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The Guru itself is the fundamental element of the Khalsa Panth. As far as I know the people in the above list, they preach the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib ji in a logical manner and preach that nothing shall be consider on par with Guru Granth Sahib ji.

Without the Guru, the Sikh dies, Khalsa dies.

ਜਿਉ ਪ੍ਰਾਣੀ ਜਲ ਬਿਨੁ ਹੈ ਮਰਤਾ ਤਿਉ ਸਿਖੁ ਗੁਰ ਬਿਨੁ ਮਰਿ ਜਾਈ ॥15॥

Just as the mortal dies without water, so does the Sikh die without the Guru. ||15|| (SGGS, 757)

I see your new to the teachings of the Khalsa Panth and to what the mentioned manmukhs are all about. You should search this site for information about these manmukhs and their slander toward Satguru Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji Maharaj. Hence they recieved the name manmukhs. Also i'll help you out on finding more info on the fundamental elements of the Khalsa Panth. Here is one:

pWc isMG AMimRq jo dyvYN qW ko isr Dr Ck pun lyvY ] pun iml pWco rihq jo BwKY qW ko mn myN idRV kr rwKY ]

paa(n)ch si(n)gh a(n)mrith jo dhaevai(n) thaa(n) ko sir dhhar shhak pun laevai ||apun mil paa(n)cho rehith jo bhaakhai thaa(n) ko man mae(n) dhrirr kar raakhai ||

Offer you head and take the Amrit prepared by five Singhs. The code of conduct (Rehat), which they bless you with, should be enshrined in one's heart.

Krith Bilaas Paathshahee Dasvee

pRQm rihq Xih jwn KMfy kI pwhul Cky ] soeI isMG pRDwn Avr n pwhul jo ley ]

prathham rehith yehi jaan kha(n)ddae kee paahul shhakae ||asoee si(n)gh pradhhaan avar n paahul jo leae ||

To drink the Ambrosial Nectar of the Khanda (Amrit) is the primary instruction for the Sikh. He who abandons all other initiations is truly a great Sikh.

Rehatnama Bhai Desa Singh

If you need more help, then don't hestitate to ask.

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Along the list another person should be named. Her name is Bibi Inderpal Kaur Jee. I think this Bibi Jee lives in Canada. You can see her in this video.

She is also a Kala Afghani and preaches heretics philosophy that we hear from Darshan Chand and Sarbjit Dhunda. Like Dhunda she is also a good speaker who will rarely let her hidden Kala Afghani side out, but sometimes she lets out her real heretic Kala Afghani views.. We need to be aware of these heretics and also spread awareness about them to the general public.

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Sikh rehat maryada acknowledges writings of Guru Gobind singh ji as divine.

If we were to agree with this comment, then the Sikh scholars behind the creation of the Sikh Rehat Maryada would be not be hesitant in deciding to read the entire Chaupai.

These heretics do not believe in that. So they are violating rehat maryada

Last time I checked, they do accept the Sikh Rehat Maryada. However, they do not question out any room for improvement as this Sikh Rehat Maryada is made by Sikhs, who in fact do make mistakes!

You should search this site for information about these manmukhs and their slander toward Satguru Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji Maharaj.

Last time I checked, they weren't slandering Guru Gobind Singh ji. If I remember clearly, they were just saying the Bachittar Natak cannot be the teachings of Guru Gobind Singh ji.

Perhaps you should listen to their views, before you start making false claims.

Also i'll help you out on finding more info on the fundamental elements of the Khalsa Panth

Thank you for your information, but I am aware of this.

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Who are they? Are they not sharabi and kababi gang of ragi darsho. What status they have got in panthic matters?

Absolute zero.

They are a bunch of uneducated thugs who want attention even at the cost of sikh traditions and scriptures. Recently their main

leader spokesman editor Joginder sahni has raised his finger on Sri guru Granth sahib also.

They attack Bachitra Natak because it is this Granth who make us Khalsa.They want khalsa to elope from face of this earth so

their payroll masters' wish is fulfilled.

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Who are they? Are they not sharabi and kababi gang of ragi darsho. What status they have got in panthic matters?

Absolute zero.

Each and every Sikh is a valued member of the Sikh Panth. Each and everyone has a say in the decisions that are made (well, today this isn't the case because of corruption).

They are a bunch of uneducated thugs who want attention even at the cost of sikh traditions and scriptures.

Traditions change as time passes by. It becomes the duty of the Sikh Panth to undue any changes that have been made. Such changes will be only based by the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib ji.

Recently their main

leader spokesman editor Joginder sahni has raised his finger on Sri guru Granth sahib also.

I'm not aware of who this person is, so I'm not able to answer.

They attack Bachitra Natak because it is this Granth who make us Khalsa. They want khalsa to elope from face of this earth so

their payroll masters' wish is fulfilled.

The Khalsa are the followers of Guru Granth Sahib ji. By following Guru Granth Sahib ji and applying the Guru's teachings into one's life is what defines a Sikh, this is what defines Khalsa.

Khalsa lives on the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib ji and none else. Without Guru Granth Sahib ji, the Sikh dies, Khalsa dies.

Last time I recalled, these are the things that they preached.

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Last time I checked, they weren't slandering Guru Gobind Singh ji. If I remember clearly, they were just saying the Bachittar Natak cannot be the teachings of Guru Gobind Singh ji.

Perhaps you should listen to their views, before you start making false claims.

Your memory does not serve you then. I have heard the blasphemous remarks the mentioned manmukhs in the OP's post have said. Also you clearly demostrate here to the sangat that you don't have a grasp of what a blasphemous statement is. I quote below the blashpemous remark, so there is no confusion here:

If I remember clearly, they were just saying the Bachittar Natak cannot be the teachings of Guru Gobind Singh ji.

This is a blasphemous statement because it rejects the fundamental elements of the Khalsa Panth; Bachittar Natak is part of Sri Dasam Granth Sahib ji Maharaj and is therefore fundamental to the Khalsa Panth. You should go back to my first post where i clarify the difference between opinion and blasphemous statements. Many, like yourself, are confused on what classify's where and this leads to following manmukhs and not Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji Maharaj.

Thank you for your information, but I am aware of this.

I would have to disagree. If you knew, then the above blasphemous statement would be considered by yourself to be not just a view, but blashemous. Also i will give you a hand on doing the research. No need to thank me...its all seva.

Generally.....Sangat ji the first link has most if not all blashpemous remarks toward Satguru Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji Maharaj. I would not put up such blapshemous remarks committed by Darshan ragi, but it's strictly being put up for information purposes. If anyone is hurt because of the remarks said by Darshan Ragi toward Satguru Sri Guru GObind SIngh Sahib ji Maharaj, then i am deeply sorry as my intentions are purely to lift the covers over some peoples eyes.



http://www.sikhsangat.com/Index.php?/topic/51969-lala-darshan-lal-new-kartoot/page__st__20__p__457795__hl__+darshan +natak__fromsearch__1#entry457795

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If you are an advocate for these heretics, you should know their main leader also.He started all this. He owns Punjabi paper

Spokesman.This heretic writes that SGGS is fake. You conveniently forget to know this.

In sikhism khalsa is that who is initiated by reading of five banis and three of them of them are from Guru Gobind singh ji.

It is that khalsa who blocked khyber pass. You do not acknowledge that khalsa. Then you need to get out of khalsa panth

and form your own religion and make granth like sacha sauda.

Traditions are set by our Gurus.They do not change with time.

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Just to remind new members that this forum does not allow any questioning on authority of Sri Dasam Granth. Even suggesting directly or indirectly or creating doubt on any part of sri dasam granth will be put under moderation without any delay. Please read forum rules and guidelines on such topics.

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