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Just Came Back From India....

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lol yehh glad u had a gud time!!!!

i hate that 2 man - speakin Hindi over in India...my cousin is same she goes to me 'Hindi a national language here' n i was like yeh...ok.... rolleyes.gif

lol i duno what your chattin bout paji, bout the water over is wkd in India - its actually natural!!!!! the amount of heat they got over there - its us 'bheleti lohk' that finish their water in from the tenchi (the water holder thing on the top manjal :) lol but forget it man luv Panjaaab - lol luv the animals wanderin free in the roads amongst people n transport lol is klassicccccc :)

oh yeh paji i better have ur vote....read moi signature :cool: :cool:

If by what you wrote(which was not in english or proper grammar) you basically said you "hate' speaking hindi in india. I got that from this line "i hate that 2 man - speakin Hindi over in India.". If that's true, how can you call yourself an indian? You were probably BORN and RAISED INDIAN. How can you now say you hate SPEAKING your language in your country.

Sorry but I get ignorant stuff like this from some indians I know. Do not call yourself indian if you are not proud of it. Plus in America I expect people to speak english, so in india I expect people to speak Hindi/Punjabi. Of course if your indian YOUR EXPECTED to speak it. Your not a damn tourist. Your a Fellow Person. Only Gorra's are Tourist.

Tell me if im right or wrong.


@mann: good luck with marriage. Im getting arrange marriage to so i hope it's easy for me. Also if you dont mind me asking, did you get Love or Arrange'd?

Also how are you working it out on planning to take her out of her country(assuming she's indian born) to your country. I live in USA, so I personally think it would be hard to bring an indian girl to america. New culture and etc. Also, i have a grown bread from my sideburns down to my chin, if a girl does not like it not my problem :umm: . I'm proud of being sikh.




1. am NOT "Indian" - i dont even class myself that in NO way, i dont even call myself Sikh yet - am Sikh Panth follower / and or PANJABI....NOT "INDIAN"

2. I was born and raised in UK - not India...

3. hindi is NOT my language and NEVER will be

4. MOST my ancestors from PANJAAB not INDIA - so like i said above am Panjabi not Indian

5. i wearnt being "ignorant" - you jus judged me by HOW u read what i was sayin so tongue.gif

it aint matter of you bieng right or wrong...you just spoke like you knew what am on about....

Punjab is in India so therefore you are an Indian. and doesn't mean your an Indian you have to speak hindi.

i speak Panjabi, so am Panjabi - i dont class myself as Indian cos i choose not to - we have ppl 'hatin' in other countries when we tell them were "indian" - they think were hindu's etc - racial hatred - for those that have nothing against SOME panjabi lohk then understand - we're panjabi n not so n so....

Yes pun your right. But then how are you an indian if you can not speak your own language? You look like a tourist to me :umm: . To tell you the honest truth, if you don't speak your language besides not knowing or knowing about your history, religion, etc you look like an american to me(i live in america so i basically mean an OUTSIDER). I have had many people tell me they are indian, come to gurdwara*, but after they turned 13 they went straight American. Never came back, and if they did they are at corner smoking weed or with a bunch of indian's who do not know what they are talking about. But yet, they call themselves indian, which down right pisses me off. Im sorry, but its IGNORANT to call yourself indian, if you do not even speak the language AFTER BEING BORN INTO AN INDIAN FAMILY.

Im FIRST generation of my FAMILY. Meaning First Generation BORN IN AMERICA/OUTSIDE of india. Yet my mom and dad tought me my language, everyone in india said "why are you talking hindi/punjabi to him, he is an america, let him learn english". My mom being the smart women she is said "just watch, it will take him until age of 5 to learn the language well, but it will take him 2 MONTHS to learn english well. Guess what took me 1 Month and like a week and i was speaking english in Kindergarten.

Anyway, my point is, if you do not speak your language or choose to forget your language, then all you are is an outsider/tourist. ~Analyze this tought of mine, before you anwser to this.


@Kar: Punjab is in india, your an indian. You have TOO much pride with alittle "ignorant" thinking in you. Your an indian deal with it. My mom is Hindu, my dad is punjabi guess what IM AN INDIAN. Yet, i am SIKH. I am proud of being INDIAN. Even thou im proud of being Punjabi and a Sikh and being from Punjab. I AM AN INDIAN. So, i do not know how you call yourself an indian, if you will, please elaborate how you are not an "indian" but a "punjabi".



you can call it pride u can call it wuteva Paji, but am Sikh Panth follower / Panjabi - like i said my MAIN ancestors come from Panjaab NOT the whole of India...

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So let me get this straight. Since people are "hatin" indians becasue they mix indians and Muslims toghter(indians cannot be hated upon, we have not done anything wrong).

Anyways, if you don't classify yourself as indian BECAUSE people will mistake you for HINDU's, then all i have to say is that your ignorant. YOU ARE INDIAN. It's a fact. Punjabi is in INDIA. Deal with the fact that you will ALWAYS get CRAP from RETARTED people. I GET CRAP EVERYDAY. They think indian's and muslim's are the same thing, but i tell them i am an indian SIKH. Guess what, does not change anything. So if your classifying youself as punjabi I have no problem with that, but do not say you will not call yourself indian because people will give you crap, because that sounds stupid.

Also, so if people think your Hindu? What's wrong with that? I understand your a SIKH. Im a Sikh and I get <Edited> when people call me muslim. If they call me hindu, I say no, im punjabi. Most assumtions are based on what they learn at school. In american hinduism is known more then Sikhism, so I do not have problem with someone calling me hindu, i just fix them.

Also, how can hindu's be racially hated? They have not done anthing wrong. Just as Punjabi's have not done anything wrong.



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Guest Narinder Singh

Why are u so concerned with how people clasify themselves sikh4life? If u wanna call urself an Indian Sikh, go ahead, u dont see people throwing a fit because u clasify yourself as that. Why knock others who dont?

I for one wasnt born in India, i dont feel in any way connected with indian mainstream or culture, if anything i've reject most of it. As for being punjabi, i dunno if id even call myself that since ive never lived in punjab, sure i connect somewhat with the culture of punjab (my punjabi skills arent very good though). However, i have lived in England and the US, so wouldnt i be more of a British Sikh or a Sikh American than an Indian American?

I can definately understand why many Sikhs would not want to call themselves Indian since most Sikhs are from Punjab, and Punjab was never a part of India prior to indepedence. Another reason being that Sikhs have done everything for India and the people of India while India has done nothing at all for the Sikhs.

Forgive me if i've said anything wrong or offensive.


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majority of hindus stood by and watched thousands of innocent sikhs get killed and do nothing and then they voted overwhelming for the mass murderers to be elected to government

they havent dont anything wrong

Wow man I just learned something new. Never knew this. Yeah, so in a way I understand why sikhs don't wanna be called hindu, I'm gonna look into this. Thanks.


@Narinder Singh:

Im not concerned, I just like to know that there are still people out there that carry there own religion. Being born in America I have noticed that my generation and on does not KNOW ANYTHING about THERE RELIGION. Or for that fact where they come from. I am proud to know where I come from. I know people that don't know what they are. They call themselves american, but american is not a religion. Many youths now-a-days do not call themselves anything. They just say they are american, canadian, etc. I do not understand why people do not wanna know where there ancestors or there parents came from. I personally wanna know some of my history. History is mostly not important to me. But sometimes it is useful. For times when you need to learn from mistakes that were made before.

Anyway, many people like you for instant, do not know or care what they are. I frankly do not care about these people anyway. Ill get along with them and etc, but I personally see them as people who can give a flying rat's *** what there ancestors or there family had to do for them. Most of us(americans,canadians, etc) should be GREATFUL for being here. In a much better life, better envrionment, better health care, better etc. Atleast we have much things people back then did not. Most people back then were greatful for everything they got. Most people now-a-days do not care about what they have. They want more.

I appreciate for what I have and thank my mom and dad for coming to america. I love being in this country for many reasons:

Government actually cares.

Better Health Care.

Better Technology(some cases).

Better streets(thanks to government).

A lot more.

Basically most of them fall into Government actually cares. Like Better streets, by this I mean maintained, built sturdy, quality streets. I've seen news about how this bridge fell and there was a school bus and ## were killed in india. This is the kind of stuff im happy about. No $h*t on streets, etc. I am also not happy about some of the things in this country. Like racism and etc. But, I have to deal with the fact that this generation and on is now full of people that can careless what you are. Most are atheist's themselves so they do not care much about what color,race,religion you are. I have friends that are christian, atheist, etc. Most of them like to sit and talk about different religions and the aspects and beliefs. Most do not care what race,color,religion you are, they just like you for you.

Anyway, my point is, it just shows how much people care and do not care.



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I can definately understand why many Sikhs would not want to call themselves Indian since most Sikhs are from Punjab, and Punjab was never a part of India prior to indepedence. Another reason being that Sikhs have done everything for India and the people of India while India has done nothing at all for the Sikhs.

Actually Brits have nothing to do with Punjab in India...many of the upper-caste hindus who live in southern parts of India...used to originally live in the areas that are today called pakistani punjab right upto Kandahar...ancient kandahar was ruled by a Rajput king...and ancient Peshawar was actually Pushpavihara. All these were hindu majority areas before the hordes descended like locusts.

Lots of areas in the middle-east too were nominally called India during the Gupta period long before the british came...the brits were busy swinging between trees collecting berries at that time, many Arab tribes used to worship idols and believe in astrology etc before the spread of Islam. To the east Burma and Combodia, and western Indonesia were also part of the Indian cultural belt and followed the hindu belief system like they still do today.

The brits partitioned India because they wanted America to prosper, and through US they wanted to make the empire again.

Also if India was unpartitioned and we had borders with Iran, Iraq etc...could they have launched adventures in the middle-east as they are doing today. They would not have dared to.

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So let me get this straight. Since people are "hatin" indians becasue they mix indians and Muslims toghter(indians cannot be hated upon, we have not done anything wrong).

Anyways, if you don't classify yourself as indian BECAUSE people will mistake you for HINDU's, then all i have to say is that your ignorant. YOU ARE INDIAN. It's a fact. Punjabi is in INDIA. Deal with the fact that you will ALWAYS get CRAP from RETARTED people. I GET CRAP EVERYDAY. They think indian's and muslim's are the same thing, but i tell them i am an indian SIKH. Guess what, does not change anything. So if your classifying youself as punjabi I have no problem with that, but do not say you will not call yourself indian because people will give you crap, because that sounds stupid.

Also, so if people think your Hindu? What's wrong with that? I understand your a SIKH. Im a Sikh and I get <Edited> when people call me muslim. If they call me hindu, I say no, im punjabi. Most assumtions are based on what they learn at school. In american hinduism is known more then Sikhism, so I do not have problem with someone calling me hindu, i just fix them.

Also, how can hindu's be racially hated? They have not done anthing wrong. Just as Punjabi's have not done anything wrong.



I WILL NEVER EVER ACCEPT SOMEONE REFERRIN TO ME AS A HINDU- NEVER EVER - why shuld i? am Sikh Panth Follower / Panjabi - after 1984 - i spit on them MOST hindu's that supported blue cross - i know what i am - label it ignorant - wuteva i dont care - u call urself what u want and i'll call myself what i want.

psssh if u think hindu's never did anythin then.....wow rolleyes.gif

i aint disrespecting u Bhaji - am learnin jus like EVERYONE else - but i dont think u can go round tellin me what i "should" and "should not" be doing - its my choice - jus like u got a choice....:TH:

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Guest peacemaker

I'm sorry, but I hate when people try to label all hindus as bad just because of 84. That's just bs!

God bless equality and to hell with all the racist, ignorant idiots!

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