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Mahatma Gandi A Hero?

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Guest HaRdKaUrWaRrIoRz
LOL.gif @least thats wut history has shown us...and about the sikhs not taking the oppurtunity, that was unfortunate but the gandhis didnt hold up their end of the deal....we were never granted the equality they promised
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LOL.gif @least thats wut history has shown us...and about the sikhs not taking the oppurtunity, that was unfortunate but the gandhis didnt hold up their end of the deal....we were never granted the equality they promised

why did we have to beleive in the equality the promissed? They don't even give equality to their own people, how can we expect it from them? More than half of the 14 wars Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji had to fight were against Pahari (Hindu) Rajey. I think we keep making mistskes upon mistakes and never learn.

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Guest HaRdKaUrWaRrIoRz

i guess thats our tendency to be easily persuaded or i've even heard that these ppl who did negotiate this came in lalch(-maya at work again) it goes both ways but that doesnt mean i like the gandhi's now..but ya we shud have taken the oppurtunity and that's really sad but we cant overlook the fact that these tyrants have killed so many sikhs

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I was listening to Katha by I.S. Ghaga and he told an incidence that when Mohammed Zinah was giving a speech to a gathering he said somthing like, "about brahmin: eh panjah (50) saal pehla future da plan kar lenda ke ki karna aan. about muslims: jadon koi ehna de sir vich sota marda tan ja ke ehna di akh khuldi aa te ekdam aapna bacha kar lende aa. about sikhs: jadon ehna de sir vich koi sota mar ke 200 meel door chala janda, ehna nu haley pata hi lagda aa ke 'koi sota mar giya lagda...'"

I think it was Sirdar Kapoor Singh who was listening to this speech and got tooooooo offended at Zinha that he insulted Sikhs. He tried to talk to Zinha after the speech and I think Zinha said somthing like, "Tusin ehna nu (brahmna nu) Gulaam bane dekheya hai... aje raaj karde nahi dekheya..."

When India got independence and Sirdar Kapoor Singh reflected upon Zinha's words they came out to be 110% true.

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I dont think gandhi was a hero for sikh nation or for me personally, a person who made a speech in calcutta stating that India went through battles and bloodshed and the main person who was responsible for those action is guru gobind singh jee and not many sikhs know this.

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