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Bhai Sukha Singhs Talk From Last Nights Kirtan Darbar

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stop beadbi of Maharaaj and Dasam Bani

become shastardhari, wear a dastaar not patkeh

dont fail to get up for nitnem (if u do uve written a bedhaava-chalee mukhtee maha singh)

pantic ekta jathebanida, issues within the panth-bibia converting

are our children going to be sant sipahi or 'teletubbies'

im sure ive missed out several points.

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wjkk wjkf

veer ji, it would be very hard to explain in words what bhai sahib is trying to put across? its 66 mins speech. daas had a chance and was there in the darbaar, but i dont have words to explain this here....

in nuttshell its about what we do and what we supposed to be doing? hope you get the message, please make some arrangment and DO listen to the speech whenever possible.

if someone else wanna explain, please help those who cant listen to it coz they are at work.

wjkk wjkf

For those of us who only have internet access at work and cant listen to this super-speech, can someone sum up what it's all about.

Thanks in advance.

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Its sounds pretty good, just flicked through sections of it, bits are straight out of sant jarnail singh ji's speeches so its good that these are being tranlated into english for the youngsters to understand, as most people know the speeches exist but never actually take the time to listen to them!

The bit he said about not letting any beadbi of guru maharajh take place and doing whatever it takes to prevent this (use of a kirpan as per maharajh's hukum to finish the dusht) is a good thing. Just hope that people stepping up to this seva know that they will be labelled as extremists, terrorists, will have people drop their names to the police, scotland yard etc and thats from members from within our own 'community' including some who also wear blue ghol dastars/dumalleh!! Ask the singhs that have been doing this parchar over the last 20 odd years about how much abuse they've got and how little people are willing to help. Even the soormeh singhs that dealt saza to that dusht darshan das and have been sitting in the UK jails for the last god knows how many years still regularly get insulted by members of our own 'community'.

Even on this forum those pushing for anything which tackles beadbi (in whichever shape or form) are often ridiculed and called names. Its not even the case that those who want to do something about it are just left to it, everyone seems to have an opinion and we see a lot of us pulling the rug from beneath each others feet. Its sad because a LOT of very good singhs have gotten tired over the years having to fight not only those doing the dusht things, but then also having to fight our own!

We need to make sure were willing to act on our words and our beliefs, otherwise they are nothing more then just incomprehensible noises and thoughts.

The elder singhs started these R4G and other seva groups, its upto the new and younger singhs to make sure they carry on the seva. Wedding season is fast approaching so, lets keep our eyes and ears open.

Its a tough job being an 'extremist' but someone's gotta do it :D :s

ps for definition of 'extremist' see sant jarnail singh ji's definition! :D

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AK 47s made some good points. The only thing I would personally emphasise to those who take these kind of sewas forward is always remember WHO gave you the sewa in the first place. Its so easy to get swept away with these issues of beadbi and I have seen good Singhs fall into the pits of their own egos and claim they are saving Maharaj. Jumping on a high horse can happen too easily and thats where many movements fall flat on their face and become small flashes in the pan.

It's good to know that there's passion out there, but without channeling, some of the past situations have shown me that the passion can become stage-managed and manipulated too. Note I am not attacking anyone specific here so please dont feel insulted, just expressing a personal opinion.

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Rupinder singh i do agree with you, and having clashed with you in the past over these issues i know that we both appreciate that there are different ways of looking at the same situation depending on which shoes you happen to wearing that day!

The issue of guru jis beadbi or nindiya has been there since the gurus times. Chandu was beaten and killed by the sikhs and guru gobins singh ji gave us quite direct commands as per my post above. Then throughout history singhs have stepped up whenever the need arose, masa rangar, nankana sahib, 1978, 1984 etc etc. In the recent times sant jarnail singh ji said it beautifully and very simply. He said that there are 3 occasions where a singh may use violence

1. In cases of self defence

2. Where a woman is being attacked/has been attacked (where someone tries to take their honour)

3. Where someone does guru granth sahib jis beadbi.

People may agree or disagree with this, but sant ji said this over and over again. And history shows that those that did do beadbi and nindiya of maharajh were dealt with (e.g. lala jagat narain). so when sant ji spoke, his words had effect and they had power as those listening knew that something would come of them. sant ji himself was a front line soldier, he was defined by his words as well as his actions.

the reason for this is simply the fact that they had a jeevan. Most of us have nothing, we dress up good, but thats about as far as it goes. If we truely want to stop beadbi then we need to build a powerful jeevan first. Once we have that jeevan then we will have the power to put our talwar on the neck of the nindak. until then we should be careful about the claims/promises we make, as sometimes while well intentioned they are born of ego.

Of the singhs i have personaly met and who have done mahan seva for the panth, they are generally very gupt both before and after the seva. Singhs who stayed at metha said that when a singh would stop talking for a few days and just keep to himself that they would keep an eye on him. if he then went missing for a few days and then came back and carried on if nothing had happened, then the singhs would check the newspapers. quite often they found that a certain nindak had been sorted out, but no words would be said by the singh doing the seva, or those who found out about the seva. sometimes sant ji would come to these singhs and give them laddoo's etc, which was just claryifing the point but again nothing was usually said. :s

if it had been people like us we would have been jumping up and down screaming our names from the top of every roof in the city to get our names known!!

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