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Is Dastar A Punjabi Thing Or A Sikh Thing?


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we do the same thing

we call them "muslims" and "hindus" when they may or may not be following the principles. and we can't rely on "education" because it would be propagandistic...Hindu A might say something different from Hindu B who might say something different from Hindu C in terms of principles... same ways for muslims.

so why don't we say the right terms when we talk about "hindus" and "muslims"?

Good point.

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^^Ezzzzzzz mate. the purpose i started this thread for was to talk about turbans not about judging someone. that was just an example i used. My concern was why every turban wearing person from punjab is called sikh.

Seriously though, why do you care so much if they call themselves Sikhs or not? Is their bad behavior affecting your relationship with God?

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^^Ezzzzzzz mate. the purpose i started this thread for was to talk about turbans not about judging someone. that was just an example i used. My concern was why every turban wearing person from punjab is called sikh.

Seriously though, why do you care so much if they call themselves Sikhs or not? Is their bad behavior affecting your relationship with God?


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in my opinion, we have to be aware of wha others are doin around us... especially if those peopl are 'representing' the sikh community.. however, how we deal wit it n how it affects us is a diff story.. we can't let people defame the name of Sikhi and of our Great Gurus... if sum1 sees "sikhs" running around drinkin, doin drugs, violence, crime etc... they're goin to tink all sikhs are like dat... so we shud pay attention to wha 'our community' is doing, n shud also be able to 'educate' the public of wha sikhi REALLY talks bout...

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i think i's the other way around... in the grand scheme of things the Dastar 'has' become a Sikh "symbol"... buh in the real world... i's seen as merely a 'fashion' ting for many punjabis... many people WEAR a dastaar... buh how many of them actually by it? or are workin on livin towards what sikhi preaches? (ourselves included)

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Maybe I'm in the minority, but I'm a Dastaar-wearing girl and usually get called a Muslim. Or were you talking about people from Punjab who actually live in Punjab? :wub:

Yeah me too, its funny tho because the other day a muslim woman wearing a hijab asked me whether I was Muslim...thats never happened to me before! :D

Oh my days!! ME TOOO!! I always get called muslim and its weird cos I kinda expect it from people who are not islamic but the muslims come up to me aswell. The amount of times I have been asked how my fast is going, what I am doing for ramadhan, if I wanna go friday prayers etc rolleyes.gif

My mum who wears like a HUGE dastaar also got stopped by some muslim lady who thought she was muslim...I swear either these people see any head covering as being muslim or maybe they also do wear turbans but its just not so well known. Anyways its good to know it not only happened to me though. lol.

OH about th punjabi thing....I moved into a flat of girls and in convo one of the girls was like wow ure punjabi so how many glassy's can you drink? I was like erm.....and then she went on to describe how they can take a lot etc and when I told her I don't drink she was shocked! The thing is I am pretty sure in Punjabi culture drinking is only for the men anyways.

Oh another thing........I think this is kinda funny.....my sister wore her keskhi to school and it was this LONG HOT summers day and randomly this hijabi girl comes running towards her. She comes up to my sister and goes 'you know I looked at you and thought if one of our sisters can wear her hijab up like that - then why cannot I?'.....'especially in all this heat, my neck gets all hot......I really respect you for wearing it like that and your not like one of those tarty girls cos ure a good muslim aswell' :wub:

Another one which is I like aswell. Happened to my sister again....She is basically walking home from school and a muslim boys is like oh u guru nana.....wat you got on ure head? Then another muslim boy goes 'oh shut it.....she's one of our sisters and don't say that about the hijab'.....Then the other guy is like no she is wearing the bangle and then they start having a debate amongst themselves about whether it really was a kara cos this was about 5 years ago when wearing silver bangles was the 'in' thing....literally H&M had stocks which all looked like a kara apart from the fact they were not completely round...

Anyways yea thats it. blush21.gif

Thats crazy just goes to show how misinformed people are BUT forget muslims. A ''Sikh'' girl came upto me and asked ME if i was sikh i mean is the whole world gone mad where people from our own religion dont even know what sikhs are supposed to look like i would have educated here but my jaw was on the floor after hearing a stupid question like that..........i dont know how sikh women who wear a dastaar handle it - men get labled terrorists and women get labled muslims aswell!.............

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