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Anti Dasam Granth Brigade Coming To Bay Area--watch

Inder Singh

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I called the pizza parlour franchise owner and headquarters and they both confirmed that there was NO discussion, seminar or information session ever held at any of their locations. The venue was voluntarily shifted to another larger location once the speakers became aware of the nature of location

Why do not you say that fearing massive protests gang of Jeonwala has run away. The fact is that they realized they have no presence in US and have run away abandoning the programme.

This is the first sikh victory against panth dokhis. Rats have run for their holes.

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Is prof. Darshan Singh not Amritdhari? He is ex-Jathedar of Akal Takhat. He does do his Nitnem. He does not drink. As a matter of fact he preaches against it using Gurbani. One group's naam simran definition is different from another's.


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I went Hazoor sahib this summer nearly all the gurudwara had dasam granth prakash (thats how it should be). I also went to mehta chownk to damdami taksal(bhinderan) and there was dsamgranth prakash there. so what im trying to say is that the dasam granth is inseperable and there is no need do debates as there was no need before. those want to depbate they must believe that they know more than mahapursh like Sant Jarnail Singh, and Singh Sahib Jathedar Kulwant singh and also the Puratan singhs.

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I went Hazoor sahib this summer nearly all the gurudwara had dasam granth prakash (thats how it should be). I also went to mehta chownk to damdami taksal(bhinderan) and there was dsamgranth prakash there. so what im trying to say is that the dasam granth is inseperable and there is no need do debates as there was no need before. those want to depbate they must believe that they know more than mahapursh like Sant Jarnail Singh, and Singh Sahib Jathedar Kulwant singh and also the Puratan singhs.

Do so called Mahanpursh know more than Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji?

Did Guru Gobind Singh ji know more than these so called mahanpursh and installed Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji as the only Guru and guide for all beings and not even mention about 'his' own so called 'Dasam Granth'.

Don't tell me that Baba Thakur Singh was also one of these Mahanpursh who LIED to Sikhs all over the world for nearly 21 years about Baba Jarnail Singh was alive.

Admin: Note: First Warning given. Read Forum Rules & Guidlines, section: Dasam Granth Sahib & Dis-respecting sikh saints.

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Nobody has ever been able to present anything negative from Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji and break people away from Sikhism. But there are so many parts that people need answers for from Dasam Granth.

This is so not true!

The fact is there are many, many lines from Guru Granth Sahib Ji which on first glance are promoting the Hindu or Brahmin philosophy. You need to go deeper into meanings and set up a interpretational framework to be able to derive meanings of Gurbani.

I don't have the time to give all such quotes from Gurbani, but anyone who has read Bani is familiar with them. Let's not go to afar, just look in Japji Sahib. Is Guru Nanak Dev ji calling Isar, Gorakh, Brahma, and Parbati Mai Gurus that we are to be Sikhs of? Is Guru Ji saying Ram Chander of Ayodya dwells within the hearts of those in the upper spiritual realms (khands)? When Guru Nanak Dev ji says that Krishan did such and such of a deed in the forest Bindraban, is Guru ji encouraging such actions?

Your answer will likely be "No, you're using the wrong meanings of Bani. If you use the right meanings, what you see as Brahminical will look like Gurmat." Exactly. But: use the same approach for Dasam Granth.

Here is a link in which Vijaydeep Singh details all sorts of quotes from Gurbani regarding Hindu mythology.


If you take the view that simply using Hindu myths to make a point is bad, then you'll have to reject Guru Granth Sahib ji at some point. The logic naturally leads to such a conclusion.

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You really want to define rats, well here is additional information for your kind of `Sikhs`. I got the word a few minute ago, that your so called Dasam Granthi Sikhs actually paid a drug dealer and a convicted criminal to carry out a hit on a seminar attendee in Edmonton, Alberta a day after the seminar was held. His crime, well he questioned these Dasam Granth supporters about their stand of supporting the Granth even without reading it. Well I guess your side does follow what is taught in some of the Chritars in the Granth.

If true, this is regrettable. I encourage you to ascertain the details of the matter.

I would caution you against inferring that the Dasam Granth is invalid due to the zealotry of its supporters. It should be noted that supporters of Guru Granth Sahib (that sounds weird, sorry) are similarly zealous. For example, you may have heard that some people killed Seonwala after he wrote in the Spokesman that Guru Granth Sahib didn't receive the Gurgaddi. (By that token, "Guru" Granth Sahib is a misnomer. Should we say "Bhai" Granth Sahib ji instead?)

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You really want to define rats, well here is additional information for your kind of `Sikhs`. I got the word a few minute ago, that your so called Dasam Granthi Sikhs actually paid a drug dealer and a convicted criminal to carry out a hit on a seminar attendee in Edmonton, Alberta a day after the seminar was held. His crime, well he questioned these Dasam Granth supporters about their stand of supporting the Granth even without reading it. Well I guess your side does follow what is taught in some of the Chritars in the Granth.

If true, this is regrettable. I encourage you to ascertain the details of the matter.

I would caution you against inferring that the Dasam Granth is invalid due to the zealotry of its supporters. It should be noted that supporters of Guru Granth Sahib (that sounds weird, sorry) are similarly zealous. For example, you may have heard that some people killed Seonwala after he wrote in the Spokesman that Guru Granth Sahib didn't receive the Gurgaddi. (By that token, "Guru" Granth Sahib is a misnomer. Should we say "Bhai" Granth Sahib ji instead?)

These people are not supporters of SGGS also. They are communist thugs who have infiltrated sikhism and promoting their athiest theory. Peole like joenwala are no sikhs at all. They are agendst iof invisible forces.

You know they are preparing their own Rehat maryada where there will be no amrit, no bnais of tenth amster, no Bhai gurdas ji di vaar and no Bhai nana dlal ji di varan.

They are outcast as per sikhism is concerned.

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