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Bssf On Babbu Maan’s Album, “singh Is Better Than King”


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Jokers!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone really thinks they are a voice of authority.

LOL. We went through the Behzti play, Beadbi of Guru Saroops at banqueting halls, 7 saroops destroyed in a Gurdwara fire, insults towards Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji and all them various federations, them jathebhandi, that dal khalsa uk couldn't utter a word.....but now there's no stopping anyone....even the BSSF have opinions...woah...Babbu Maan has woken the sleeping panth....everyone can now "legitimise" their grieviences with Baba Ranjit Singh by hiding behind Babbu Maan's songs...

Since it's establishment in late 2008, the British Sikh Student Federation has taken a pro active step in all services that it has been requested to take part in. I'm sure that you will agree that the Bow Gurdwara attack WAS NOT a time to show which organisation was present or making any kind of "noise" it was a time to reflect, realised and prepare for the future. For that specific time and until found out, it was vital to apply as much pressure from all quaters to get the culprits caught.

We do not wish to take any credit as this was not any time for awards, credit and pride, but a time to get together and work for the greater good. Therefore, the British Sikh Student Federation stuck to engaging its resources in any services that were required and not get into any inter-organisational "competetion"

The Federation has a positive relationship with members of all panthic organisations and is willing to work with anyone that intends to serve a common Sikh National interest.

Gagandip Singh


British Sikh Student Federation

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yeah gogogo support singers, who are destroying sikhi culture - but as for my opion on this, i think this is just plain stupid for any gursikh to say this is right, Babbu MANN is pointing out fingers on "EVERYONE" rather then just those Fake sants/baba's, Most sikh preachers will get offended by what Babbu mann has said, cause simply he put everyone under 1 roof.

answer me a questions 'B.S.S.F'

is it right to blame every sikh preacher? specially when it comes from a person like Babbu Mann??? who is a druggist and he does not REPRESENT SIKHI OR GURSIKH is any way. In Fact he is destroying our sikhi, he portrays a diff image of a sikh/punjabi.

Maybe i would of supported Babu Mann if he would of have named those baba's in his songs, but what he did is disgusting ! - Such songs only develops feuds within our communities and it is hindus who are enjoying all da drama. Instead of being ONE and getting wht belongs to as, we are so freaking sepreated and point fingers at each other.

It like 2 cat found a food and they fighting for it, but a monkey comes and takes it



Like what Sardar Tarsem Singh Moranwali have said a sikh pracher deserve to be respected and why cant a sikh preacher have a royaltey? do they dont derserve to buy new cars? or have special VIP access? while ppl like Babbu Mann who buy new car every other year and lives in luxery and in matter of fact, he also has "VIP access".

Why do we have to treat our preacher like <banned word filter activated>? and at same time we can be paying couples of thousand pounds to ppl like Babbu Mann to do a few hour show???, but when it come to paying a preacher, who is showing the path, which leads to guru, we try to minimise our "Budget".

Please grow up and dont support such act. I am sorry if i offended anyone.

No you have not offended anyone, like we stated in our press release, the British Sikh Student Federation fully supports the mission of any genuine preacher, however, at the same time is dead against anyone who is using a positon of authority within the Panth to misuse.

It is interesting to note that Guru Nanak Dev Ji would have never used the previlages of the rulers such as Babar. Would Guru Sahib have used a equal to a red light offended by a government that is against human rights, humanity and basic freedoms?

We often refer to the Indian Govt. as anti Sikh, killer of Sikhs, "they attacked our gurdwara's" etc etc, yet its okay for our Panthic leaders to use the benefits given by the same Government?

This is not a time to attack our Panthic leaders but realise that we still prefer to fight amongst ourselves as it is easier than to challenge the real threats like the Fake Baba's such as Ram Rahim (Sirsa), Radhsowami (Beas) and RSS (the real fountain head of false gurudom in Punjab)

Gagandip Singh


British Sikh Student Federation


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You are clearly making some "noise" now. I take it you have cleared your sore throat which was inhibiting your panthic vocal chords from making any noise before. Interesting to see how much of a voice you will have in the future or is it a only this one issue you will make some noise about?

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No you have not offended anyone, like we stated in our press release, the British Sikh Student Federation fully supports the mission of any genuine preacher, however, at the same time is dead against anyone who is using a positon of authority within the Panth to misuse.

It is interesting to note that Guru Nanak Dev Ji would have never used the previlages of the rulers such as Babar. Would Guru Sahib have used a equal to a red light offended by a government that is against human rights, humanity and basic freedoms?

We often refer to the Indian Govt. as anti Sikh, killer of Sikhs, "they attacked our gurdwara's" etc etc, yet its okay for our Panthic leaders to use the benefits given by the same Government?

This is not a time to attack our Panthic leaders but realise that we still prefer to fight amongst ourselves as it is easier than to challenge the real threats like the Fake Baba's such as Ram Rahim (Sirsa), Radhsowami (Beas) and RSS (the real fountain head of false gurudom in Punjab)

Gagandip Singh


British Sikh Student Federation


Dear Sardar Gagandip Singh ji,

So are u telling me, is it ok for any stupid fool to come and take piss at our preachers? making such media, only causes problem, cause now everyone is laughing and u know what?

Most ppl now say "so ur preachers" do all those things? dat bad and bla bla bla - U think sikhs/punjabi only ppl listening to those songs? it is making a bad impact.

Even Bhai Ranjeet singh Tanderwallia (sry i am a bad speller), that it sad that it comes from a person, who has no clue on what Sikhi is, Being born in sikh family is one thing, but that does not make him a Sikh and certainly he is not the right person to be point fingers on Sikhi. Go in YouTube and search on dat songs... u see all those ppl making unrelavlent comments and not only dat, but ppl making their own judgements about Sikhi.

Babbu Mann used Sikhi platform to make a good business, like i said earlier, if he really wanted to to point at those pakandi baba's/sants, he should of used their name.

Now about Red light on cars or vip access, i am sorry to say, but what is wrong with that plz? are u telling me "Sikh Preachers" are not supposed to have any VIP access?, why do u serve them in diff plate? are they not human beings?

WHY are u guys even comparing Baba Nanak Ji to a normol human being???, but let clear a fact here

Guru Gobind Singh Ji used to wear kalgi, which at that time only "kings" used to wear. does that mean Guru Ji did something extra????, warrior of khalsa are King of Kings, cause we do not follow other, we only follow our guru ji.

can u explain me the meaning of a Singh please?

Please let not fight within our selfs - It should be the time to teach the world on "what Sikhi is".

Again i applogies - If i offended anyone, I just dont see it right, for anyone to be insulting our preachers, they are there to shed some light and teach us about sikhi.

We are in really in need of Multimedia to teach/show our generations on the meaning of sikhi, cause we are losing the grip...

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he says the truth

those who support ranjit singh please explain the above video without saying it was subject to heavy edit or it was fake

Is there a thread you're NOT going to post the same bakwaas link in?

DesPardes(BC) crew are known Sant haters.

1. He was NOT wearing a kalgi

2. He was not in hazoori of Guru Granth Sahib (a point despardesh spin doctored to sound negative)

3. Bowing to those senior to us is part of our sabhiachaar(traditions). We can bow to teachers, elders, parents, sants, and ofcourse SatguruJi. It depends on the bhavna with which you bow. Touching your parents feet does not mean you accept them as your Guru. Same way, touching a Sant's feet does not mean he's your guru. Just because pakhandi gurus also have cheles bowing to them, doesn't mean Sikhs will stop bowing to Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Same way, if pakhandi sants( who break people from Satguru Ji, please note) have cheles bowing to them, doesn't mean we should stop touching the feet of true Sants.

Anyway, Baba Ranjit Singh stated that if the sangat is that offended, then they will stop. They were only following the tradtions they grew up with.

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Jathedar Swaranjeet Singh Ji of Tarna Dal Shaheedan Misal supports Babbu Maan and declares an award for him as well as a direct attack of Sant's and Baba's, (something that Babbu Mann did not do) and Suggested that Babbu Mann Should included the Name of Shaheed Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale in his next album.

To watch video please click on link below -


Gagandip Singh


British Sikh Student Federation

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