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The Nonsense In Islam


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I don't think the fire vs fire idea is good, and I was trying to show it in that way, referring to all the Sikhs that have been killed by Muslims in the past. With your theory, we should be going out to kill them, too, no?

No I wasnt actually if you had bothered to read the thread you would have understood we talking about conversion tactics, and the nonsense of Islam and Hindu thought.

Slandering means FALSE statement I didnt make up anything, people got mad that I exposed it {To deprive of shelter or protection}

Ive had muslims try to convert me and lead to just plain nonsence that I didnt convert. Ive had Muslim stand two inches from me starring at my turban wanting to take it off, and Im not going to defend myself and my faith?, and just sit here and let all these jainists not hurt a fly even metaphoricaly.

Yes love should be worldly involved but war is war and preparations should be taken. We need to educate ourself about things we are sheltered from. You might be around coward muslims but Im around hostiles who are radicalists in my books.

To many Singhs wouldnt want to break a nail or something and complain about anything outside the lines of Jainism.

Did Guru Hargobind fight against the Tyrants or sit back and cry about the war going on. You are very sheltered from the majority of Infidel removing islam converting muslims. I wonder if they went on a rampage again how many Sikhs would fall in their trap and either perish quickly or convert to islam.


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No I wasnt actually if you had bothered to read the thread you would have understood we talking about conversion tactics, and the nonsense of Islam and Hindu thought.

Ummm... I never said you were doing anything. What do you mean by "No I wasn't"? And no, I didn't bother reading the entire thread, it's too long, I just normally focus on what people say; you said something wrong in my opinion, so I voiced my views, okay? But I'll say sorry, because I didn't know what the topic is about.

Even still, the whole fighting fire with fire concept is bogus, though my example was more extreme, it's still idiotic to fight back against a ridicule that they don't understand by ridiculing them. Wouldn't it be better to just explain to them? Or to just ignore it? Why cause tensions, tensions that don't solve anything? What have you solved by your concept?

Slandering means FALSE statement I didnt make up anything, people got mad that I exposed it {To deprive of shelter or protection}

Okay, dude, check this out:

slan·der (slndr)


1. Law. Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation.

2. A false and malicious statement or report about someone.

v. slan·dered, slan·der·ing, slan·ders

v. tr.

To utter a slander about. See Synonyms at malign.

v. intr.

To utter or spread slander.

So, the verb means to utter slander, and slander means either of the first two, so you're correct, but if we're talking about what LionChild said, then you're wrong because she said it first, OKAY? Just admit it for ONCE!

Unless I'm totally wrong and you guys were again talking about something I didn't know (ie, you were actually the one who said it first, waaay before in some other thread, in which case I don't mean to cause any harm, just ignore this I guess).

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uummm.....i just wanna say....pritam singh khalsa veerji....i can understand how these kinda things interest you or you might think are insane or dumb.....and its nice that you want to share....yet sumtimes it can go a wrong way and people start thinkin that ur offending other religions....what for?....lets just concentrate on sikhi as das wat we really should be discussing as it is sikh sangat....its nice to see ur views yet they are harsh....just try to chill a bit and maybe u could start new threads on....how to improve sikhi today...just an idea...LOLz.....bhul chuk muaf karnee...and i dun mean to offend you or anything veerji...forgive me if i have....muaf karna ji


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I guess I would be the first and only to charge the opposition force wanting to take over and would be proud to lay down my life so that the Singhs who can fight better than me can get an extra ten feet further than if I didnt charge.

ਭਜਨਪ੍ਰੀਤ ਸ what are you talking about. I made no FALSE statements about hindus and Muslims so unless you can elaborate what you are trying to get across .....

If I see that Im wrong Ill admit it but for now ,no I dont see it.

People are scared of muslims so they remove the pics that started the thread but they left my posts about hindu spiritualist stuff?

and lionchild is a male

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By slander, LionChild meant to say that you were making fun of them, not that you were making any fake remarks, that's what I'm trying to say. We never said you made false statements. That's what I was trying to explain.

My bad, LionChild! I don't know why I wrote that...

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I said arent you glad your mom doesnt look like this , is streching it but it wasnt making fun.

So let me ask you would you be glad if your mom looked like this?

Here is the picpost-5391-1151546891.jpg

The rest of the comments under/over each picture were pure educational remarks and with no giggle remarks, I just reread what I put on that post.

But I will admit the mom part was streching it about as far as possible.

And Islamist have signs up like this and mean infidel or in other words anyone who doesnt beleive that mohamed was the last prophet of God or that are on his land{Earth} and arent muslim.

I have a quran and see passages like this all over.post-5391-1151547123.jpg

Tell me this is slander too?

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Isnt there a quotation frm Quran saying that "your religion is sweet to yours and my religion is sweet to mine" or words to that effect??

Apparently, verses like the above mentioned ones come from 1 line from main passages. If you read the whole passage you find out this is about war.. So it will say this kind of stuff.

I'll try to clarify this with a Muslim mate asap.

Anyways, back on this topic, Guru Ji said:

Raam Raheem Puran Quran Anek Kahai Mat Aik Nah Manyeo

Raam (hindu god), Rahim(a muslim prophet), Puranas(hindus texts), The Quran, they say a lot of things, but I do not beleive in them.

Thats it.

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I would love to see people write about other religions good or bad based on quotes from Guru Ji to back it up rather than take the mick out of people directly saying 'would you likeyour mum to look like that'?

That's childish.

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I would love to see people write about other religions good or bad based on quotes from Guru Ji to back it up rather than take the mick out of people directly saying 'would you like your mum to look like that'?

That's childish.


Sorry but that was a funny picture!


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""""""""""""""Isnt there a quotation frm Quran saying that "your religion is sweet to yours and my religion is sweet to mine" or words to that effect??"""""""""""""""""""

Maybe but I see the majority that I have read so far are like " Wait in the shadows and lay down and wait to ambush" etc. to that effect all over the quran.

"""""""I would love to see people write about other religions good or bad based on quotes from Guru Ji to back it up""""""""""

Ok then just read what GuruJi has said and then ignore it, and say its not good enough for you to use as a qoute.

But" Raam raheem puran quran........." is what I go off of.

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