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Death For Death?

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I am fully one hundred percent against the death penalty. It's just stupid to kill someone for killing someone else to show that killing is a crime. aduhh.. haha ok sorry I'm touchy on this topic. The thing about peple wanting to reinstate the death penalty to punish those who kill police officers with it? It's unacceptable - why should police officers be more special? If it's because they're protecting the people, you know what, that was their choice to make. If you're going to bring it back, it should apply to any instance, otherwise don't do it at all.

It may take money to keep them in jail, but you know what, that's what a jail is for - to teach people something while keeping them off the streets, but that doesn't happen anymore. Instead, jails have become homes for those who couldn't afford their own in society. People who go to jail for long periods of time dread getting out, because they have a comfortable life in there, three squares a day, somewhere to sleep and live, a life, basically. Rather than just kill people to wash your hands of them, why not try to better them?

I thought that's what the justice system was for..?

bhull chuk maaf

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

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the death penalty doesn't work. it's a primitive form of punishment which should be outlawed worldwide.

as for prison the UK is facing a penal crisis as prison numbers have rocketed to 80,000 and the system is struggling to cope.

evidence has shown that ppl who are jailed are more likely to reoffend

so the solution is to send fewer ppl to prison by rehabilitating, using community sentences and most importantly striking at the causes of crime ie lack of education, deprivation, poverty etc

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personally i say that the death penalty should be brought back, statistics show that four out of ten people who have been sent to prison will be out there again and kill another person.

an old folk tale from the city of london, as we know jack the ripper was a vile fiendish haraam da na hovai (and you can add whaever here) because the death penalty was supposedly used more often as he killed more, it is claimed that this could have been used as an example, if we find you then ussi teri jaan nahi chadni.

the money used to look after a jailed inmate costs alot of money...we could easily use it on our own systems, like the NHS and schools, and helping to make the roads much better...some of the roads in england now make indian roads look good.

its pathetic!!!!

ok, now we will have a few people that will say "who are we to kill someone?"

my answer is this

lets say someone close to your family has died (god forbid) and the police find the guy through DNA sampling (again this is a major breakthrough in hunting people...yes death penalty had its flaws, but DNA shows you were either there, or you werent, so the chances to kill the wrong person is low now)

anyhow, where was i?

yeah, suppose they find the person and the judge gives a pathetic sentance like 10 years in jail? but it could be reduced to 5 years now for some crappy reason.

what seperates you and this evil monster is that huge steel fence (once he is out of court)

are you going to sit there and say "tera kie mitha lagaa" (your will is sweet to me)

or kill that person who murdered someone close in your family.

it is reported that on average, those who killed in texas would get the death penalty would be like one in 5924, however a more recent (2000?) showed that as texas used the death penalty more then one in 16843 would commit a crime.

and saudi arabia has a low crime rate in stealing...after all they pnly chop your hand off if you are caught steeling....yes it may seem barbaric...but it definalty sets an example.

also when the death penalty was banend, in a span of four years there was an increase of over 125% of folk who would/should have got the penalty. (in four years!)

but remember there are other ways now to kill somone, no-one need to dance the hempen-jeg (or be hung by the neck) but there are the lethal injection (its harmless, but it sends someone to sleep and they dont feel a thing).

but now thanks to jack straw we will have a huge problem, if we do bring the death penalty back, then we have to leave the EU...that means all the gooies the EU now gives us...we have no right on.

but i personlly think its good to some extent, considering the EU judges can overule british hearings and any harsh sentances a british judge gives out.

gustaphi maaf

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alot of these repeat/serial offenders who 'deserve' the death penalty come from such a bad upbringing and their lifestyles are so messed that they do not care if they are killed and prefer to die. which is another reason why prison suicide rates are so high. i'd rather prefer if such a person suffers by going to prison for a long time than an execution

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I'm not sure how much you guys have researched this topic, however, I actually had to study this for one of my religious studies classes,

what we found was that it costs almost double to keep a person on death row then if they were there to serve a life sentance. they need special facilities, more security etc. etc......

Second for the people who mentioned this above, you are helping to put these guys out of their misery, i mean look at the oklahoma bomber, he got out easy, he was happy to get out of here.

Instead of arguing that the current system is not good enough, ie, they are released early therefore the death penalty should be brough in, why not try to make it so that a life sentance means just that, in jail for life. its cheaper then the death penalty, and the person has to live their entire life in a cell wondering why they did what they did.

bhul chuk maaf

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Giant turbines (rotors) should be constructed, these prisoners should thrown into the pit and told to turn the turbines thus generating power for the rest of the community. Once they have completed a certain amount of spins (ei- 10 billion rounds) they should be free to go.

should we provide them with food...yes... just enough for them to survive and keep turning the giant rotor.

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