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Why Are Some People Stupid? (islamic Conversions)

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I found this on another site:

"On my way back from work yesterday 2 muslim guys from my university came and sat beside me and started talking to each other about how this sikh guy had converted into Islam because his gf is a muslim. Truly speaking I was shocked how this young guys were so happy about this. Being graduated form the same university few yrs back I knew wht their age might be.

I was totally shocked. I am a 24 yr Sikh woman, though not amritdhari but I do practice Sikhism ( try too). Somewhere deep with in me I was badly hurt on listening them and I kept thinking that our Gurujis sacrificed their lives due to this. I wasn't able to say anything as I myself cut my hair so I am not a perfect Sikh. I think that we should try to propagate Sikhism so that people shoud know wht it is all about. It's not just about going to the gurudwara or taking naam. they had no idea what Sikhism is and they just kept on mocking".

seems like 'sikh' guys can do thing like this to but 'sikh' women are judged more harshly................

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maybe that was guru jis way of telling you something............. every things has a reason, its the law of the universe.so it could be a wakener for you to become a sikh..............

its just as bad as a man to convert as a women, humans are equal, we should not judge, and we should not ponder over thoe who do judge cos most of the people on the planet judge.............. dont let it get to you

i think more parchar is already being done (with the sikh women groups emerging all over), but its got more to do with the thinking of the people are being converted, alot of girls and boys who cut hair and go to clubs n stuff, seem to have a different way of thinking and not all but alot of them ignore these efforts to put them onthe right path. Ifwe tellthemdont cut your hair for these reasons, for rehit, for the gurus hukam they dont listen........ the sevadars ofthe panths cant work miracles, its a two way process, and parents who give birth to children havethe utmost responsibiliy to educate their kids.

but apart from that, those who freely convert, may do so , i have no problem with it, sikhi isnt about numbers, its about rehit,

its the ones who are forced that is the problem.

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You have to be careful. These guys often do stuff like this to try and shock and demoralise people. I have had it the other way around on a few occasions with conversations about so and so's girlfriend converting for him had near me. I'm sure this was so that I would hear it and feel low.

Ultimately don't fall for the bait.

When we as a society warm to each other and all Sikhs feel this, they will never leave. It is truly God's way of waking us up to some of teh negative side of our society. We just need to act on it.

Generally we can be very elitist and closed off. This needs to change to inclusion and non-judging. Thats what I think.

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Thers one reason why Sikh women convert to Islam.

Sikh women are dumb as hell.

I don't understand why these awareness groups are running around telling Singhs to make sure that us girls don't go running off with a Muslim..why the hell don't you have workshops that talk about Sikh women from a Virsa/Gurmat point of view, instead of sending in the Singh cavalry to protect us?

Grrrrrrrrrrr....Sikh women - STOP BEING STUPID!

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Thers one reason why Sikh women convert to Islam.

Sikh women are dumb as hell.

I don't understand why these awareness groups are running around telling Singhs to make sure that us girls don't go running off with a Muslim..why the hell don't you have workshops that talk about Sikh women from a Virsa/Gurmat point of view, instead of sending in the Singh cavalry to protect us?

Grrrrrrrrrrr....Sikh women - STOP BEING STUPID!

When talking about situations such as these ... we must not generalize and state things like 'Sikh women are dumb as hell'. I mean hey ... don't mean to pick on you ... but judging from your SS screenname ... 'Tanu Kaur' ... the Kaur hints you are a Sikh and a woman ... so ... are you a 'stupid' Sikh woman? I hope you get what I'm trying to get at Bhenji. No disrespect or anything ... not trying to single you out ... your ideas about women sticking up for themselves ... being strong enough to protect themselves ... It's a great idea, and I fully support it ... Women should get out there and run these 'awareness groups' which should send the message out not only to Singhs, but Singhnees as well, saying 'hey this is whats going on, and we should ALL get together and do something about it to the people who have been affected by it, and to those who are at risk'. Awareness groups shouldn't be about sending messages to Singhs to 'protect' the Singhnees out there ... cause Guru Ji gave us enough strength to protect ourselves ... we just need to look within ourselves and find that inner strength, realize it, use it. How do we do that? Learn about Sikhi ... about Bani ... read it ... understand it ... apply it ... we do that and we'd be unstoppable. The reason why I say read bani and learn about Sikhi, because most women...and men ... are driven away from Sikhi by other communities, such as Islam for example, because they don't know much about their own religion and listen to misinformation from other communities. I hope this made sense ... again ... Bhenji ... I wasn't trying to pick on you in anyway ... I just hope you choose your words more carefully about sensitive issues like this ... because me ... as a Sikh Woman ... took offense to being generalized with other women ... and being called a 'Stupid Sikh Woman' ... bhul chuk maaf


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Thers one reason why Sikh women convert to Islam.

Sikh women are dumb as hell.

I don't understand why these awareness groups are running around telling Singhs to make sure that us girls don't go running off with a Muslim..why the hell don't you have workshops that talk about Sikh women from a Virsa/Gurmat point of view, instead of sending in the Singh cavalry to protect us?

Grrrrrrrrrrr....Sikh women - STOP BEING STUPID!

I agree with you because based on my experience, Sikh women aren't knowledgeable about Sikhi compare to Sikh men. I am not too sure why this is the case, but I think Sikh parents focusing Sikhi more on their sons than their daughters might be have something to do with that. So of course, non-Sikhs have better chance of converting Sikh women to their religion compare to Sikh men. Once again, I will repeat that I am saying this based on my experience.

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women (i think) dont listen to sikh guys who try to warn them.....................most of the girls i have found KNOW EXACTLY what they are doing but when it gets too deep and the guy start abusing them they dont know what to do.................so they just carry on being abused because they have been in the 'relationship' for a long time and are afraid of the consequences of people then finding out, so they suffer in silence.....................the current trend of 'sikh' women only wanting clean shaven guys is also playing a part........i think but then again maybe not..................ive just stop caring about people like this who pretend to be sikhs do stupid stuff and convert then cry because its all gone wrong...................im just concentrating on my own life because 'sikh' women (and MEN) never learn.

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Thers one reason why Sikh women convert to Islam.

Sikh women are dumb as hell.

I don't understand why these awareness groups are running around telling Singhs to make sure that us girls don't go running off with a Muslim..why the hell don't you have workshops that talk about Sikh women from a Virsa/Gurmat point of view, instead of sending in the Singh cavalry to protect us?

Grrrrrrrrrrr....Sikh women - STOP BEING STUPID!

i have different opinion altogether sys,

sikh women, rather any woman, more religious than men. sikh women do nitnem paath at home or gurudwara, form sukhmani jatha at all levels, arrange weekly sukhmani sahib darbar at gurudwara or home by home every week, participate in langar seva and other seva on the occasions like gurupurabs and other big days at gurudwara.

here at india there is a very healthy family link thread i.e. NANI / DADI KI KAHANI. i dont know whether it is prevail through out now a days or not. the aged grandma tells stories, sakhis, history etc. to grand children of the home before they go to bed.

so my personel experience and knowledge says "woman are more religious than men"

actually they do not have proper guidance and support from male part of the society / community. in fact this operation (prachar) is not a personal or gender limited kind of thing. it must be SARV VYAPAK (PREVAIL AMONGST ALL) whether male or female, younger or elder, even children can do miracle.

i have started another thread seeking suggestions for prachar amongst children. here in india, this is summer vacation time, and during this period of more then 1 and half month, these children can be taken to a journey of knowledge through the Sikh History. a planned prachar program is a need of hour for sikh community to stop the stupidity, one of which being discussed here.


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Thers one reason why Sikh women convert to Islam.

Sikh women are dumb as hell.

I don't understand why these awareness groups are running around telling Singhs to make sure that us girls don't go running off with a Muslim..why the hell don't you have workshops that talk about Sikh women from a Virsa/Gurmat point of view, instead of sending in the Singh cavalry to protect us?

Grrrrrrrrrrr....Sikh women - STOP BEING STUPID!

i have different opinion altogether sys,

sikh women, rather any woman, more religious than men. sikh women do nitnem paath at home or gurudwara, form sukhmani jatha at all levels, arrange weekly sukhmani sahib darbar at gurudwara or home by home every week, participate in langar seva and other seva on the occasions like gurupurabs and other big days at gurudwara.

here at india there is a very healthy family link thread i.e. NANI / DADI KI KAHANI. i dont know whether it is prevail through out now a days or not. the aged grandma tells stories, sakhis, history etc. to grand children of the home before they go to bed.

so my personel experience and knowledge says "woman are more religious than men"

actually they do not have proper guidance and support from male part of the society / community. in fact this operation (prachar) is not a personal or gender limited kind of thing. it must be SARV VYAPAK (PREVAIL AMONGST ALL) whether male or female, younger or elder, even children can do miracle.

i have started another thread seeking suggestions for prachar amongst children. here in india, this is summer vacation time, and during this period of more then 1 and half month, these children can be taken to a journey of knowledge through the Sikh History. a planned prachar program is a need of hour for sikh community to stop the stupidity, one of which being discussed here.


TRUE, there always more women at gurdwaras than men..................also there are only trim singhs at gurdwaras to................i keep a beard now (2 months!!!!! woohoo.gif ) and i feel the odd one out at gurdwaras these days

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Sorry, let me rephrase... (I have a horrible temper,sorry)

Some Sikh women are stupid. But the point is, we're all in essence, stupid.

There are two reasons this stuff is happening in the UK.

1. American Sikhs are too spead out, so if this were happening in one of their comunities, it would take longer for people to notice. The biggest areas, California and New York, probably have this going on as well, but on a smaller scale. I don't know about Canada because I'm not from there and Canadians are just weird in general. (It's a joke, calm down)

2. There's this whole concept in this country about "Singhs and Kaurs shouldn't talk to each other" which to me is a load of crap, but I'm from Texas, and in Texas we do everything differently. Apparently boys and girls can't talk to each other on MSN (because MSN is the devil), are not allowed to chit chat too much at gurduara (because that leads to kaam AHH!!!) and can't go out with each other (I don't mean on a date, I mean like a group trip to the movies or something). Those that do are looked at funny and then the kids have to spends extraordinary amounts of time explaining to the elder Gursikhs how the girls are just their sisters, they'll never do it again, blah blah blah.

Well when a girl has a problem, and its not something she can tell her parents, and other girls are just too mean (you have to admit, girls in general are just mean sometimes), and they obviously can't talk to a Singh, regardless if they think of that Singh as a brother, who do they turn to?

That very friendly Muslim boy at school. And most people (i include myself in this), are not strong enough to see they are being tricked. We are always being tricked, and we never notice that, so why this?

We cause our own problems. We refuse to have any communication between our youth because of their genders, but when things start to go wrong we jump up and blame everyone else.

I said Sikh women are stupid. But in fact the Singhs are even stupider. What are we doing? We shut out the bibiya from openly talking to Singhs, and yet they expect them to come to them when they have problems.

Maybe we should find a middle ground - like Kaurs that look like Singhs (I swear I once got a marriage proposal for someone's daughter, wth?)....

Anywho, my question is, these workshops and awareness meetings that are going on, are they working? Is the Singh cavalry armed to protect the weakminded Sikh girls from the scary Muslim thieves? (That's a joke too, please don't go crazy)

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