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Guest mehtab
i no its gud rochak turned 2 sikhi. but shudnt we b praisin maharaj 4 givin the gud luks rochak has now? cuz we prasin him, n thats buildin up haumai in rochak ji. n shudnt we b praisin guru ji cuz now there r loadsa ppl followin rehat, not those individuals.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank u thank u thank u soooooooooooooooooooooooo much ^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^ ...the love of the sangat was making me fly higher than i shud at this point...i request once again...everyone lets do ardas to Gurujee so that He may keep us attached to Him and all of us turn into true rehitdhari Singhs and Singhnees... :WW::WW::WW::WW::WW:
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Guest mehtab

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

First of all, i wanna thank Gurujee for blessing me with kes and daari and the courage to keep them. i hope and pray that the day comes soon when i can start wearing a dastaar on a regular and daily basis. i sincerely hope and whole heartedly pray that Gurujee blesses me with Amrit someday really soon in the very near future. i must also point out that the person who is my inspiration is the one who we know on this forum as Gurpreet Singh. We both are born into non-Sikh families, and when i realized that he had started keeping kes and daari, Gurujee blessed me as well with the same inspiration and courage.

i must however say something. Living in a place like Oklahoma where non-whites are not always very happy, it does get hard to live the way nature has made u. There have been times when my feet seemed to be slipping, and the manmukh inside me would force me to go to a barber or to shave my beard off. Believe it or not, Gurujee would place events in place in such a mysterious way that i wouldn't be able to do what the manmukh inside me told me to. The love and encouragement that u all have blessed me with has indeed acted as a thunderbolt and has blasted away a lot of negativity from inside of me.

i do not have sangat over here, but i must say that the Sikhs over here were really happy when they came to know about my new look and the reason behind it. Two of them helped in tying the turban which u all have seen in the picture. Another Sikh friend of mine who is in New Jersey now and happens to be a mona is slowly getting back on track aft

er being enchanted by the speeches of Sant Jarnail Singh Jee Khalsa Bhindranwale which he listens to. The fact that he too is returning to Sikhi also acted as a big inspiration for me.

i must thank my dear brother Vicky Singh who sent Bhai Rama Singh Jee's book In search of the True Guru. i read less than half of this book and could not get a hair cut or shave any more (i know i have been a slacker in posting the summaries :@ , u have full right to be mad at me ^_^ and i shall post more soon whenever Gurujee wills so :@ ).

Dhoor jee and Arash jee, we all listen to sakhis of great people and what brought them to Sikhi. i m not anywhere close to all those great personalities. i just say i was blessed to get into Sikhi. i dont think anyone chooses Sikhi. Its not a commodity but rather a blessing. i feel really fortunate for having been blessed. And for the youth of Punjab who have started cutting their hair, we all can only do ardas. Being born in a Hindu family, raised in a Muslim country in the middle east for around 18 years of my life, and living in a strong Christian environment in the US for the past 5 and a half years or so, with my hand on my heart and due respect to all above mentioned religions, i promise everyone that there is nothing that can be remotely compared to Sikhi. Sikhs who are unaware of their heritage, as well as non-Sikhs who have never come across Sikh history have been astonished when they come to know about the smallest bit regarding Sikhi.

i dunno how much o

f an inspiration i am or ever can be. i still get very scared sometimes imaginning what if at some point i have to lose this identity due to worldly pressures. But then i beg Gurujee to hold my hand strongly and that i'd rather stop breathing rather than losing my identity. i can't even describe how it feels. And when i was wearing the dastaar, it felt a zillion times better. Its hard to put it into words.

Come my brothers and sisters! Let us all UNITE at the feet of Guru Sahib. Let us forget our small and petty and senseless differences. Let us inspire each other to be Khalsa of Guru Gobind Singh. Let us live and continue this tradition of the Khalsa which our Beloved Guru Gobind Singh established.

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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Vaheguru jee ka Khalsa Vaheguru jee kee fateh!

Veer Rochak Malang has forced me to join this forum and post a reply. Veer Rochak jeeo, accept my heartiest congratulations for adopting the Sikhi Saroop. Looking at your two pictures, one sees a sea of difference.

Looking at your picture in Sikhi saroop gave me great happiness. There is no doubt you were destined to be a Sardar. Guru Gobind Singh jee has given his Khalsa Sardaariyaan and I am glad that you have been chosen to share the Sardaaree that Guru Sahib has bestowed on his Khalsa.

I got more impressed when I found out from your last post under this thread that you live in Oklahoma, USA. It is a great effort on your part to keep Sikhi saroop in that murky part of the world. I call it murky because after 9/11, Sikhs have been targeted by misguided undamentalists and you kept Sikhi saroop against all such odds. Verily, you have kirpa of Guru Sahib on you.

Saaday laayak koi sewa hovay ta zaroor dasnee.


Kulbir Singh

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God bless you Rochak veerjee

You got my messages from Ramina bhainjee before........ you look beautiful in Sikhi suroop as everybody has said here........ waheguru waheguru


What a great seva you did to bring Bhai Kulbir Singh on this forum to grace us with his chardee kalaa

hopefully Bhai Sahib will continue to overlook our discussions and provide Gurmat perspective

dhan dhan hamaaray bhaag .....

dhan dhan sat sangat.......

Vaaheguroo jee kaa khaalsaa Vaaheguroo jee kee fatheh!!!!!

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