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Gays and Lesbians within Sikhism

Guest Akaal108

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wahegurujee ka khalsa wahegurujee ki fathe!!!!could anyone pls tell why diid gurujee told us to be in grahsti it is sure for having babaies but more than this i think is for kaam guru jee knew this world is full of maya and kaam ,my sikh need a sheild for that defending we need to be satisfied and that satisfation can be given by ur partners whom u have married not only for babyies u marry ohmy.gif for satisfation also so that when ever kaam comes ur way u can satisfy ur self with the license wich guru sahib gave u now comming to gays i said before anytype of kaam exept wife is gunaha.so if u have wife with u the game is over but if u go beond that have sex with anyone i say anyone it dosent considers anything no problem sex is such a thing we cant imagine how far it can go . bhul chuk maaf if i have said anything wrong rolleyes.gif

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

sikh for life veer jee, you are finally getting what i am saying.

What makes kaam acceptable when you are married?

kaam krodh lobh moh ahankar - these are the 5 evils..

if kaam is ok after marriage, then why not krodh, does that make it acceptable to beat your wife? you are married to her right? is it acceptable to be attached to your wife? no guru sahib even says in many places "your spouse will not even help you" what about ego?? once you are married is it ok to walk around saying im better than you etc..

marriage is no excuse for any of the evils. Im not saying you have to be perfect, but being married does not give you a license to be a pervert, it must still only be done in the confines of gristhi jeevan (ie to have kids).

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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Guest SikhForLife

vjkk vjkf

good points...

thanks for the info veer! ... ideally thats what it should be according to sikhi !


i think we've all agreed that lust is wrong.. but on the same side its.. well .. unavoidable..

its one of the hardest sins to loose.... esp for us teenagers....


so when people say gays cant be sikhs.. i dont agree with that.. cuz if we call ourselves sikhs while committing all sorts of sins.. then so can they.. we have no right to judge them

i think thats all i wanna say.....

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wahegurujee ka khalsa wahegurujee ki fathe!!!

By reading mkhalsa veerje statement it proves that mkhalsajee is really blessed and has much kirpa on him and has gr8 knowdlege of bani but veerje u say kaam for biabies is ok kaam for statisfaction is wrong veerje i cant understand how come there are 2 kaam, kaam is kaam u do for babies or satisfaction ,again i say kaam with wife is ok kaam with parai nar ,nari is a sin mkahalsa veerje said (if kaam is ok after marriage, then why not krodh, does that make it acceptable to beat your wife?) answer is no u cannot beat or have sex forcefully with ur wife sex can only be done when love is there then my brother mkhlasa veerje said(is it acceptable to be attached to your wife?) no u should not be attached to any one accept guru sahib and akaal purkh but guru sahib didnt said u should stop loving.then my brother said(marriage is no excuse for any of the evils. Im not saying you have to be perfect, but being married does not give you a license to be a pervert, it must still only be done in the confines of gristhi jeevan (ie to have kids).)yes marraige is not excuse for any eveil but marrriage is for love ,babies and for satisfaction so that we donot indulge in bajjar kuret, veerje pls dont think im discouraging u or want to go ahead my guru knows how much respect i have for u.regading gay i agree with sikhforlife we should never ever slander or discourage gays what they are doing is their own wish may god bless them and us who i think are much worce than anyone thanku veerje guru sahaee rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif^_^

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We are nobody to judge other ppls life :T: ...

But since we are sharing our views.. iam strongly all pro- for gay community.. My best buddy is a gay and i never ever hated that guy, nor i thought of him as a different than others.. In fact they are funny and good company..

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  • 1 year later...

wjkk wjkf..well actually toking abt this topic i should ask each n everyone one simple...u like gay n les or u like a oppsite sex made..judge it urself..

well there is also one tuk..dnt know from where i think it is from dasam granth..

4. Haraam – Adultery, <admin-profanity filter activated> relationships outside of marriage

In Gurmat, entering <admin-profanity filter activated> relationships outside of marriage is strictly forbidden for both men and women. Husband and wife must be physically faithful to one another. People, who allow lust to overcome them, and violate this rule, will go to hell and enter other life forms.

hy kwmM nrk ibsRwmM bhu jonI BRmwvxh ]

"O <admin-profanity filter activated> desire, you lead the mortals to hell; you make them wander in

reincarnation through countless species."

(SGGSJ Ang 1358)

CMd ] suiD jb qy hm DrI bcn gur dey hmwry ]

pUq iehY pRn qoih pRwn jb lg Gt Qwry ]

inj nwrI ky swQ nyhu qum in`q bFYXhu ]

pr nwrI kI syj BUil supny hUM n jYXhu ]"When I was mature enough, Satguru Sri GuruTeg Bahadur Sahib Ji gave me this

teaching: Until the day you take your last breath, you must take this in and never forget it. You must forever keep respect for your wife. You must never go onto another women’s bed, even in a dream."

(Sri Dasam Granth Ang 842)

dyiK prweIAW cMgIAW mwvW BYxW DIAW jwxY ]

"Men should look at the opposite sex as mothers, sisters and daughters, (women should look at the opposite sex as fathers, brothers

and sons)."

(//. 29, Pauri 11, Bhai Gurdas ji)

eykw nwrI jqI hoie pr nwrI DI BYx vKwxY ]

"Be faithful to your one wife, see others as your daughters and sisters, (for women you must be faithful to one husband and see others as your sons and brothers)."

(//. 6, Pauri 8, Bhai Gurdas ji)

Singhs are to see elder women as their mothers, female peers as sisters and younger females as daughters. In the same manner, women are to see elder men as their fathers, male peers as their brothers and younger males as their sons. A Singh must look upon his wife as his faithful Singhni. In the same manner, a Singhni should look upon her husband as Parmeshwar(God). Those who have <admin-profanity filter activated> relationships outside of the bonds of marriage go to hell and in the after-life they will suffer the pain of embracing red-hot iron columns.

…qpq QMm gil lwiqAw ]

"…the hot irons are put around his/her body."

(SGGSJ Ang 546)

In the after-life, these individuals are boiled in cauldrons in hot oil.

pr iqRA rwvix jwih syeI qwlwjIAih ]

"Those who enter <admin-profanity filter activated> relationships outside of marriage shall be taken to hell and boiled in very hot oil." (SGGSJ Ang 1362)

hope this helps a bit on this topic..buhle cuke maaf..wjkk wjkf..

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

hi fellow sikhs............ grin.gif

it's reallya confusing topic and many of u have got the logic.....but u know................the sikh philosophy put emphasis on the will of akal purakh........we wish to not to undo his creation and will.......................we do not shorn our hairs......because this is a gift of akalpurakh and we should keep it intact( though there are manyother reasons for it)

Similarly akal purakh has created different sexes to satisfy our needs........so lets follow the akal purak's wish and seek gratification in the way god has desired...i.e. hetrosexuality........grihast jeevan............that's the only way to keep lust in control as per sikh philosophy........

...... male companionship is not made for sex...... no.gif let's ....understand that........


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to akal108 (or should I call you N3O), why do you say there is inequality in Sikhism because Sikhism doesn't allow gay marraiges? open your eyes EDITED, did you ever hear of 2 singhs in anand karaj or 2 singhnees in the olden days?

That being said it is downright AWEFUL to bash gay people, do you know how much pain and suffering they have been through in their lives? think about that next time. Where is your compassion? we are here on this earth to learn and realise our true selves, if you don't have compassion for everyone then you will keep coming back into this earth and what better way to learn to have compassion for gays then being incarnated as gay? God bless everyone.

On a side note (I'm not saying this is the case), there is a church teacher that says gay people are the result of the soul being incarnated into the opposite sex after many lifetimes as the other sex, so there is a bit of adjustment involved.


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