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Problems New Converts Facing

sikh supreme

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ANYBODY can be a sikh regardless of who they are or where they come come aslong as they are dedicated to sikhism and are good. i once went into a so called caste gurdwara in london and all the people were quite shocked i was there as mainly cut hair sikhs go there, any way a bunch of tough guys came upto me and said "what are you doing here" trying to intimidate me and make me leave.....i then just pointed to the picture of my father Guru Gobind Singh Ji and said "Im here because of him" shamed faced they sat down.

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Were going off the topic instead of loathing in self pitty and shrugging our shoulders and saying "oh well thats just the way dumb sikhs are".

No thats not good enough...

What are we going to do to cure this problem our new Sikh brothers and sisters face.

How practically can we help them?

What are their needs?

and so on and so forth.

Sikhism is a universal faith, that was first preached to by Guru Nanak Dev ji to many a people across racial/national and religious divides. How are we to continue the our great Guru's, our great prophets legacy through sitting idle or going out there and helping these converts feel welcome into the sangat.

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Waheguroo jee ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo jee kee Fateh!

Part of the answer might be to tighten up who sikhs are. The majority of those who reject others are not really sikhs by themselves, they are the monai, the people who call themselves "punjabi" and think that gurdwara is a social gathering.

If we have committes of gursikhs only, amritdharis preferably, then that would begin to shift the gurdwara towards sikhi goals. Those that are just there for fun will leave, and those that are left, the true sikhs, will be accepting of all races.

Waheguroo jee ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo jee kee Fateh!

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i disagree with hps62, as sikhs we should know that sikhism has no boundary against color or any negative source. these people converted because they believe in something. how can we stand united if we have problem that are minor compared with bigger issues facing sikhism.(drugs or hair cutting and others) My opinion i think that its kool if people convert, there more resource to immigrants and others. just look at the temple were little kids just speak english.

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Yesterday there were 4 white amritdhaari gursikhs doing kirtan at sachkhand sri harimandir sahib and it was amazing!!! Their accent was 100 times better than mine and sounded better than other raggis because everything was clearly spoken. Last year when i went 2 Hemkunt sahib and hazoor sahib we saw lots of ppl from different backgrounds . I n my opinion i think that any1 and everyone are allowed to be part of sikhism and ppl that dnt allow other ppl to this religion are clearly not sikh bcus sikhism is about equality- any colour, creed or caste are authorised to go gurdwareh or any other religious events. I think as sikhs we shud learn from these ppl and encourage those around us to become part of the sikh family.:)

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Yesterday there were 4 white amritdhaari gursikhs doing kirtan at sachkhand sri harimandir sahib and it was amazing!!! Their accent was 100 times better than mine and sounded better than other raggis because everything was clearly spoken. Last year when i went 2 Hemkunt sahib and hazoor sahib we saw lots of ppl from different backgrounds . I n my opinion i think that any1 and everyone are allowed to be part of sikhism and ppl that dnt allow other ppl to this religion are clearly not sikh bcus sikhism is about equality- any colour, creed or caste are authorised to go gurdwareh or any other religious events. I think as sikhs we shud learn from these ppl and encourage those around us to become part of the sikh family.:)

You said it again after I said dont include "white", come on, dont use the word!

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I embrace all people who come to Sikhi, as they've realsied the true essence of Gursikhi! - I see them as my brothers and siters. and will do all to make them feel welcome in the Sikh religion. God is MAGINFICENT SUCH IS SIKHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am of the personel opinion that if white want to convert to sikhism then they must set up there own Gurdwaras , institutes .

Sikhism at its root is a Punjabi centric religion .

It is like Greeks and Britisher both may be Chrisitans but they are different from certian angle and hence build there own churches.

We Punjabi sikhs have a common theme which cannot be felt and enjoyed by those not born to a Punjabi mother.

May be Britisher , Canadian , Italian and Australian can still fit the bill to be part of Punjabi Sikhs as we have fought many battles together .

From India Jats of Haryana , Dogras of Jammu and Marathis of Maharashtra can also be co-opted as we have fought battles together in the unique flavour of Punjabs philosophy

" The so called SIKHS "

there is no such thing as "sikhism"

sikhi isnt an ism, its a way of life

ur personal opinion to be honest disgusts me

being punjabi dusnt mke u sikh

if u dnt c god in all then u dnt c god at all

practically nearly evry1 hu wasnt a punjabi sikh helped to outcaste sikhs in india

there is a reason y darbar sahib has 4 main doorways because every1 is welcome

a muslim saint called mian mir was the person to lay the first foundation stone of darbar sahib

gurughars are for everyone

ur soo small minded

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