov't India has made them out to be. OUr demands are clear and you have read them a million times. Change the constitution, release sikh prisoners, give justice to sikh victims of police brutality and delhi pogroms, punish the killers of innocent sikhs and stop RSS and various Deras from destroying Sikhi and Sikh history. All these demands are very reasonable but unfortunately your delhi masters know that these are the foundation of a sovereign sikh spirit, a spirit which frightens them to death.

fateh Sidhu, I have said my final words and will take Bijla Singh's advice.

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sorry didn't complete writing,

so the thing is, who's decision is it, is it upto the sikhs living in punjab or is it upto NRI's?

there r a few issue's, one's u told me about, but i don't think khalasthan is the only solution....

its not a bad idea to bring awareness amongst ppl, but there is a very thin line in bringing awareness and spreading hatred, which side of this line do we want to be on.

idon't knw what you talking about. most of the Sikhs in india want to come to west...why???
its coz the west is better then india, if they were leaving india for pakistan, sri lanka nepal, then i would agree with you
are u talking about KHALSA or the peopel who juz call them selves sikhs cuz they born in sikh family?

if they soo scared of dying ...thn i dont knwo what to say or call them!

if you r not afraid of dying, then there is alot you shld have done for khalastan by now, making such a remark is completly unjust and shows your ignorance abt the people of punjab

carrying around guns and calling ourselves the sher-ekhalistan or something will not serve any purpose,

if the movement is righteous, if its proven that we cannot get article 25 changed

one noncooperation movement against the indian govt will do it all and will get us support from forgien govt, a sikh must draw arms as the last resort

coming forth with 20,000 armed men as per punjabi predators idea will take us back thru the entire cycle of events starting from 84

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mann ji nobody cares how much you spend on ur assets,

but do u live in punjab, if a curfew is imposed does it afftect you profession or any daily routine, if the police is knocking on each door in the middle of the night looking for militants would u lose any sleep over it?

these r the things i meant when i said u have NOTHING on stake

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You don't want more bloodshed, and neither do we.  Sikhs are not blood hungary terrorists like gov't India has made them out to be.  OUr demands are clear and you have read them a million times.  Change the constitution, release sikh prisoners, give justice to sikh victims of police brutality and delhi pogroms, punish the killers of innocent sikhs and stop RSS and various Deras from destroying Sikhi and Sikh history.  All these demands are very reasonable but unfortunately your delhi masters know that these are the foundation of a sovereign sikh spirit, a spirit which frightens them to death.


well said.. <_<

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  • 2 weeks later...

The recent population trend in India has made many hindus piss.The muslim population is growing at a very rapid rate.Unofficially its about 20% and its growing in key states like UP very fast.Once it reaches about 35% Hinduustan is gone.Pakistan is always there.Nagaland Assam and other eastern states have their problem.J&K has its problem.People in south India have pretty less nationaist feeling and dislike norht Indian Hindu.

What we need to do is prepare.

Fight legal battles.

Stop mockery of sikhs in movies.(do some selective killing too).

Sikhs should be able to buy land in every state of India.

Stop bihari migration into Punjab.

Make some sikh schools,thats the key,we are making toooo many gurdwaras and no sikh schools of good calibre.

Selective killing of people like bollywood directors who make anti sikh movies,some RSS dudes Mps likerjagdish tytler,bastards like KPS gill.

Waheguru has his own designs for khalistan.Its bound to be formed.Just follow the hukum Singho and wait for another great Sant.

boleeeeeeeeeeeeeee sooo nihaaal

sat sri akal

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Khalistan won't be made until bipran kee reet is removed. What is bipran kee reet.

No matter how much we try. Akaal and Guru Ji won't do kirpaa on us. It is bipran kee reet which is causing divisions in the panth. It is due to bipran kee reet that gangs are rss are takinga dvantage.

What is bipran kee reet?

Talk to me on msn:


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  • 2 weeks later...
We can have up to 20,000-30,000 Sikhs armed and achieve Khalistan why with so less because Punjab is very small and not only that we are the very best at military and other types of warfare since our religion has been through it so many times all you need to look at is the past when our religion fought against Mogual Empire.

ppl have lives.... where will you find 20,000 men whom you can motivate to give up their lives for khalistan, .... and please be aware that indian sikhs don't see khalistan as a dream or goal they have to achieve,

Warfare had greatly chnaged since then

gorilla warfare is noo good, and as for 20,000 armed men, they will be bombed and gunned and curfews imposed on cities before you realise

Most of the Indian Army is Sikh and most will join there religion to fight for Khalistan weapons we can get from Pakistan easily and either bribe the people on the border or sneak them into Indian Punjab and Pakistan has good weapons they can replicate any weapon whether it is a US M16 or Ak-47 Assault Rifles they have shown that on some history document of Pakistan. India doesn't have anything good the only reason they won all there wars is because of Sikhs fighting for them and being on there side.
bhai sahib ji you are dangerously ignorant, sikhs did not quit the indian army when operation bluestar was carried out, and there were sikhs officers themselves carrying out the operation.

and guns don't win wars, its tanks and jets , artillery warfare is too sophisticated to be wonover by gorilla methods,

sikhs did defeat pakistan, but they were fighting under the indian army, they were provided resources, tanks planes etc, its not like they killed the pakistanis with mere rifles

Khalistan can only be made by a war not by peace because we have been doing peace for the last 20 years and it hasn't gotten us no Khalistan and the ones that do talk about human rights or Khalistan are either tortured or arrested and put through torture and die.

you can u say sikhs r discriminated if the indian prime minister is a sikh

so please be more specific about the human rights problem, and how do you say being at "peace" got you nothing.... have u heard of babbar khalsa, BTF, and khalistan commando force(or a similar name)

so there hasn't exactly been peace

any khalistan activist will be arrested, coz in india its an anti-national thing,

waheguru_fateh ji don't fall for tat article it dosn't have much truth in it, that stuff happened in the 80's and early 90's, not these days,

it can be contradicted at several points, its too exaggerated

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


You are very oblivious to the fact that Sikhs are being covertly discriminated against by the Indian government in a systematic form of racialization. Just because the prime minister of India is a Sikh does not mean that prejudice against Sikhs does not exist. Have you seen any Bollywood movies lately (ahem, which are funded by the Indian government) ? If you so strongly believe that discrimination against Sikhs no longer exists, then why is Sikhism portrayed as Hinduism in Hindi movies? Why are Sikh characters shown as "servants" and "fools"? Why is the Sikh religion shown in a distorted way? Since I'm on a role, why are the same perpetrators who have initiated violence against Sikhs during the anti-Sikh riots now members of the Indian government? Where is the justice for all those Sikhs who have horrifically lost their lives? By the way, the Prime Minister belongs to the same party as Sonia Ghandi, who could have put a stop to the brutal murders in 1984 since she was Rajiv Ghandi's wife, but didn't.

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Quick Question: Let's say Khalistan is establish, what will happen to all the Sehajdhari/Mona Sikhs (they are the one don't follow the 5 K's) and non-Sikhs living in Punjab? Would they get equal rights?

By the way, there were Sehajdhari/Mona Sikhs who died fighting for Punjab during 80's and early 90's too.

Shaheed Bhai Harjinder Singh Parha is one of the many Sehajdhari/Mona Sikh who fought and died for Punjab.


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Quick Question:  Let's say Khalistan is establish, what will happen to all the Sehajdhari/Mona Sikhs (they are the one don't follow the 5 K's) and non-Sikhs living in Punjab? Would they get equal rights? 

By the way, there were Sehajdhari/Mona Sikhs who died fighting for Punjab during 80's and early 90's too. 

Shaheed Bhai Harjinder Singh Parha is one of the many Sehajdhari/Mona Sikh who fought and died for Punjab.



Good question! I also wondered about this as well, although I think that everyone would be entitled to equal rights no matter what religion one is from.

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