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dang...i failed Chemistry


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this sucks so baddd....I got a D in Chem 1B :'( ...I'm supposed to pass with a C- at least to move on to the next chem class in the series...and its absolutely necessary if I wanna do Bio Science as a major. Its a prequisite for soo many classes I'm supposed to take..... :) and this was my second time taking that class... :doh: this is so pathetic if I'm gonna take it a 3rd time....and still fail no.gif and the class is already full in the summer skool...even the waiting list is full!....oh god...what do i do now?

anyone wanna suggest me a different career that is NOT bio sci? and don't say be an artist...I tried that on my parents and they said NO! :doh:

tongue.gif : me so confused now....am so screwed....that prof failed half is class last semester...and he's the only one teaching it at my uni....

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well i was trying to find another college for summer skool class...i know los rios district colleges, only sac city is offering chem 1b, and thats full.

so i was looking at this page:


and i don't know none of these other ones or where they are... :)

any cali pplz know if theres another one within reasonable distance to sacramento? like...maybe within 40 mile radius..? like a one hour drive to get there is fine...but probably classes are all booked by now anyway....

dammm...i'm in deep shet now...still have to tell my parents i failed... :doh:

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chemistry, well you have to science minded to pass such a course, hence i dont want to do chemistry for a level.

what can you do?

you have to simply retake and have mopre determination inside you.

remember, the sikh dharam needs educated people to run chemists, and when people see that gursikh smile, they will be like "how can a singh (who is portrayed stupid in bollywood) get so high as a chemist"

you can say "because i have a guru :nihungsmile: "

and once they see sikhi is not a joke, or militant they will go away having a better view on sikhi.

so if you want to be a chemist, just study hard, not for ou, or your parents, or anyone

but for your guru!

gustaphi maaf

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Hey, this is nothing for u to worry about! There are so many opportunities and different paths for u to take! This is not the end of the world; u can still do Bio Science.

Here is what u can do:

1. u can retake the year

2. if your in the UK, take a look at these website:


3. if your in the USA, take a look at these websites:

http://www.jobsearch.org/ and http://www.careertips.com/

4. Visit your career advisor

Remember, I know there are times where u wonder "where is God in my troubled times", especially during exam times.

But try and have a positive outlook on things, try and heed my advice and visit these sites, they may help u. But, if they don’t help, the world still wont end!

I hope ive been helpful, God bless u, I hope things work out for u. :doh:

-Sinner (6)


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awwwwwwwwww.. Don't worry at all.. Don't change your major because of one class.. I hate chem more than anyone here.. But i manage to pass both a and b last year :) (i took chemA twice because i had to drop it early as i had clashes with timing)

For suggestion : I would not recommend you to take this class during summer as summer season is really very fast and it could makes your head spin because of like 5 or 6 hrs of class time everyday for whole summer.. But if you think you can bear it then go for it :doh: Personally me, i never take any major class during the summer season..

i used to go to CRC (which is part of los rios commun. college) cancelled all major lab science classes because of shortage of funding (the reason i moved to fremont is because of more class flexible schedule with good budget). The nearest colleges you have is American River, Sac city, CRC and you are right only Sac city offers this class during summer (since 2002). The far nearest Univ you have is UCD. You might wanna look into UCD summer programs (?) when my brother used to study there, i did took summer courses up there which weren't available in comm. colleges. (you don't have to be UC student to be eligible for summer course) 30 mins drive

Another alternative is "Solano College" which also i attended for ummm "two months".. it's about 45 mins drive from elk grove (80/hr). Or the second nearest is "Delta college" in stockton which is around exactly 45ish mins drive from elk grove. if you hav relatives up in bay area and decide to bunk with them for summer then you can attend classes in Ohlone college, MIssion college, De Anza College and so on..

I used to hate a lot on these stoopid pre-req stuff.. But don't loose your hope !! There's always another semester :doh:

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blush.gif thanks everyone for the help

i saw that sierra river college in rocklin has chem 1b seats still open...but now my vacation is clashing with it since I'll be not here when summer skool starts for that class. and the one that starts on june 20 is full :wub:

mannn....i'm stuck now, dunno what to do no.gif i never failed any class before in my life blush.gif ....getting a D won't hurt my finacial aid from FAFSA right? or do they check your grades/GPA?

anyhoo, I feel kinda fed up already with science labs. Its starting to annoy for some reason...dunno why really. The classes I took so far for the bio major, I got some kind of C in all of them :plant bio, calculus for life sciences, chem 1A....dunno about animal bio yet, I hope my grade hadn't dropped to a low C before the final...I always got a D on the lab practical exams LOL.gif

I even flipped thru the catalog again for like the 500th time so far since I got it 2 years ago....the next major of interest is Criminal Justice...now I juz gotta do some research to find out the chances of getting a job with that in cali. I figure if theres always crime and criminals...there'll always be a job yeh?

When I was in senior year I thought about being a FBI agent for a few days. I went on their website and checked out some stuff, saw their program thing for how they hire you. I saw the thing about how you have to go to Virginia, some palce with letter Q i think...and this WHOLE physical test lasting 16 weeks. You gotta be able to do so many pushups and run fast and everything. I can't even do 5 pushups properly and can't even do a 1/4 of a pull up LOL.gif ...so then I said forget it, I cant' get that physically fit. And I didn't research into it any further.

but then again...sometimes i watch americas most wanted...and some of the FBI ppl you see on the show...they dont' look like they are physically fit and can do 50 pushups :) .....and what if you're job is to check ppl's financial stuff, those accounting ppl. They'll be in front of a computer probably all day or on the phone, checking someone's bank reports....I dont' think they need to be physically fit....someone who works indoors away from the actual ciminal doesn't need to be able to sprint right..?

So far I like the Investigation aspect of criminal justice. I probably can't do corrections cuz you gotta be big and buff sorta to handle the prisoners...and me so small person and shorty :doh:

administration might be cool, but i'm not leader type of person, i'm a follower LOL.gif

medical field was really good, ppl always sick so there's always gonna be jobs there....but I think if I'm doing so badly in the begininng classes...I'm not gonna do any good in the later harder classes...and I'm not liking it no more...i be falling asleep in those classes... :doh: .....

Vicky you know anything about criminal justice field in cali?

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oh yeah...i want to graduate as soon as i can cuz i wanna go enjoy my life before my parents stick me with some weirdo guy LOL.gif ....so like i don't wanna get stuck letting the semesters waste away retaking classes or taking classes i dont' even need in the first place (my cousins were taking witchcraft for fun :doh: @ )

kinda not fair....you guys get extra few years to kill/enjoy...girls are married between 22-25 average...and its like, we're harldy even out of college yet and then we get married... don't get no time to be yourself :)

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As for Criminal Justice...I don't know if you'll get a job with just an undergraduate degree in that major.

Majors like those are usually good pre-requeists for Law School....and most of the good jobs your going to need a Law Degree.

Anyways, if your summer class is clashing with your vacation time...I'd reccommend you to bite the bullet and take the class, you put yourself in the position, you gotta take a hit for it.

If you can't take it in the summer, yeah...probably a good idea to look into switching your major.

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