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Sunny Hundal Traitor To Sikhs?

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Making death threats, carrying out acts of violence or making threats to carry out acts of violence, articulating a narrow minded conspiracy theory view of the world, discussing other religions in hateful terms, slandering individuals who you disagree with ---------- all of these things are like the acts and rhetoric of fanatics rather than people who can talk seriously about issues in a rational way. They are the ways and manners of Islamic fanatics!

Sikhs are just one more 'riot' away from being viewed as nothing but Mini Muslims - that should be a warning to people to act more MATURE about criticism and issues facing us.

We are already beleagured in image - innocent Sikhs being mistaken for Muslims. We don't need to create an image of belligerence or intolerance that does nothing for our faith or well being of Sikhs living in vulnerable places in the West.

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Making death threats, carrying out acts of violence or making threats to carry out acts of violence, articulating a narrow minded conspiracy theory view of the world, discussing other religions in hateful terms, slandering individuals who you disagree with ---------- all of these things are like the acts of arhetoric of fanatics rather than people who can talk seriously about issues in a rational way. They are the ways and manners of Islamic fanatics!

who on earth have you been chatting to on these forums ohmy.gif

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I agree with prem

you can't just curse people because they have a diferent viewpoint to you.

Sunny Hundal has a right to his viewpoint you can't just slate him as an enemy of the sikhs, what you guna do pull out a fatwa on him.

If you are comfortable with your beleifs and not insecure then you can listen to other peoples opinions without getting angry, frustrated or violent about it or feel as though you are being attacked.

discussion is what promotes knowledge and understanding and also you have to learn to respect other peoples beleifs and opinions even though you may think they are wrong. When you can show this kind of maturity then people will have more respect for what you are saying.


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It's not just on these forums. It's in the real world where I chat to people and hear this kind of thing. And if you think that this thread, it's content, it's rhetoric, it's title, it's subject and language, is in any way a measured or responsible way to deal with the issue of opposing someone whose views you disagree with, you are missing something. Responding to provocation or opposition in a non rational 'mini muslim' way is utterly self defeating and it causes more problems than it solves.

As I say, we are utterly misrepresented and marginalised - we need to display tolerance, maturity and peacefulness in our language and argument.

Sunny Hundal has a right to his viewpoint you can't just slate him as an enemy of the sikhs, what you guna do pull out a fatwa on him.

Exactly! This guy writes for the Guardian, the Financial Times, other newspapers. He might come from a Sikh background but he does not practise Sikhi - so what?

So this is the image Sikh Supreme wants to spread - that a successful journalist is a 'traitor' because he disagrees with him - wow! Well done! Why don't you just slander Sikhs some more by acting just like those fanatical Muslims who put fatwas on everyone - that's a great image to portray of Sikhs in England! Just what we need at this moment in time!

Like I said, some people seem determined to portray through their lack of rationality that Sikhs are nothing but Mini Muslims - intolerant, fanatical, full of hatred.

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Mr. Prem when referring to religious fanatascism can you avoid using the world Muslim

Why? Muslim fundamentalists are the most prominent group of fanatics currently operating in the UK and like it or not, we live in their shadow. And whenever we act in a way that mimics their ethos and methods, Sikhs as a whole get portrayed in that light.

It adds to the problems of misrepresentation and fear we already face.


Do you?

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Mr. Prem when referring to religious fanatascism can you avoid using the world Muslim

Why? Muslim fundamentalists are the most prominent group of fanatics currently operating in the UK and like it or not, we live in their shadow. And whenever we act in a way that mimics their ethos and methods, Sikhs as a whole get portrayed in that light.

It adds to the problems of misrepresentation and fear we already face.


Do you?

I cant be asked to go into any long debates until after next week but no i dont want to be portrayed in that light

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