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How Do You Take A Hukamnama?

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  • 3 months later...
how do you take a hukamnama??

where do you start and stop??

When you open up Guru Granth Sahib Ji, you look at the top left hand corner of the ang that its opened to. If the shabad thats there has started on the previous ang, then you turn it back an and and read that shabad. So it would be the last shabad in the bottom right hand corner of the ang.

If the shabad is something like Bilaval Mehla 5 then you just read the whole shabad (until it gets to the next shabad, then you stop. Usually theres a kehai Nanak or something to alert you, but dont be fooled if there isnt lol)

If the shabad is a salok, then you read the salok until you get to a Pauri. You stop reading after the pauri.

Hope this made sense! There's also an explanation in the Reht Maryada on how to do it properly.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...



Here's a step by step way of taking the hukamnama, which is also found on http://forums.waheguroo.com/index.php?showtopic=20540

(1) An Ardaas or standing prayer, should be offered before taking a Hukamnama.

(2) If Guru Ji is covered with a Rumaala Sahib (beautiful fabric draping), then slowly with reverence roll or fold the Rumaala Sahib on itself. It is advisable to tuck the rolled up section of the Rumaala Sahib between the hard cover of Sri Guru Granth Sahib and the Angs on both sides. Ang litterally means 'part' as in part of a body. Each ang is reverently considered to be part of the body of the living Guru, Sri Guru Granth Sahibji

(3) If Guru Ji has not been opened, then when opening Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the opening angs at the top will be the Hukamnama. If Guru is already open then from the middle of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, lift an equal amount of Angs from one side and the other side, and with both thumbs carefully and randomly select an ang from the middle section of Guru Ji.

(4) Before reciting a Hukamnama, it is common to recite a mangla-chaaran, which means an invocation. We not only invoke the blessing of the Guru but clear our minds that we may read the Hukamnaama with proper attention. This can be a small shabad, salokh or saying 'Satnaam Vaahiguroo' in between opening Guru Ji for the Hukamnama and before reading the Hukam.

Some examples of Mangla-chaarans which are commonly used when taking Hukamnamas are:

Mool Mantar: -

ੴ ਸਤਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਕਰਤਾ ਪੁਰਖੁ ਨਿਰਭਉ ਨਿਰਵੈਰੁ ਅਕਾਲ ਮੂਰਤਿ ਅਜੂਨੀ ਸੈਭੰ ਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥

"One Universal Creator God. The Name Is Truth. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying, Beyond Birth, Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace." (Ang 1, SGGS)

Salokh (couplet):

sloku ]fMfauiq bMdn Aink bwr srb klw smrQ ] foln qy rwKhu pRBU nwnk dy kir hQ ]1]

"Salokh: I bow down, and fall to the ground in humble adoration, countless times, to the All-powerful Lord, who possesses all powers. Please protect me, and save me from wandering, God. Reach out and give Nanak Your Hand. ||1||" (Ang 256, SGGS)

A pauree (stanza) from a shabad:

ਸਲੋਕੁ ॥ਡੰਡਉਤਿ ਬੰਦਨ ਅਨਿਕ ਬਾਰ ਸਰਬ ਕਲਾ ਸਮਰਥ ॥ ਡੋਲਨ ਤੇ ਰਾਖਹੁ ਪ੍ਰਭੂ ਨਾਨਕ ਦੇ ਕਰਿ ਹਥ ॥1॥

I seek Your Sanctuary - You are my only hope. You are my companion, and my best friend. Save me, O Merciful Saviour Lord; Nanak is the slave of Your home. ||3||12|| (Ang 673)

(5) The Hukamnama according to the Rehat Maryada is always from the top left hand side. If the shabad is continuing from the previous ang turn the ang over to the point where the shabad begins.

If the Bani is a Salokh (couplet) or a Pauree (stanza), read the Salokh and the Pauree (if it starts on the previous ang, start from there). The pauree typically at the end of a given Shabad, which is deliniated by the pause or 'Rahao' line, in a shabad contains the central idea of Guru Ji's message. The other stanzas then expound in greater detail on this central theme.

You need to read the first two lines of the Hukamnama twice. Again the Pauree before the "Rahaao" (if applicable) is usually the central idea of the Shabad. The last two lines are then to also read twice (as indication that this is the end of the Hukamnama).

(7) A shabad usually ends with "Nanak" Also you can tell by looking at the numbers following after the line after a given Pauree where you are. The final Pauree contains a number then another number indicating fianlity of the Shabad. Thus Gurbani is organized in a logical way most can follow.

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  • 2 years later...


I have been told many times by people, and also on this site members say take hukamnama from SGGS Ji and you get all your answers.

I want guidance how can I take a hukamnama? I mean like this post states how too do it yourself, but I only do darshan at gurdwara sahib of SGGS ji,

So if I want to take a hukamnama do I ask the gaini to preform ardas and then he tell's me the shabad? Like what do I have to give him i.e. money, clothes (pagh and cloth), ingredients for degh etc? And what do I ask him, how do I say I want a hukamnama, do I have to say why aswell and also this can only be done if there is no other path running e.g sukhmani sahib, akhand path etc. as it will disturbe,so will it be better to go on a week day?

Or do I perform my own personal ardas when I metha tekh and take the hukamnama for the day which is for the whole sangat, as it is on the boards/ screens so I willstill remember it.

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I have been told many times by people, and also on this site members say take hukamnama from SGGS Ji and you get all your answers.

I want guidance how can I take a hukamnama? I mean like this post states how too do it yourself, but I only do darshan at gurdwara sahib of SGGS ji,

So if I want to take a hukamnama do I ask the gaini to preform ardas and then he tell's me the shabad? Like what do I have to give him i.e. money, clothes (pagh and cloth), ingredients for degh etc? And what do I ask him, how do I say I want a hukamnama, do I have to say why aswell and also this can only be done if there is no other path running e.g sukhmani sahib, akhand path etc. as it will disturbe,so will it be better to go on a week day?

Or do I perform my own personal ardas when I metha tekh and take the hukamnama for the day which is for the whole sangat, as it is on the boards/ screens so I willstill remember it.

In my own humble opinion its a very personal matter, you could ask the giani ji to do ardas for you with yourself present during it and then listen to him read the hukamnama and ask for the ang and remember the raag, mahalla and first line so you can find it again to read/look up aarths. I don't think you need to tell the giani ji what you are asking if you are standing in the ardas yourself, you can ask in your own mind when it comes to that part of the ardas at the end to ask what you want, but you can also see what the gyani ji says before the ardas whether he wants you to tell him or not.

Even taking the hukamnama for the day as your own personal hukamnama is fine, In my opinion it would be good if you could be present in the ardas that took place for that hukanmama though. Eg. amritvela ardas. Amritvela is also supposed to be an extra special time to get your ardas answered (listen to:



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  • 3 weeks later...

In my own humble opinion its a very personal matter, you could ask the giani ji to do ardas for you with yourself present during it and then listen to him read the hukamnama and ask for the ang and remember the raag, mahalla and first line so you can find it again to read/look up aarths. I don't think you need to tell the giani ji what you are asking if you are standing in the ardas yourself, you can ask in your own mind when it comes to that part of the ardas at the end to ask what you want, but you can also see what the gyani ji says before the ardas whether he wants you to tell him or not.

Even taking the hukamnama for the day as your own personal hukamnama is fine, In my opinion it would be good if you could be present in the ardas that took place for that hukanmama though. Eg. amritvela ardas. Amritvela is also supposed to be an extra special time to get your ardas answered (listen to:




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