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Fao Of Everyone! Esp Nindaks! Now Is The Time To Change!


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I have been looking at the topics on this forum, and it has pushed me to post my opinion!
You think it will make a difference? Those who haven't woken up after reading Gurbani, you think they will wake up after reading your post? :rolleyes:

But I still love you (and I know you are not a bibi) :pray:

Sikhi will not progress with the current mentality of slandering people, trying to get one over someone, trying to show peoples weaknesses and the list goes on....... Why?? well it all boils down to jealousy!!
Yes. People are burning from each other (ikk dujje ton sarrdey aa).
It has become a trend, instead of supporting people seva, bringing them closer to Guru Ji. Instead they want to bring them down.
Thats called crab mentality. They always pull down any crab trying to go higher.
I know so many people who do seva from their hearts because they love their Guru and want to see Sikhi flourish, But if anyone of them makes the slightest mistake, people stop seeing their good and start concentrating on their weaknesses.
Yes, because those who moan don't have the ____ to come forward and move a muscle themselves.
At the end of the day no one in this world is perfect! People are going to mistakes!
Yes, and none will be forgiven!
But if people are willing to learn from their mistakes and rectify themselves, then who are we to judge anyone. After all the word Sikh means, someone who is constantly learning.
The problem is people don't even know what Sikh means. Gurujee called us Sikhs so that we are always learning, so that we never think we've "made it" or we've "got it". We have made Sikhi into a destination, but in fact its a journey. If someone gets off at the wrong station, doesn't mean he/she deserves to be left behind.
When we feel someone has down wrong, we should go and help them, bring them closer to their Guru and sangat instead of pushing them away!
But how? And why? Its so much fun when we have someone to talk and gossip about! And once I push someone away from Gurujee, all the spotlight is on me! And then all can see me as the most chardi kala Gurmukh on this planet! :rolleyes:
People didnt Leave Guru Nanak Dev Ji, they called him all sorts, but he never gave up!
By the power vested in me by the thekkedaars of the Panth, I hereby accuse you of comparing a Sikh with Gurujee, and sentence you to baking an eggless chocolate cake for me in sarbloh.
We need to Unite, help each other instead of doing nindiya and chugli!
So nice to type and read that. Karke dikhaawe koi!
Trying to publically slander people, just to bring them down is not Sikhi!!
Does a single person including me on this forum (except a few, rare and blessed sweet souls) know the spelling of Sikhi?
If you are not part of the soloution you are part of the problem!
Thats why I chose not to write the exam.
Please forgive me if i have said anything to insult anyone!
I already told you. We don't forgive. Too late!
But it is becoming too often that Sevadaars, Pracharaks are being publically defamed!
Well you see the quality of food these days is hopeless. People need masala in life, and they derive it at the expense of others who are genuine human beings.
We are all quick to judge when someone is doing something wrong! and everyone will get together and wont for one minute hesitate in wasting their energies in slagging them off!!
Its the masala again.
But its a shame that people dont use that same energy in supporting seva and helping Sikhi progress!
Because thats boring and has no masala. Plus such people don't have the _____ to come forward to do anything, and can only sit back and moan.

To all those out there reading this, those of you who have a problem with a GurSikh who has genuine pyar for Sikhi, for Bani, for Gurujee, for the Panth, those of you who have a problem with minor weaknesses in a person and him/her trying his/her best to rise above them, those of you who have the crab mentality of pulling down a fellow Sikh brother/sister, who ever the hell you are, if possible, dubb ke marjo. If not, then I dare and challenge you to come forward and try to do 10% of the amount of parchar these Gurmukh pyaare are doing, and you can do it in twice the amount of that time. Jehda apne pio da asli putt aa, ohi aggey aawe!

If I have said anything that offended anyone, I don't give a damn :) . I have had enough, most of the sane sangat members here have had enough. Those who love to gossip about true GurSikhs are thrown an open challenge here to come forward, disclose their real identity, and try to do JUST 10% of the amount of sewa that has been done by those Singhs/Kaurs whom they love to slander. Fer pata lagguga what you are made of :1singh1: .

So...anyone man enough to come forward? Or are some people just worth howling on the net? :umm:

"What about you Mehtab Singh?"

- Sorry Mehtab Singh hasn't said any word against any Sikh who has been trying to unite the sangat with Gurujee's charan. I chose to be the dust of their feet and not a parcharak.

Guru Rakha! :D

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yes, i am a terrible horrible person and i say mean things that i shouldn't. :2:

i'm sorry.

Jasleen bhenji

Yes! You ought to be sorry! How dare you speak the truth? Don't you know its bad manners? I warn you not to express your opinion ever again, otherwise I will do a jakara for you and you will have to bake me an eggless chocolate cake (you are the third person I am penalizing with this penalty this week). Don't ever question anyone ever again, otherwise we will land at your place and you will have to make langar for everyone, and since I will be leading them, you better make some Indian sweets as bribe for me as well.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

:D :D :D


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i hope you like kheer. it's the only indian sweet i make, but i make it REALLY well. :D

langar is no problem, bring the jatha over any time. :p

and eggless baking has become a hobby of mine, so chocolate cake, no problem. but are you sure you want chocolate? i mean, chocolate contains caffeine and theophyline, two mind altering substances! :o

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