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West Midland's Sikhi Week!


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To celebrate the birth of our first Guru, Dhan Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Ji:

West Midland's Sikhi Week, in conjunction with the University of Birmingham presents...

Guru's Langar on Campus!

Voted "BEST STUDENT EVENT 2004" by the University of Birmingham

This year with the Grace of Guru Nanak Dev Jee we hope to recreate the success of last year and spread the ideals of our first Guru through this unique concept of Free Food...


Last year we served over 2000 students across all races, backgrounds and countries. The atmosphere was electric and the feedback we got from many people was that the marquee on that day felt like "heaven on earth..."


Can you really afford to miss out on such a unique experience?

Langar will be served from 11am - 3pm. We need as many people there as possible to help with Seva required and answer the questions of the inquisitive sangat that are amazed by the Sikh faith.


To check out the photos from last year go to http://www.boss-uk.org/photos/ Make sure your there on Thursday.

Also Keertan Darbar in the Marquee afterwards from 6-8pm, so even for those of you who are stuck at work all day, you can come and enjoy the fruits of the sangat afterwards...

Come and join in with singing the praises of the Guru in the middle of the hustle bustle of student campus life, in the midst of a beautiful setting

Contact: 07740 823103

Email: wmsikhsocs@gmail.com

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can admin please make this into a sticky or is this event not worthy????

sikhi week starts 2morrow


“The ONE”

Aston University

Weds 2nd Nov


To kick start the week, a great spiritual professor, Bhai Vir Jee, will be leading a discussion on Guru Nanak Dev Jee, the founder of the Sikh faith and the inspiration behind this year’s Sikhi Week. Make sure your there to experience an enlightening encounter of a unique kind!

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Charity Car Wash[/size][/color]

Guru Nanak Gurdwara car park, Sedgley Street, Wolverhampton

Sunday 6th Nov

9am start

To raise money for the tragic earthquake that hit South Asia this month, us students will be getting together to raise some much needed money as well as leaving auntia happy with gleaming new cars! Join us to help out and partake in some true Seva as our first Guru instructed us to do…


great to see that sikhi weeks have kicked off, however, maybe next time the sevadaars could take other major panthik events into consideration.

The charity car wash, a great scheme, takes place on the day of remembrance of the shaheeds of our Panth from 1984 to present. Please sevadaars of WMSIKHSOC take into consideration the Guroos Shaheeds before planning events on the same day!

Hope Sikhi week goes well though... :TH:


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jus wanted to say that the talk one ''da one'' at aston university was wikkkeddddd,. good to see sooo many sikhs and members from other faiths attending, keep it up great seva.

tomorrow prob be better its langar on campus at birmingham university.

:nihungsmile: :e: :lol:

sikhi weeks gonna :umm:



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The talk at Aston University was a great success and a good way to kick off Sikhi Week.

Tomorrow is the highlight of the week... GURU'S LANGAR ON CAMPUS

For details of the event, see one of the past posts...

The other major thing is FOOD FOR THE SOUl: Keertan on campus

It will be from 6-8pm in the marquee right in the middle of all the hustle and bustle of campus life.

We're hoping to spread a little bit of spirituality across the evening so please please do your best to attend


Food For the Soul


In the Marquee

University of Birmingham


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vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

to taksaali singh

me just spoke to a sevadaar of boss and this is what they told me, u know who all da singhs r so chat to them insted of making accusations or demoting boss or other jathe.

singh said :

the sikhi week was planned well in advance of the event in london, plus if u got any thing to say say it to the sewadars of BOSS which u now. Am not going into the politics off jathas etc but only a few sewadars r staying for the car wash the rest r going to london to show unity. I dnt understand ppl who just sit and cuss on here without finding out the facts, this only demotivates sewadars and brings -negativity in the panth.

plus most of the dvds and banners are done by ppl who are doing the car wash and other panthic sewa. we dnt need to adversite under jathas etc. its easy on here we dnt need ppl b******g sewadars



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