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Don't Freak . . . I'm A Sikh


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From today's Guardian

An immediate answer to yesterday's G2 front page teaser: has Britain lost its sense of humour? The answer is a clear no, at least judging from the new T-shirts being worn by young Asians on the underground, which display the slogan: "Don't freak, I'm a Sikh". We'll give top marks to the joke writer for that one and (for some obscure reason) the tale has also prompted a very loosely connected thought: does anybody know what happened to the Guardian Angels? Unlike funny Sikhs, you don't see too many on the tube these days. Surely they're missing a fantastic marketing opportunity?




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I would beg to disagree. We should wear the t-shirts and show and educate the general public that we are Sikhs not Muslims. We need to think of ourselves first, we need to protect our people first, that needs to be the main concern, let the Muslims take care of themselves, they have more resources then us, they have more people then us, the media especially the BBC is riddled with them, let them take care of themselves, they would never (and never do) lift a finger for us and normally totally ignore the Sikhs is any discussions/initiatives on the radio or TV. When the Muslims talk about attacks on Asians do they ever mention the Sikhs? That we get roped in by mistake when people shout abuse ? of course NOT, they mention the Muslim’s and that is that.We naïve/phollay Sikhs fall over ourselves by trying to include all people when ever we say or do anything, when will we learn that we need to be more assertive and we need to stand up for our rights first.

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Have you ever noticed that if there is a program on the radio or TV that is to do with religious matters they ALWAYS have a M on the panel. This is partly to do with BBC bias, partly due to so many M’s in the media now and partly because the M’s have made a conscious effort to get on these programs. We Sikhs very rarely get invited and when we do we do not send the most fluent, the most articulate, the most knowledgeable speaker, instead it will be the local ‘pardhaan’ who can hardly string to words in English, it is so embarrassing. In the meantime the M’s will never ever mention the Sikhs in their conversations in the media, it’s as if we do not exist, however we will always mention the Hindus and the M’s, even as far as saying Allah and Raam whenever we mention Waheguru. We fall over ourselves to please everyone when what we should be doing is focus on ourselves, to promote ourselves in a positive light and let everyone else look after themselves, why do we carry all this baggage around with us?

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i don't think those shirts are anti-Muslim...i think they are pro-Sikh. Funny how being pro-sikh somehow always implies anti-hindu or anti-Muslim.

The whole media is helping out the muslims telling the world that islam is a religion of peace, the least Sikhs acn do is let people know the same, and unfortunately we don't ahve the media behind us so Sikhs need to take the intiative. here in the US many sikhs have license plate covers which say proud to be a Sikh American.

It is sad that there are so many Sikhs in England for such a long time yet Sikhs are still the least known minority there. This is nobody's fault but ours.

wear the t-shirts and let people know who the people withteh turbans and beards are because people assiciate these things with the Muslims extremists...

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i don't think there's nethin wrong wit wearing a sikh t-shirt to show everybody that we're sikh..

but i agree with buddasinghs comments

Implying that it is OK to worry if one is muslim. Do not buy these t-shirts, they condone hatred against muslims.

if it was worded differently then i think it would be okay.. like 'PROUD TO BE A SIKH' or somethin cheesie like that... hahaha... i's okay to represent ourselves and to distinguish ourselves... but we can't put anybody else down u know..?

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Implying that it is OK to worry if one is muslim. Do not buy these t-shirts, they condone hatred against muslims.


There's no implication here, the shirts simply try and says "ok, i'm wearing a turban and since most of the terrorists you'll see on tv ( ossama and today that ratface ayman al zawarwi or whatever ) wear turbans i'm just trying to educate you in a humourous way that i am in no way associated with these terrorists and am an adherant of a religion called Sikhism"

as the above is a bit too long to put on a t-shirt then don't freak i'm a sikh does exactly the same

btw didn't the muslims recently have a tv programme called don't freak i'm islamic or something like that.


This is the image that millions of british people will have seen in the newspapers and on tv

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