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Sikh community vows to banish social evils

Deep Singh

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Agree.. need to do that. .BUT they also need to bring the AWARENESS.. Yes one can Ban this or that, PPls who do these stuff will not stop doing it.. even after this law is in effect..

ALl i say is first we need to bring awareness, education, seminars to public on these subject before announcing such laws to public...

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I have few issues regarding these bans:

1." They have banned the serving of non-vegetarian meals "

I understand from the hukamnama of Akal Takhat that Sikhs are "allowed" to eat meat if it is jhatka meat.So banning meat is not according to Sikhi.I know its a controversial issue, but Akal Takhat hukam means something.

2."dance by women on roads during baraat"

If men are allowed than why not women.If men can express their 'Khushi' then why can't women? I know people look at women differently when they dance, but this is not the solution to it.I think everybdy should have the right to express their 'Khushi'.Equality is one of the principle of sikhism.

I think all this is more cultural issue than the religious.The only good thing is banning liquor which is according to the Sikh principles.

I expect a healthy feedback from the sangat.

Bhul Chuk Maff.

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well guys it clear that you have not been to 'indian-punjabi' wedding back home in punjab. the thing is that men are drinking...they are totaly sharabi. all "normal" jananian are at their own party singing songs and all. but the men are watching indian prostitutes dance at the wedding....THAT IS WHAT WOMEN ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DANCE IN THE BARAAT! if there were men prostitutes dancing...then that would be banned too. and one more thing: Meat is not allowed in the presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. that is why in langar their is no meat. Jathka food can be eaten when there is neccesity [no vege food around...and you are going to die].

it is simple guys: all this is written in Rehit...do you want prostitues dancing? B)

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Dear Deep Singh ji!!

you said:

"well guys it clear that you have not been to 'indian-punjabi' wedding back home in punjab. the thing is that men are drinking...they are totaly sharabi. all "normal" jananian are at their own party singing songs and all. but the men are watching indian prostitutes dance at the wedding....THAT IS WHAT WOMEN ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DANCE IN THE BARAAT!"

I been to India-Punjabi marriages back home in Punjab.I know about shrabi men.The solution to this problem is NOT to stop women from expressing their 'Khushi' or emothions.The solution is stoping liqour service in Barat.The solution is to make men understand that the women who are dancing are not 'prostitutes' they are women from respected families.Dancing is very normal thing a very normal expression, there is nothing wrong in that.The wrong thing is looking at those ladies in 'wrong' way.We should eradicate the evil,not the very normal expression i.e. dancing.I totally support the idea of expressing one's emotions regardless of gender.Men and Women should be treated equally.


You said:

"and one more thing: Meat is not allowed in the presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. that is why in langar their is no meat. Jathka food can be eaten when there is neccesity [no vege food around...and you are going to die]. "

Admin Note: Controversial Issues are not allowed. Waheguroo! Network firmly beleives and stands by the fact that meat is not allowed

in Sikhi. No pro meat topics of posts will be allowed. If you want to know more about the subject, search our archives, it has been discussed numerous times.

Also, why meat is allowed when u r dieing? If NOT eating meat is religion then why not die for that (i.e. by not eating anything except veggie) as our great Sikh died for their hair(Bhai taru ji).

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Balwinder Singh ji:

1) Okey..great! ban alcohol! i agree 100%

2) okey..women should also have fun. never said that they should not.

3) And YES there are women NOT from respected families who dance at these weddings. some times famous singers are brought, and they bring some girls with them who are dancing and the sharabi men are looking at them. this happens man! now i do not know if they are prost.s or what, but still they are not members of the families....

4) I am not sure if all will agree that dancing is perfectly fine. as in Gurbani dancing has been rejected, also several Rehitnameh talk aganist them. but i agree that it is the way people dance that is wrong...or the way the men look at ladies, either they are from respected families or from some singing group who i called prost.s as i could not find a better word. that is my bad, sorry for that. :) also i am not sure how many people will think it is perfectly fine that ladies dance alongside roads as they are going with the baraat. (not that i favour men doing so)

5) Meat: here you some up some argument about meat; and i say okey...if the family wants to eat..then it is up to them. however, there are certain differences in the Panth whether meat should be eaten or not. that i believe you are aware of. i could make up some argument about meat too. but i read your post in the other forum about 'Meat?' so you will hopefully get some answars there...

and you said that men and women should be treated equally:

man...where have i s

aid they shouldn't be....if you read some of my posts back in days, i have also said lots of times that alcohol should be banned. if women are not allowed to dance...no dancing for men either! Sikhism does preach equality: but it does not mean that if one smokes or drinks, the other should also do so. it says that both men and women should not drink..smoke...or even dance (if it is lusty)

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