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Dhadrian Wale Sant's Parmeshardwar Gurdwara Searched By Punjab Police Today?


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I have heard that Dhadrian Wale Sants Gurdwara Parmeshardwar was searched by Punjab Police this morning to question the Singhs about Ludhiana when the 7 Police officers and the SSP were injured by Dhadrian Wale Jatha Singhs on the day Bhai Darshan Singh became Shaheed in November???

Apparently Dhadrian Wale were in South India and still are with about 50 Singhs for his diwaans down there (Calcutta, Bombay etc) but the other Singhs at the Gurdwara in Patiala were questioned and the whole Gurdwara was searched - apparently to search for weapons (which is just stupid, what did they want to find "Kirpaans")???

They are thick, the idiotic police and government are looking for any excuse if this is true. If there are any close people of Dhadrian Wale here, they really need to tell the Sant to be careful with everything he does and what he says because the enemies are after him to stop sikhi parchar and they will look for any excuse. He is the only one doing anything in Punjab in massive numbers, thats why they after him, they dont care about those like Dhumma and the rest because they are no threat. Just my advice. But they will also be careful with Dhadrian Wale because they dont want to make a mistake and Punjab errupts like a volcano! India is so annoying!

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LOL, "weapons"? Did anybody fire on the police in Ludiana? What a joke.

True, they hate the parchar S. Dhadrianwale is doing.

Good for him for waking up Bombay (and hopefully Delhi) as well. S. Bhindrawale did the same as well. Good for focusing on Punjab and India at this moment. Plenty of other preachers to take junkets to Canada and US.

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they dont care about those like Dhumma

Why not them care him. He the wrong because the Baba Ranjit singh sit him next to at Ludhiana. Please telling me is them bad not good.

I thinking the badal trying do Baba Ranjit Singh Ji what them doing to Dakki Sahib Baba Ji. They doing the attack Dakki Sahib dera and do prison the Baba Ji because he not doing badal telling him do.

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I have heard that Dhadrian Wale Sants Gurdwara Parmeshardwar was searched by Punjab Police this morning to question the Singhs about Ludhiana when the 7 Police officers and the SSP were injured by Dhadrian Wale Jatha Singhs on the day Bhai Darshan Singh became Shaheed in November???

Apparently Dhadrian Wale were in South India and still are with about 50 Singhs for his diwaans down there (Calcutta, Bombay etc) but the other Singhs at the Gurdwara in Patiala were questioned and the whole Gurdwara was searched - apparently to search for weapons (which is just stupid, what did they want to find "Kirpaans")???

They are thick, the idiotic police and government are looking for any excuse if this is true. If there are any close people of Dhadrian Wale here, they really need to tell the Sant to be careful with everything he does and what he says because the enemies are after him to stop sikhi parchar and they will look for any excuse. He is the only one doing anything in Punjab in massive numbers, thats why they after him, they dont care about those like Dhumma and the rest because they are no threat. Just my advice. But they will also be careful with Dhadrian Wale because they dont want to make a mistake and Punjab errupts like a volcano! India is so annoying!

Waheguru je ka khalsa waheguru je ke fateh

sangat jee... this news is not true... found out from Gurdwara Parmeshardwar Sahib that this did not happen... Sorry for the late response i couldn't reply for odd reason before... sangat jee visit www.dhadrianwale24hrs.co.nr for sant ranjit singh jee dhadrianwale's diwans 24hrs a day... Waheguru je ka khalsa waheguru je ke fateh... bhul chuk maaf karnaa

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