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Names Heretics Use.

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In My Opinion,

These Heretic Groups which are Trying to Break People from Dasam Patshah Bani, Khalsa Rehit and Dharma, And All Things Beautiful in The Palace of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, with Their Aims at Attacking GuruGranth Sahib Ji, are Trying to Use Emotional Blackmail by the Names They Use:

"Khalsa Fauj

Gursikh Singh

Sikh Philosophy Network

One Panth

Guru Panths Channel

Sikh Lehar

Singh Sabha

Guru Granth Sahib Academy


(Name More of The Names They Use And Lets Make a List:)

These Heretics Use Beautiful Sikh Names (and they wear kesh, kakaars, kurtas, vests with their kurtas, khalsa colors, etc..etc..) to Try to Bring in People Who Do Not Know What is Waiting for Them; Once they Come: BANG!!!! They Try to Kill Their Souls!!!!

But, Here is the Thing, Even though they use beautiful names, for example, they can call themselves:

"Sea Breeze Scent

Beautiful Beach Smell

Sandlewood Kya Baat Khooshbooh

Coconut Olive Shampoo Yum Yum

Orange Peel Lemony Zest Oh Yeaaaah!

Peachy Peach Windy Wind Wow Wow!


Get What i'm Saying!?!?!

(They might Try to Come and Name Real Sikhi Groups even on This Thread…These People are Very Cunning!! Naughty Naughty!!! But, these Poor Heretic Souls Don't Know!! THE HEREAFTER IS REAL!! IN THE TRUE COURT THEY WILL GET THEIR DUE!!!!! Jamdoots Patiently Wait!!!

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I have put some of the names below, everything on the above site is by antipanthic persons, anyone linked to these shouldn’t be allowed to do parchaar

Kala Afgana

Prof Darshan Singh

Inder Singh Ghagha,

Harjinder Singh Dalgeer

Pro Gurbachan Singh Thailand

Jagtar Singh Jachak

Harjinder Singh Sabra

Gurcharan Singh Jeon Valaa

Singh Sabha International (Canada)

Avtaar Singh (missionary)

Manjeet Singh Khalsa (mohali)

Inderjeet Singh Kanpur

Dalbeer Singh Missionary (faridabaad or anyone from this area – check them)

Pro Sukhvinder Singh

Baljinder Singh NewZealand

Sukhminider Singh (missionary)

Amritpal Singh (missionary)

Prof Sarbjeet Singh

Veer Bhupinder Singh

Sarabjit dhoondha

Harinder singh alwar

Gurtej Chandigarh

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Please add to that

1)new site Wakeupkhalsa.

2) Gurbax singh Gulshan

3) Richmond hill Gurudwara committeee from new York city headed by Tehal singh'

4) Banda Bahadar society of New york

5) Council of khalistan heretics such as Avtar singh sekhon, Gurmit aulakh

6) Sikh bulletin of shergill

7) sikh missioanaries in general

Well begun is half done. At last we have started identifying these people and we will not be misled by them.

Need to remember that many times these peopel write anti panthic and give names of organizations below. Mostly these are dummy organization existing on paper only consisting of husband and wife. These names are given to show strength when there is hardly any number with them. This is again art of propaganda.

Now their onslaugh is not limited to Dasam granth. They are attacking SGGS ji also alongwith sikh concepts such as naam simran , parkash of SGGs ji, amritvela, reincarnation, karma etc.

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-Sabad Vartara. Heretic group which denies Dasam bani, Bhai Gurdas ji, Khalsa rehit, etc.

-Veer Bhupinder Singh, The Living Treasure

-Surjit Singh Missionary heads some "gurmat" parchar group in Delhi

-Many organisations that used to limit themselves to politics are being hijacked for anti-Dasam bani purposes in the mistaken belief that that's the way to bring reform in the gurdwaras. Example being Institute of Sikh Studies, Chandigarh.

-Sikh Sundesh.

-Sikh Phulwari (by Sikh Missionary College Ludhiana) has published such articles, I believe, although the rest is somewhat OK

-Sada Virsa (by Guru Gobind Singh Study Circle) has published such articles, I believe, although the rest is somewhat OK

-Fateh Publications (Inder Singh Ghagga's group)

-The Sikh Affairs (Heretic Faridabad group denies Dasmesh Ji's bani)

-Sukhwinder Singh Sabra's group (what is it?)

By the way, what's the name of the press that published Kala Afghan's books? Akal Press, or something like that?

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In My Opinion,

One More to the List.

Her Real Name is Antonio or something like that. But she has given herself a Beautiful Name: NarayanJot Kaur.

She Can Not Read nor Understand Gurbani. She Relies on Translations!! This is VERY dangerous!! Translations are SOOOO OFFF THE MARK!!!! Each Shabad (word) of Gurbani has VERY DEEP MEANINGS!! Books and Books and Books can be written on EACH SHABAD (word) of Gurbani, and Still not even a percentage will be able to be shared!!!! What to Even Speak of Dasam Patshah Ji Bani!!!

This Narayanjot Kaur has taken on a personal mission to Support Darshan Ragi etc. It is my understanding that she sends a lot of statements, etc. to hundreds of organizations to support Darshan Ragi.

She is not AmritDhari. She sports a hair cut, and is a moni. She has posted a Picture of Herself on her blog. (I wont share that. Let her keep her picture to herself. But Will Attack Her Hatred for Dasam Patshah Bani!). Nonetheless, she is caucasian (absolutely NOTHING wrong with that! One Human Race!!! Dhan Dhan Dasam Patshah Ji!!!!! She is not fluent in Punjabi/Gurmukhi/Gurbani. She sports a hair cut, at ear length).

She is a Moderator, and The Main Preacher on Sikh Philosophy Network! Aka Sick Pathetic Network!! It is Very Likely, This So Called Gursikh Singh is From Her Camp!!

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American SIkh ORginization

n kudos too whoever mentioned richmond hill

ps tehel singh is getting worse by the minute

In My Opinion,

Those that Attack Dasam Patshah Ji Bani, Slowly Kill Their Own Soul!! The Worse They Get, it is Because Their Soul is Dying More and More!!!

Chardi Kala!!!!!

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