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Fear For A Naxalite Attack On Takht Sri Patna Sahib?


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naxalbariye can do now what sikh fighters couldn't do at their peak in late 80s...

freeing more than 100 inmates!

i know sikh fighters did free, but not in such big numbers... like manbeer singh chaheru along with one other killed 12 police officers and then released gen labh singh along with 2 others...

Unlike Punjab high security jails in eastrn states like bihar jharkhand and chatisgarh jail r guarded by guards armed with outdated rifles .in punjab there r big paramilatary bases and second biggest milatary base of asia now they have raised new corps in ferozepur sector on the plea of meeting pak threat. In AMIRTSAR, PATHANKOT GURDASPUR THERE IS HUGH MILATARY PRESENCE IN BUDDOWAL THERE IS ASIA BIGGEST ARMS AND AMMUNIATION RESERVE. THERE IS NOTHING OF THIS KIND IN NAXAL AFFECTED AREAS AND J AND K FURTHER THERE IS NATURAL DEFENCE OF FOREST IN THESE AREAS AS COMPAERED TO PUNJAB SIKH FIGHTERS WERE MORE SUCCESSFUL IN TERAI AREAas they got forest cover which is essential part of gurrila warfare.

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muzumdar bro,

here are hawk bro's points.. incase you don't understand his english..

Hawk13 - Marxist-Lenenist is the biggest failure. You didn't reply to KARTAR SINGH SARABHA BRIGADE. What Soviet Union did in Hungary, Poland & Afghanistan and Red Guard did in China during cultural revolution during 70s was horrible. Goo and see the genocide commited by Soviet troops in Ukraine, Baltic states and Russia. What about Stalin who died like a pig. Even his own country men disowned him and his family was given shelter by India as he was responsible for 2 crore deaths. You have no knowdge about Sikh movement. It started in 1955. Again you are wrong when u say Sikh movement came and is gone. Our movement is still there. How u justify Biharikaran of Punjab it was again the left minded Baldev singh who betrayed Tara Singh. Why do even leftist amred groups of the north east like NSCN and ULFA target Pro-Naxal groups? Because they are biggest frauds! What about Gursharan Singh who continiues to demean the Sikhs? Will you kill him?I don't care what you think about me, I speak the truth, which shows real face of comrades. Why did naxals take refuge in gurdwaras during their movement in Punjab? Didn't your student leader P.S. Randhawa, chief of PSU, killed innocent Sikh students in 70s. Later he was killed by one of the victims relatives. Was he not your member? What about your members, who as teachers, ask Sikh students to shed of their kakars? Leftist ideology deserves to be thrown into the dust bin.

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Hawk 13,

I would argue that you have done the injustice of labeling the entire Naxalite movement based on the actions of a few bad apples. In the same way, many so called Sikh Liberation Fighters became consumed by ego, power and greed, etc. Yet it would be unfair to label the entire movement as bad.

Also, you appear to have something against Leftist thought as if it were evil and out to get Sikhi. Many of the fundamental practices of Sikhi are Socialist-like. That is why many refer to Guru Ji's time a Social Revolution.

A suggestion is that everyone who has posted above provide credible sources to back up what they are saying. Anyone can make any sort of claim.

Now in response to your statements,

"Naxallites have failed poltical ideology and their track record in China ,RUSSIA is stained with blood of innocent people. One of top INDIAN Army official compares naxallites with sikh figters like this naxallites despite their numbers meekly runs away but sikh fighters fights like tigers and repulshes the superior forces. And leftists r anti religion if they dare attack the TAKHT PATNA SHAIAB. THERE WILL BE SEVERE RETAILIATION FROM HUGH SIKH UNITS SITUATED IN BIHAR as happened in1996 when a sikh army officer was abuducted and when sikh troops laid seige to their strongholds and 1500 naxallites surrendered and freed the officer. Rather sikhs have clear political idelogy and their track recod is clean even medival period. so dump leftist idology in garbage. "

- Naxalites have not failed, it is an ongoing revolution. In fact they are growing stronger and stronger in India, as we speak and have reclaimed numerous territories

- If you think the Naxal movement is stained with innocent blood, how so? Also, what do you propose? That we continue with State Terrorism, driven by corporate greed, rooted in capitalist ideology, which exploits the working class? The Naxals are a resistance to the slavery of capitalist neo-imperialist, neo-liberal agendas.

- Leftists are NOT anti religion. Look at The Boliviarian Republic of Venezuela whos leader is a religious man himself.

- Before speaking as if Sikhs are superior and have never made a mistake, look beyond your ideological filters and read your history. Not every "Sikh" has been infallible in our history.

But they follow maraxist lennist idology please go to punjab and find out how leftists joined the cats and killed and raped sikh fighters famly one such comrade was killed by BHAI SATNAM SINGH CHINNA IT IS KNOWN FACT U CAN CONFIRM FROM ANY SOURCE.

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was satnam singh chinna of btfk killed by naxalites?? wow didnt know that...

Unlike Punjab high security jails in eastrn states like bihar jharkhand and chatisgarh jail r guarded by guards armed with outdated rifles .in punjab there r big paramilatary bases and second biggest milatary base of asia now they have raised new corps in ferozepur sector on the plea of meeting pak threat. In AMIRTSAR, PATHANKOT GURDASPUR THERE IS HUGH MILATARY PRESENCE IN BUDDOWAL THERE IS ASIA BIGGEST ARMS AND AMMUNIATION RESERVE. THERE IS NOTHING OF THIS KIND IN NAXAL AFFECTED AREAS AND J AND K FURTHER THERE IS NATURAL DEFENCE OF FOREST IN THESE AREAS AS COMPAERED TO PUNJAB SIKH FIGHTERS WERE MORE SUCCESSFUL IN TERAI AREAas they got forest cover which is essential part of gurrila warfare.

thanks for information brother

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many babbars were former naxalites

some naxalites (not all) betrayed many sikh militants (i am not saying the babbars betrayed anyone)

naxalites are by their very nature anti khalistan - they believe in an united india but one which is nearly communist but more socialist.

tohra was close to the naxalites

surjeet singh comrade (anti khalistan) was known to have a gang of naxalites at his disposal. he was close to tohra

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