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Need ur support May 13th

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


As most of us Canadians probably know the new movie starring Sunny Deol, entitled 'Jo Bole So Nihal' will hit theatres this coming Friday, May 13th, 2005!

I wake up this morning pretty early and go downstairs and see my mum watchin 'Eye on Asia' :) talking about the new movie coming out May 13th this coming Friday. Watching the trailer I wuz pretty disturbed! no.gif Looking at the still I attached I think you guyz will realize what wuz so disturbing about this movie.

Are there any Sikh organizations that us youth can get together with and make a simple peaceful protest, you guyz know wha I mean? I'm sure im not the only one who wuz disturbed that something so religious is being associated with things that have nothing to do with Sikhi.

I think there are organizations like COSS (Canadian Organization of Sikh Students), Sikh Students Associations in many Universities, etc. around Toronto Area (thas where im from blush.gif ) that could probably help me organize an event to stop this movie from playing in the theatres. Main thing, PEACEFUL!

The movie will be playing at Albion Cinemas, and Woodside Cinemas this FRIDAY MAY 13th, 2005!

I ask that the youth help organize an event cuz if we allow such things to happen, then what message r the youth getting that r not so educated in Sikhi? They will think its ok to do the things that will be displayed in the movie. (wear skimpy clothes for the gurls, and the not so catchy slogan 'no if, no but, sirf jatt'. That will encourage the youth to go more into the caste system which Sikhi did away with.

Please think about this, because its not a small thing. I may be going a little overbaord but it hurts to see something so sacred to our religion being associated with things that have nuttin to do wit Sikhi. nonono.gif


Bhul Chuk Maaf :)pray.gif


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why dont we first speak with the ones that advertise the hindi movies the most. Eye on Asia... tell them we are not happy with this. Complain to them and ask them to have our views shared on their program aswell.

I will try to speak with some cinemas (Albion Cinemas) and see if we can ban the movie from playing here. Call your cinemas the ones closest to u and see if we can do something about it k? if not then.... we'll have to try something else.... but lets try to start with that

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Guest rsingh
good on ya!

rsingh shall we do summit in london?  other sikhs in UK -- lets also take a stand


we shud do sumthing in london!


HanJi verro I ve been looking at the sittucationn in Uk my self. From what i know so far its 13th its due out. I have sent emails to Sikh orgs in Uk but have fallen on deaf ears. :)

except for Panjab Radio who highlighted and condmed it. :)

I think we need to do somwthing but what? protest?.

keep up to date, http://forums.waheguroo.com/index.ppa?showtopic=10894

ill try and post here aswell just dont get time to post evvery where, lets see what we can do with guroo Jis kirpa

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


As most of us Canadians probably know the new movie starring Sunny Deol, entitled 'Jo Bole So Nihal' will hit theatres this coming Friday, May 13th, 2005!

I wake up this morning pretty early and go downstairs and see my mum watchin 'Eye on Asia' :)   talking about the new movie coming out May 13th this coming Friday.  Watching the trailer I wuz pretty disturbed! no.gif   Looking at the still I attached I think you guyz will realize what wuz so disturbing about this movie. 

Are there any Sikh organizations that us youth can get together with and make a simple peaceful protest, you guyz know wha I mean?  I'm sure im not the only one who wuz disturbed that something so religious is being associated with things that have nothing to do with Sikhi. 

I think there are organizations like COSS (Canadian Organization of Sikh Students), Sikh Students Associations in many Universities, etc. around Toronto Area (thas where im from  blush.gif ) that could probably help me organize an event to stop this movie from playing in the theatres.  Main thing, PEACEFUL!

The movie will be playing at Albion Cinemas, and Woodside Cinemas this FRIDAY MAY 13th, 2005!

I ask that the youth help organize an event cuz if we allow such things to happen, then what message r the youth getting that r not so educated in Sikhi? They will think its ok to do the things that will be displayed in the movie. (wear skimpy clothes for the gurls, and the not so catchy slogan 'no if, no but, sirf jatt'.  That will encourage the youth to go more into the caste system which Sikhi did away with.

Please think about this, because its not a small thing.  I may be going a little overbaord but it hurts to see something so sacred to our religion being associated with things that have nuttin to do wit Sikhi. nonono.gif

united.gif     respect.gif

Bhul Chuk Maaf  :)   pray.gif


I'm from Toronto as well and am really angry with the film!! :cool: We must try to set up a protest or something to let other Sikhs be aware of the manipulation that is going on. I've already told my parents that if they ever brought the movie home, I'll happily throw it out! Maybe we should try talking with Darshan Sahota first, if he doesn't agree, then maybe we can stage a protest infront of Albion mall or something!! We have to get the message across since much of the Punjabi media isn't. PLease feel free to PM me.

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