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Islamification Of Uk - Detrimental To Sikhs


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Singh ting looks like u r living in a diffferent part of the country to most of us.

You seem to be one of the lucky ones living a more prosperous area than most and just because you do , does NOT mean the Problems do not exist.

For YOUR information most Sikhs today still live in Ghettoised or what you call slum areas like Handsworth, Birmingham, Hinckley Leicester , Old Southall , Leytonstone adn so on and so forth.

Until 3 years ago I myself lived in Southall

These people face racist extremist probelems from Muslims all the time, more so than from the Whites.

If u watch the videos posted by AK47 on page 3 of the thread re Sikh attacked in Notts, you will see the Southall of today.

Just for your information, after celebrating in hte early evening, things turned sour in the evening in Southall, when the Muslim mobs ( 2500-3000) started hurling abuse at Sikhs and Indians

The people you say U know call Muslims Sullah? so what ?

I have seen muslims tell Singhs to take the rag of yer head or we'll rip it off, I have seen Sikhs get jumped by Muslims, I myslef have suffered more racism from Muslims than whites.

YOU have not suffered racism from muslims, thats good, you are in a minority, and GOOD LUCK to you, but please dont "belittle" or have a go at those that have, being the majority unfortunately.

wjk wjkf

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For YOUR information most Sikhs today still live in Ghettoised or what you call slum areas like Handsworth, Birmingham, Hinckley Leicester , Old Southall , Leytonstone adn so on and so forth.

Until 3 years ago I myself lived in Southall

No. According to the last census most sikhs in Britain live in the south.....in non-muslim areas like Southampton and Gravesend when not in sikh/hindu majority areas of London like Ilford, Hounslow, Heston, Cranford, Osterley, Hayes etc.

Even many of the 'northern' areas you mention shouldn't really pose a problem. Take 'Leicester' for example. That city is majority hindu Gujarati, who are supposed to be small and weak. So how come we never hear any of them complaining about getting beaten up by muslims? How come its always sikhs complaining about muslim intimidation?

As for the other places you mentioned ; Birmingham has always been mostly Kashmiri Mirpuri muslim. Handsworth, although housing numerous gurdware, used to be a Jamaican / Ravidassia town.....but is now increasingly Jamaican/ Ravidassia / Muslim but the sikhs, like the Irish before them, have worked hard to get out of a generation ago....only really visiting for the gurdwaras but living in neighbouring towns such as Smethwick and West Bromwich.

And even old Southall has once again had a distinct sikh majority ever since the Afghan sikhs moved in a decade ago.

P.s......I was born and bred in Hounslow. If sikhs with paghs are getting beaten up everyday by Pakistanis then I should be in a coma by now....because I live right in the thick of it.....according to you.

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Latest census? Kindly post a link to this "latest" census so I can see for myself?

For your information Hayes is a stones throw from Southall along the Uxbridge Road and cranford, Heston are merely 5 mins drive, and these areas are growing in muslim populace.

And so what if there are Sikhs living there, have YOU interviewed them to confirm they havent suffered any racsim from muslims and how happy they are?

Your from Hounslow are you? Well u urself should know of the huge Sikh - Muslim problem,stemming from West Thames college, when Sikh students were beaten up, after gangs of Slough boys came to the college, which lead to riots in both Chalvey and parts of Southall just over 10 years ago.

There are fights all the time during melas and Just last Sunday after the Pakis won the circket cup, in Southall and Birmingham ( as AK47 said he heard sikhs get slapped up there).

Whats your point? Are you saying Sikhs are not suffering any problems from Muslims? If so , your living in a dream world.

So what if sikhs are living in Gravesend and Southampton, whats that got to do with it? your point is?

As for Gujratis in Leicester, I seem to remember in 2007 there was a HUGE problem with gujratis having to have police presence during their annual DANDIYA events in October at de Montfort hall and what used to be Granby Halls due to Gangs of Muslims turning up outside propositioning the young girls!

Even at Brentford hall there were problems last year between the gujrati communiyt adn muslims during the Dandiya events held there.


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Main thing is to have robh, if you dont have that you will be vunerable to being the victim. If you carry yourself with the pride most people will think twice about saying anything to you. It is a dog mentality, they feel that if they are in packs they can say wat they want and when you dont do nothing they can just laugh and affirm their view that Singhs aint <banned word filter activated>. I came accross a bunch of 7, 22+ muslims, who called me a b*astard the other week as i drove past in my car, as i approached the lights they stepped into the road purposely and walked past giving dirty looks, i turned my car off in the middle of the road and stopped all the traffic behind me, got out and then called out to all of them, gave them a few gaala to see if anyone had the guts to come forward, they all bricked it and started saying "i didnt say nothing bro" and huridly walked away. I normally keep myself to myself, but people like that need to know that someone will say something back and if needed will fight back.

There is never the need to be scared of anyone, the Khalsas principle is to stand against oppression and victimisation. Everyone should get off their backsides and train daily, do mehntha and bal like the old singhs, learn to fight for real combat and build up your confidence to stand alone and fight alone, cos when the <banned word filter activated> hits the fan you find out who has got your back.

Old Singhs had their names glorified for a reason, because they didnt take crap from no one, if you messed with them they took your head, now I aint saying that lets get violent, im saying that if someone says something, stand for your right and uphold the name of the Khalsa, if Singhs are the Gurus Fauj how can we sit back down and look like cowards. Call out to anyone who talks against the traditions and image of the Khalsa and you will soon find out how hard these dogs are. In the words of Baba Raam Singh Nihang who was a accomplished student of Shastarvidiya under Baba Gyana Singh "When you have a group of people, you will have one or two who want chaudhar and be the mukhi, the rest of them are just tagging along to watch the tamasha, one of them will step forward and attempt to hit you, take this one out, break his nose and knock him to the ground, the rest will be in shock and will not want to fight further".

Now I know peoples views on Shastarvidiya and Niddar Singh on this forum, but if poeple wanna know how to defend themselves then turn up to the akhara and train hard, forget everything else, his sikhi views, ideologies and just take what will help you in times of need. If not, then attend some serious martial arts school who prime you for real conflict and real fighting, when your confidence is there you will never think of stepping down to some <banned word filter activated> who thinks he can talk against the Guru and his Singhs. Its high time Singhs brought back their image of hardcore soldiers, if people dont want to do that, your the only ones to blame when things will eventually get out of hand.

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Gurbaar Akaal said :

I came accross a bunch of 7, 22+ muslims, who called me a b*astard the other week as i drove past in my car, as i approached the lights they stepped into the road purposely and walked past giving dirty looks, i turned my car off in the middle of the road and stopped all the traffic behind me, got out and then called out to all of them, gave them a few gaala to see if anyone had the guts to come forward, they all bricked it and started saying "i didnt say nothing bro" and huridly walked away. I normally keep myself to myself, but people like that need to know that someone will say something back and if needed will fight back.

There you go Singh n ting, another example of a SIKH going about his DAILY business, and for NO reason, and without PROVOCATION SUFFERRING insults from Pakistanis, WHY ? For being SIKH.

But most "SELFISH" people wont give a damn because its not them suffering is it?

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Guru Arjun dev ji, Guru Tegh Bahadur ji, Guru Govind Singh ji, and their four sons sons were all Unmercifully Tortured, cut up and killed by Evil ISLAMIC fanatics, who repeatedly attacked the Harmandir sahib, yet my gurus didnt back down from these Muslim fiends, SO WHY SHOULD I?

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For your information Hayes is a stones throw from Southall along the Uxbridge Road and cranford, Heston are merely 5 mins drive, and these areas are growing in muslim populace

Geezer, i told you....I am west London born and bred. I knew where Hayes was before I could walk.

Guru Arjun dev ji, Guru Tegh Bahadur ji, Guru Govind Singh ji, and their four sons sons were all Unmercifully Tortured, cut up and killed by Evil ISLAMIC fanatics, who repeatedly attacked the Harmandir sahib, yet my gurus didnt back down from these Muslim fiends, SO WHY SHOULD I?

Guru Arjun Dev ji was tortured by a hindu and it was the betrayal of another hindu that led to the killings of the 4 sahibzade. And thats the whole point ; Would you now blame and hate every hindu in the world because of what those 2 hindus did??? No.

Look, I've been to Surrey in Canada where gangs of rednecks driving past have called me 'Osama' and abused me. I've had the same in London. Thats what ignorant, usually drunk or stones people do.

On the other hand, I've come out of Hounslow Central underground station after workl and seen gangs of sikh youths, with cans of strong beer in their hand abusing passing muslim women. On one occassion, there was an arrab lady in a burqua walking past with her small children. The drunk sikh youths had so little respect for her religion or her children that they shouted out lewd things to her, such as "show us what you've got under that burqua darling".

Because of incidents like that I'd hate to think there was a young muslim equivalent to you (manni) out there somewhere now making it his mission in life to spread the message of hate against sikhs.

If you wanna do some demonstrating outside embassies etc Manni, I suggest you do it outside the Indian High Commission. They, committed genocide against the sikhs.....In my book genocide is worse then calling someone Osama whilst in a speeding car.

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To matheen , no im muslim! Wot do u think?

To Singh n ting, still awaitng that Census you were alluding to so confidently earlier???

Now to address some of ur points :

You still seem to be missing the point here, and that is the growing number of Islamic radicals in this country posing a danger to Sikhs.

You also said :

I've come out of Hounslow Central underground station after workl and seen gangs of sikh youths, with cans of strong beer in their hand abusing passing muslim women. On one occassion, there was an arrab lady in a burqua walking past with her small children. The drunk sikh youths had so little respect for her religion or her children that they shouted out lewd things to her, such as "show us what you've got under that burqua darling".

Well if it bothers you that much, maybe next time you should do something about it?

At the end of the day, a few comments by a few drunk sikhs is nothing compared to Muslim converting Sikh girls, attacking Sikhs guys and swearing at Siksh like Gurbaal has higlighted or slapping up singhs in Birmingham as AK47 stated.

Im not trying to spread hate, I am merely trying ot create awareness, which I believe as DALSINGH said they tried to do over a decade and a half ago, but "probably " due to sikhs like u, they couldnt get through !

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