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Don't Freak . . . I'm A Sikh


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This is dedicated to those people who think that muslims are being UNFAIRLY targetted.

Inside the sect that loves terror

Speaking to a group of teenagers and families, he declared it was imperative for Muslims to “instil terror into the hearts of the kuffar” and added: “I am a terrorist. As a Muslim of course I am a terrorist.”

The 30-year-old, who claims to have had military training in Pakistan, said he did not want to go to Allah while sleeping in his bed “like an old woman”. Instead: “I want to be blown into pieces with my hands in one place and my feet in another.”

In public interviews Bakri condemned the killing of all innocent civilians. Later when he addressed his own followers he explained that he had in fact been referring only to Muslims as only they were innocent: “Yes I condemn killing any innocent people, but not any kuffar.”


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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

I just found out a few days ago that my good mate from Uni, who is an Amritdhari Singh, was the person who invented this T-Shirt. :) This Singh travels across London a lot on the Tube.

I was trying to get him to sign up to SikhSangat to give his side of the story ... but he was going to leave for holiday on the day I found out for 2 weeks to some remote part of the world.

The whole T-Shirt does not only say "Don't Freak ... I'm a Sikh". This message is only displayed on the back. On the front, there is a Khanda on the top left hand corner, and a quote across the middle saying "Recognise the human race as One," by Guru Gobind Singh. Basically, it translates "Maanas Kee Jaat Sabhae Eakae Pehchaanbo".

Thus, whilst distinguishing between Sikhs and Muslims, it also seeks to educate the public with a positive message on the teachings of our Gurus.

Basically, he said he has received good feedback from this T-shirt, becos when he walks around the tube and London, people are acknowledging his separate identity. 100's of people have given him smiles, acknowledgements, etc., of the problems faced by Sikhs since the London terrorist bombings. Others have also come to him and spoken to him personally about the need for unity in these difficult times, and how we should all be united against terrorists. People have realised that Sikhi teaches respect and equality for all persons, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, etc.

He only decided to make out this T-shirt after facing racist abuse on the Tube, due to his distinct Khalsa Saroop. Thus, this T-shirt has had a positive impact.

I did put it to him isn't it a bit harsh on Muslims, as it suggests that one should be careful of Muslims, becos they are all terrorist "freaks". He acknowledged that it might be interpreted in this way, but he decided that first and foremost his duty was to protect Sikhs and educate the public about Sikhs/Sikh identity. Thus far, he has been successful in his objectives.

When he comes back from holiday, he will be making this T-Shirt available at cost price, for all Sangats, probably at about £10-£12.

Bhul Chuk Maaf


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nothing wrong with the slogan 'dont freak....i'm a sikh' ......u shud freak when u see a muslim... LOL.gif my little cousin does.....they smell.

dont see the pakis standing up for us......when they convert our bros and sisters....no paki says anything to defend sikhi.....they have conventions and convert ppl infront of an audience....they cuss our Gurus.

i know not all muslims are terrorists....but i know alot of muslims and they all feel the bombings are good...secretly they celebrate.....i know how they work.

if i saw a paki being jumped i would help him .....probably just call the police rather than take a beating with him....but i would help simply because it is my duty as a sikh to help the defenceless.

i bet no paki would help me if i was getting beat.....believe me i aint sayin i am better than anyone....but this is reality.

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There is no need to be considerate towards these brainwashed animals in human clothing.

lol blimey...well thanx :) @

nothing wrong with the slogan 'dont freak....i'm a sikh' ......u shud freak when u see a muslim... LOL.gif   my little cousin does.....they smell.

Thanx again. So finally the true colours of people in this forum come out. Needless to say I wont be visiting this forum much anymore.

And please can we quit with the use of the word 'paki' when referring to a Muslim? If you're referring to a Muslim call them a Muslim not a 'paki' and if you're referring to someone of Pakistani origin then say they are pakistani not 'paki' that is a disgusting word.

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sister yasmin, just because two people out of thousands have misinterpreted our religion doesnt mean that everyone on the forum should be condemned.

in the same way, i believe the people who carried out the bombings have taken your religion and misinterpreted it.

all over the world, people are being killed simply because of their religion. Be it in isreal/palestine or the punjab. but the killing of innocent people is never going to solve anything, apart from stir up more tensions, causing more hate.

sorry for any mistakes.

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I haven't condemned everyone on the forum because of just these two people. In fact my concern about what I read here has been growing for some time and this particular thread was the final straw for me as well as a couple of others around at the moment. I have learnt alot about Sikhism from this forum and I respect the religion very much. But I am sorry I cannot say the same for the people who follow it. It is not just about what people here say about Islam and Muslims, it is many things and many subjects. And its not just two people its many people.

I came here with an extremely open mind about Sikhism as the religion and Sikhs themselves. I had no prior bias or prejudice or thoughts about you. So the fact that I come away from here with a negative view disappoints me but it is a sad fact.

Before anyone says it, I am not going to generalise the whole Sikh population with what I have experienced here. I will simply choose a different place to learn about Sikhism and meet some other people in the hope that what I have seen is not true.

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yasmin sister, I am sorry if I hurt your feelings but I have to say this bout Islam that for a long long time people have given muslims opportunities that they haven't given anybody else. In west and elsewhere muslims have been given a special place and been allowed to follow their customs and their way of life to the 'Tee'. Govt's bend over their backs to accomodate muslims but the same gesture was/is not shown back by your co-religionists. You know how muslim countries treat kufar or non-muslim, and you also know how they expect that all non-muslim countries should treat them with equality, democracy, freedom etc. And for all this non-muslim or kufar's are paid back with bombs and murder.

Now situation has come to such a pass that all peple who have a background remotely similar to muslims are becoming a target. I am sure you won't blame them if they have to take preventive measures for themselves to prevent them becoming a target for the deeds of your co-religionists.

Now I am just pointing out that obvious double-standard, I am sorry if it hurts you.

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Salaam Ali'ikum Yasmin Sister

I apologize on behalf of my brothers. no.gif I think they shouldn't have used derogatory words with Muslims. My message to them is just that as Ambassadors of Sikhi, we should all think that would our Gurus have ever acted like that? ohmy.gif

I hope your kind heart would forgive them.

Plz stay on the forum because we have a lot to learn from you.

Khuda Hafiiz


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