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Don't Freak . . . I'm A Sikh


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however like I said before my concerns are not only with the way Islam is discussed in this forum. It is more the whole general attitude, views and behaviour I have witnessed as a whole that I feel uneay about.

mann_kaum_layee_qurbaan i dunno what you were trying to say in your last post calling yourself 'low life scum' but I think better to ignore it :-)

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It's not often that I would find myself agreeing with Yasmin but she is right that we should not use any disparaging language towards Muslims. Having said that I do find it surprising that Yasmin who on another thread remarked that it must be ok for Muslims to kill an apostate who has converted to another religion if that is what Allah says. Seems like freedom of religion doesn't figure in her list of human rights but she gets upset over namecalling!!

Sikhi doesn't teach us to hate anyone because of their religion but it also places great store on the truth. So perhaps our outraged friend could comment on the hadith such as this which if I am right in assuming her to be a sunni she follows

Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 177:

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him

and how the above hadith of hate creates more hate

Sheik Ibrahim Madiras Friday sermon, PA TV Sept. 10, 2004:

"The Prophet said: the Resurrection will not take place until the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Muslims kill them. The Muslims will kill the Jews, rejoice [in it], rejoice in Allahs Victory. The Muslims will kill the Jews, and he will hide

The Prophet said: the Jews will hide behind the rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: oh servant of Allah, oh Muslim this is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!. Why is there this malice? Because there are none who love the Jews on the face of the earth: not man, not rock, and not tree everything hates them. They destroy everything they destroy the trees and destroy the houses. Everything wants vengeance on the Jews, on these pigs on the face of the earth, and the day of our victory, Allah willing, will come."

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lol what so now you want me to explain every hadith or passage in the Qur'an you dont agree with?  Sorry i refuse to do that and I resent what you say about me in the beginning of your post.  I am becoming sick of this forum


well this is what you wrote on another thread about islam allowing apostates to be killed

Bikramjit Singh. Obviously being Muslim I beleive that Islam is the truth so firstly I could never understand why someone would want to turn away from that truth. This is a point we will never see eye to eye on because Sikhism regards this very differently (ier all religions being paths to the same destination or God - correct me if i'm wrong). If in Shariah Law it says an apostate must be killed and this is with evidence and proven to be true. Who am I to refute the laws of God?? That is my answer.

Seems like you believe that as Islam is the 'truth' then it's ok to kill apostates as this is what allah says you should do. Wow I wouldn't want to sit next to you on the tube LOL.gif I say that because I am just watching a documentary ' inside the mind of a suicide bomber'.. it has interviews with ppl whose suicide bombs didn't go off and they say that they were also told by their trainers that this was what allah wanted them to do.. oh and the 72 virgins melarky

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It is unfortunate you have these views... but you yourself are guilty of not coming with open mind when you say you are here to learn about Sikhism. Judging by your post that bikramjit Singh has posted you clearly insist Islam is the truth and its ok to kil non-muslims if it says that in shariah, which proves the madness that still has a grip on you.

Islam has done some good and has provide the world with some good things but in modern times its hard to see a peaceful future for Islam when the followers are indoctrinated from birth to kill all non-muslims or be prepared to do so in the name of God.

I think it is wise you leave the forums if you do not feel you can accept what is written about Islam, or at least defend it with evidence. Otherwise you yourself have no right to complain when you can't present your arguments properly when trying to stick up for it.

Sikhism is about finding the true path to God and respects peoples right to worship what they want... but we have a right to examine all paths... even if it means hurting the sentiments of the blind or brain washed in the process.

You can find on this site people examining and critising some practises within Sikhism itself aswell as Hinduism, Christianity, Buddism and yes Islam also. And that is a beautfy of an open faith such as Sikhism we can examine it and critise it and decide if we want to follow it or not.

Wheres in Islam you are bound to it and are punished to death, according to shariah, if you decide to leave it. Just think how many muslims, during the reign of the Moghuls over punjab, left Islam for Sikhism and loved God and the teachings of the Guru's so much that they were prepared to lay down their lives for it.

I only hope you can open up your mind and heart so that you break free from the fear that keeps you in Islam.

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Are you blind? Ive said enough times that it is NOT what is said about Islam here that I dont like it is things completely different and separate from that. But people here are obsessed with Islam you just cant seem to help yourselves but always compare with Islam go on about how much better than Muslims you are, if I ever reply to a topic people always say to me, well Yasmin you know in your religion this and this happens...... SO WHAT? I come here to learn about Sikhism and all I ever got was people retalliating at me things about Islam when I made not one mention of it. This is soemthing I've become really fed up with. I cant come here as a person I come here and immediately get judged as being a Muslim person and immediately get thrown hadiths and passages of the Qur'an. does my request to learn about Sikhism and not have to defend everything you say about Islam count? Apparently not. Even in this thread look how many people have commented that I shouldnt take offence of what people say about Islam here even though I've repeatedly said ITS NOT ABOUT ISLAM.

lol sikh supreme I am in no fear, for you to think you can know anything about my belief like that is quite frankly arrogant. You can be content with the thought that had I been a Muslim coming here to learn about Sikhism with a view to convert you all would have put me right off ever going down such a path.

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No one is stopping you believing in what you believe in. In fact if your a muslim ..Sikhism says be a good muslim ..if your a hindu be a good hindu,etc,etc.

But with regards to people on the forum asking you about Islam well IGNORE them it's simple, there is ignore button in the forum USE IT!. If they dont respect your request for not asking you about Islam then just put them on ignore and you won't see their posts no more.

And if you chose to respond and defend whats being said about Islam then go ahead but dont say we can't talk about Islam because we are gonna talk about every faith and look at it critically ...even ours.

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