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What Is With Amritdhari Sikhs Acting So Elitist?

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I remember once i was at gurdwara and an 'amritdhari' sikh refused a Singhs fateh and said he didnt say fateh to non amritdhari sikhs. He seemed well ignorant.

One guy did that, so he personally is stupid for that not all Amritdharis. I say Gurfateh to everyone nonAmritdhari or Amritdhari, to me they think since they arent Amritdhari they think Sat Sri Akal is good enough, to me it is an insult to say Sat Sri Akal because GurFateh is what a Sikh should say regardless of Amritchauk or not etc. I think monaey just dont like saying the word KHALSA maybe it makes them feel insecure about their Sikhi????

Ive seen ignorant people on all sides, remember you must keep Gurmat vibe to be a true Amritdhari, meaning no bad attitudes etc or your just as bad as anyone else with a bad attitude.

I dont eat from nonAMritdharis because they think I think Im better than them because I made a commitment to Guru Sahib. They seem to want to break peoples Amrit by throwing in mas or their bad vibes into the food. My wife and I got into an arguement the other day about a minor infraction she did and after I yelled at her she said for me to not make her food until she says ok because she didnt want to eat food made by me even with a vibe out of the NAAM context(and we are both Amritdhari). I thought it was fair and said ok you are right. So if an AMritdhari has a bad vibe we shouldnt eat from them either, so it doesnt just apply to nonAmritdharis.

People love to pull out the "you think your better" card which in most cases is the other way around, I see people think they are better because they found a way to think they dont need Amrit and just love God to understand Sikhi which completely bypasses Guru Gobind Singhs Khanda di Pahul and in this think if they put up a wall of ignorance then they have battled that guilt from their mind and actually fight against the very reason why Guru Sahib made the Sikh take a vow or be on your own with spirituality.

ਕਊਆ ਕਾਗ ਕਉ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਰਸੁ ਪਾਈਐ ਤ੍ਰਿਪਤੈ ਵਿਸਟਾ ਖਾਇ ਮੁਖਿ ਗੋਹੈ ॥

You may place ambrosial nectar before crows and ravens, but they will be satisfied only by eating manure and dung with their mouths.

^ Agree with everything, good points :)

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Being a Sikh of the Guru is “elite”. Following rehat is an elite act. Not following rehat is the act of non-elites.

The times I have come across moaners who say amritdharis do this and that and look down at me. 9 out of 10 times it’s the persons own paranoia that makes him/her feel inferior to an amritdhari.

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If one amritdhari seems to have a superior attitude it does not follow that they all do. From the posts on this thread it would seem that all Amritdharies are arrogant *******’s. I would say rather then the amritdharies having the problem it is most of the people who have posted here. They seem to have an inferiority complex that borders on the paranoid. I have seen many non-amritdharies who are very hostile to wards Amritdharies and when you dig a little deeper it is because they know that they cannot come to the level of an amritdhari (not saying an amritdhari is on a higher level, just on a different level) so resent the fact and will nit-pick anything they do.

I have a non-A person come to my house once and he started pharing-the-karshi in the sabzi I was making at the same time he is having a drink of tea. Understandably this needed to be pointed out that you cannot make food and be eating at the same time, this obviously did not go down well. So amritdharies have to be careful and if they refuse something then they are following their own path, good on them.

If one amritdhari is generally cold, angry then it does not make all amritdharies this way, I have met the most beautiful souls who are kind and generous and gracious. Once a person at the Gurdwara said he needed to go to Birmingham, which is like 100 miles away, this amritdhari offered him his car keys “take my car and just drop it off at my house which is at this address” the guy didn’t even know this other guy but offered him his car anyway.

One last point which may be a little abrasive is that if a person refuses food or whatever, what has that got to do with you, it is his/her life and if they choose to live it in a strict rehat maryadha way then I say good on them, and we should aspire to be like at such a level where we can refuse something that seems so nice to eat because of our principles.

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I've noticed that when an amritdhari happens to be a <banned word filter activated>, many non amrithdharees feel that this reflects on all amritdharis. it seems that it further deepens their negative perception of amritdharis. it is prejudice, even worse than racism b/c it is against your own people. note that if a mona acts like a <banned word filter activated>, all monay aren't viewed that way, nor is the perception of monay changed in the minds of amritdharies.

the banned word, btw, is j e r k. weird that it would get blocked.

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As per the view of Amritdhari or not I know what I should do and dont really care if people dont want to Amritchauk. It doesnt affect me, it only affects them. If they can look at Guru Gobind Singh and say I dont need your Amrit then they are the one who has major issues with Guru Sahib themselves. I cant debate stupidity or foolsihness out of anyone, only God has the power to lead someone away or to the Sikh Marg. If they are happy being foolish then they waste hte precious human life pretending to be happy. If someone is Amritdhari and is happy then good for them it doesnt affect me and my relationship to Guru and God. Your thinking and life is personal and only you have "your" spiritual relationship with Guru and God, we as a village or as a nation dont live your life and your consciousness. Only you can make it happen, 700 years of reading Gurmat books cant even help you only if God wants to grant you the blessing of Spiritual understandning will it happen, the only thing we can do is daily beg for thios understanding and hope that it comes, a true person will still beg for this blessing even thought they have already been granted it and just dont know it because they are too humble to know God already gave them that grace.

If someone seems full of ego or arragance to you them hope you dont look like that to anyone else because the tables turn all throughout life. We all think we are right until you are given the blessing of understandning yourself and only then do you realise all that you have dont was a mistake and you have been corrected personally by Guru and/or Gods grace.

The egoist can change and the humble can fall into ego but seeing yourself as the culprit is the only way to actually realise what you point out in others within yourself.

If "that guy" is stupid then make sure you never act in that manner, if that person is a liar then you should never lie also, if those people are bad in their ways then never do what they do. If others do something you dont like and later on you do it then you are a hypocrite. A hypocrite makes the most noise about others. A hypocrite takes the bad of others and shouts out how bad they are and then adds that action to their own actions. To be humble doesnt always mean to be quite, humble has its boundaries but that person can speak up when the time is proper. To be humble means to know when to talk and when not to but doesnt mean always stay silent. If a fool argues and the person knows they are ignorant then the humble one wont say anything, but when someone talks and can be corrected then the humble one will help adjust that persons understanding by leading them in the correct direction, but if the other person dont want to know the reality then the humble one will stay away from upsetting the person.

If you eat meat and I dont doesnt mean I think Im better. If I dont eat from nonAmritdharis then it doesnt mean I think Im better. Thinking your better has many circumstances and cant be explain in a paragraph. Knowing how to act according to Gurmat is the way you should gear yourself towards. Guru Nanak ate from Bhai Lalo the poor carpenter and not from the corrupt king. He would rather ate from someone that was real than someone who is fake. Rich doesnt mean real, poor doesnt mean real, humble means real, a Sikh who accepts Hukamu should be humble and must be humble, if they accept hukamu then they must serve others, but those who dont follow hukamu and are humble are one in seven hundred trillion and very hard to find. Following hukam justy lets the person know if they arent humble at a given time then they must forfiet their arragance at once and become humble in their next breath but someone that doesnt follow hukamu have no such humbleness rule they must adhere to, and makes it difficult for people to know they agree to be humble at all times and agree to be reminded if they arent humble to be humble. An Amritdhari once being reminded they lack humbleness will thank the person for reminding them about what they agreed to do when in the room with Panj Pyare, Guru Granth Sahib and Amrit Bata, those that forfiet the meeting arent held accountable for not agreeing with the rehat.

I think a "gut feeling" is one of the best ways to know or not whether to eat from someone and its hard to train your inner being to know how to control this to your advantage of maintaining spiritual understanding. If their is no feeling then its better to use your bibek through the mind but a "gut feeling" always over-rules the minds thinking to do what is right. The object is to allow the "gut feeling" to guide you through life because the intellect/mind always gets battle away from panj doots, and to have a true "gut feeling" you must understand the deepest meaning of things and learn through a special way of a true discrimination.

ਕਾਟੇ ਅਗਿਆਨ ਤਿਮਰ ਨਿਰਮਲੀਆ ਬੁਧਿ ਬਿਗਾਸ ਬਿਬੇਕਾ ॥

I have cut away the darkness of ignorance and become immaculate; my discriminating intellect has blossomed forth.

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Guest HaRdKaUrWaRrIoRz

preetam singh ji i admire ur bond with god but ur posts are too long lol, im sorry but it really like makes u not want to read the whole thing, maybe if u make them a bit shorter so then someone like me who wants to read but doenst have time can still have the chance to get wat u had to say


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I think a "gut feeling" is one of the best ways to know or not whether to eat from someone and its hard to train your inner being to know how to control this to your advantage of maintaining spiritual understanding. If their is no feeling then its better to use your bibek through the mind but a "gut feeling" always over-rules the minds thinking to do what is right. The object is to allow the "gut feeling" to guide you through life because the intellect/mind always gets battle away from panj doots, and to have a true "gut feeling" you must understand the deepest meaning of things and learn through a special way of a true discrimination.

So, do you think the 'gut feeling' is actually stronger than the 'panj doots'? not only panj doot, but all other wrongs things we may end up doing, thinking, etc. Personally the 'gut feeling' always gets me to doubt things, wheather if it's correct or not.

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I've noticed that when an amritdhari happens to be a <banned word filter activated>, many non amrithdharees feel that this reflects on all amritdharis. it seems that it further deepens their negative perception of amritdharis. it is prejudice, even worse than racism b/c it is against your own people. note that if a mona acts like a <banned word filter activated>, all monay aren't viewed that way, nor is the perception of monay changed in the minds of amritdharies.

the banned word, btw, is j e r k. weird that it would get blocked.

This is true but amritdharis have a great responsibility and if an amritdhari is acting like a fool he should not be amritdhari at all full stop.

Taking amrit is a huge step and is only for those who are 100% as ready as they can be for it. It is a vow to Guru Gobind Singh Ji to stay as pure as possible and adhere strictly to his instructions in return for his guidance, love and protection. I have known some amazing mone who have spent years preparing to take amrit and only take it when they feel they are ready and will not hurt or let Guru Gobind Singh Ji down. Amrit is such an amazing gift and following instructions to be the dust of all with utmost humility is not a huge price to pay, it is a gift which helps bestow peace.

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preetam singh ji i admire ur bond with god but ur posts are too long lol, im sorry but it really like makes u not want to read the whole thing, maybe if u make them a bit shorter so then someone like me who wants to read but doenst have time can still have the chance to get wat u had to say


hehe :lol:

my wife always knows if I post its most likely an online book posted on the forum hahaha

I normally type until I feel I got my point across. Im sorry but I just post like if I was talking, and even that is summed as less as possible haha

So, do you think the 'gut feeling' is actually stronger than the 'panj doots'? not only panj doot, but all other wrongs things we may end up doing, thinking, etc. Personally the 'gut feeling' always gets me to doubt things, wheather if it's correct or not.

When you spend enough time with yourself youll start to feel what is right or wrong. Most people spend lots of time learning others problems and mistakes , and end up a clone of the people they hangout with. Sometimes its good to be a loner and learn how to control yourself rather than hanging out with everyone else.

I normally hang out with BabaJis or Granthis when Im not with my wife. SO knowing the vibe within them and then hangin out with normal people makes me able to see why I shouldnt go around with the normal crowd or people my age (generally)

ie If you always spent time learning Sikhi then you go hangout with people that have problems hanging out with panj doots youll feel that its not a very good idea to be around them as they just try to shed their ways on you.

Gut feeling is understood when you understand yourself.

I know who I am and I know who Im not, so if something that isnt me comes within my mind I already know its not right so I can abandon it and I feel better back to normal etc. I almost think of myself as two people, one that I talk with and one that I think with and the guy that talks is an <banned word filter activated> but the guiy that thinks is the real person I am. WHen I allow the <banned word filter activated> to take over then I lose but when I let myself take over then the <banned word filter activated> tends to yeild to the thinker who inturn speaks for the <banned word filter activated> because he is too stupid to talk over the thinker etc... hahahah (I know some people think Im weird but they still end up wanting to hang out hahahahahaha)

Know yourself, ask yourself simple questions........are you a person who tries to look "kewl" to everyone??? are you a person to screw someone over???? are you a person who wants to help others???? etc........... after you know your answers then the gut feeling can start to tell your "<banned word filter activated>" that they need to be quiet and not try to take over the real selfs role (the thinker)

I hope this is long enough for Hardkaurwarriorz to start to read and then have fun picking out her sentences she reads from this hahahahah lol jk :lol:

What is the gut feeling????? (it is the real you trying to talk)

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