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Sikh Nationalism?

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A member on this forum said our Gurus did not promote nationalism, so I thought, let's put the facts out there.

1: Flag, Insignia: Every nation has a flag which represents its nation's people, land, or culture. "National Flag of India was adopted by India's constituent assembly on 22nd july, 1947" What was india's national flag before the British? If India was always one nation as people say then where is the original Indian flag?


The Sikh quam has had a flag before the Tiranga. The kesri Nishan Sahib which flies high at all Gurughars is the flag of the Sikh nation. The nishaan sahib as known today dates to the late 18th century early 19th century. So our Guru Sahibs have given this Sikh nation a flag.

2: National anthem: Almost Every nation has a national anthem which highlights or glorifies the nation's people or ambitions. "The Indian National anthem, composed originally in Bengali by Rabindranath Tagore, was adopted in its Hindi version by the Constituent Assembly as the National Anthem of India on 24 January 1950. It was first sung 27 December 1911 at the Calcutta session of the Indian National Congress."


The Sikhs Quam's national anthem is "Deh Shiva Bar Mohe Hai..." The Sikh national Anthem dates to the time of Guru Gobind Singh Ji (18th century) who put the final seal on the Khalsa Panth started by the first Nanak.

3: National language: Everey nation has an official language. The language of India is Hindi.

The Sikh nation's official language is Punjabi. The Gurmukhi alphabet was devised during the 16th century by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the first Sikh guru, and formalized by Guru Angad Dev Ji. The Sikh nation has their own script for writing their national language.

4: National Law: India's laws and rules are leftovers of British Laws used to run the subcontinent. Teh parliamentary gov't is a British creation and is the type of gov't in India.

The Sikh nation has the five Takhats or seats of power. The Akal Takhat sahib's decisions are law for the Sikh nation. The Sikh nation takes Hukamnama from it's leader SGGS and that Hukamnama governs the Sikh nation.

5: National Identity: Every nation has distinguishable characeristics which are commonly known throughout the world. When you ask Americans about Indians they will automatically think of women in Saris and so forth.

The Sikh nation's national identity has been carved through the Five K's. This is the most distinguishable national identity in the world.

6: National Army: The Indian army was obviously formalized in 1947. When the British came to India nd began taking over chunks of land there was no one "Indian" army which fought the British takeover. Independent nations within present-day INdia fought the British as their lands were annexed. The PUnjab was the last to fall and their army defended Punjab when Punjab was attacked, not when the British landed in Southern INdia. If India is and always was one nation, why was there no national army before the British?

The Sikh nation has its own national army, the Khalsa panth. People mistakenly think the Sikhs only had armies during Guru Gobind Singh Ji's time but many of the earlier Gurus kept an army. The proof of this national army is evident from the Anglo-Sikh wars, which were wars between two NATIONS.

All these examples are facts and are related to the Gurus of the Sikh Quam. For people who say that the Gurus did not promote nationalism, I think they should read Sikh history and learn more about the Sikh faith.

Also in Ardas we say, "Chaunkia, Jhande, Bunge Jugo Jug Atal..." These are sybmols of a Sovereign Nation.


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India has never been one nation. Those who advocate this view always point to Chandra Gupt, Ashoka etc. But even their Kingdoms never a country the size that India is today. Even the mighty Mughals failed to conquer all of what is now India.

Before 1947 there were more than 560 princely states all with their own flags etc so that further diminshes the one nation theory.

People in India have been brianwashed into believing that India has always existed.

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It was awesome to read all this. So simple but so hard to understand for many. Bhai sahib made it clear that india is a creation of British empire.

Also just to add all our Gurus remained sovreign. The concept of Miri Piri states that one can fight on two causes. First being Political and second being for Dharam. Guru sahib was a great politician because if you loose battle in politics ultimately you have lost the first battle and the enemy would wipe your dharam now.

I don't agree with people who say Gurus never kept terrotories. This is wrong. They even defended the lands where they live. Guru Sahib never kept terrortories out of Maya, but they kept Anandpur,Amrtisar,hargobindpur,goidwal like terrotories and places to live with forts around them and compelete sovreignity of a nation inside. Most battles that Sikhs fought were based on Miri and defending the land where you live.

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Also we need two more points:

7: Insignia: Every national has its Insignia which highlights ideology of that nation. "India's insignia is Ashoka's pillar adopted after 1947." What was India's insignia before British?

The Khalsa Panth's national insignia is Khanda. Its ideology clearly states the falsehood and truth are separated by double edged sword. A central chakr representing a timeless God and Swords of Miri Piri defending around it.

8: National Bird: Every nation has a national Bird. The US has Bald Eagle. What is India's national bird?

The Nation Khalsa national bird in Falcon. Why? Because a Falcon never preys on the dead and it is never caged in, Representing the Free and Honest living of Khalsa.

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