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Any Ppl Have Stories Of Shere Punjab Group From Birmingham

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ive heard stories of them being young sikhs in the 90's who came together to attack the islamic extremists and rocked the islamic extremists who were attacking sikhs

It was started around the 1980's it was started by the Dhesy family such as Dal singh Dhesy and Recently passed away Nirmal singh Dhesy

it started off as a sikh youth movement and used to do self defence classes and get panjabi mundeh trained up and ecouraged them to fight back against people dissing sikhi.

1 Story i heard is at a east london college some mussalman attacked 1 sikh boy and he fought them on his own, later the Shere Panjab organized a meeting at the college where Dal Singh Dhesy and all the panjabi mundeh who go to the colege was present and he brought the munda who got jumped to the front of the class. He then said "this boy fought the pakis by himself and none of you lot done anything and didnt let your own brother," he then got a box out which also had bangles in it (the 1 girls wear LOL) and said "all of you take ur kareh off and put them in the box youre not worthy of wearing it and take a bangle to replace it" the panjabi mundeh then realized that they need 2 unite n fight together and that being a sikh aint a joke and they all signed up for SP...Some of them now are amritdhari and got more closer to sikhi

The SP promoted unity and strength but in recent years its been taken over by drug dealers and druggies from bham and london who claim to be the real SP when they do business deals with pakistani gangs muslims and sell drugs messing up their own people yet claim to be SP when they aint doing <banned word filter activated> for the panth. The SP was officially shut down ages ago but recently with the permision of old SP members the youth rebooted it to clear up the name...but it didnt work out as they were constantly mistaken for the FAKE SP so it made it hard for them to do parchar

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ive heard stories of them being young sikhs in the 90's who came together to attack the islamic extremists and rocked the islamic extremists who were attacking sikhs

It was started around the 1980's it was started by the Dhesy family such as Dal singh Dhesy and Recently passed away Nirmal singh Dhesy

it started off as a sikh youth movement and used to do self defence classes and get panjabi mundeh trained up and ecouraged them to fight back against people dissing sikhi.

1 Story i heard is at a east london college some mussalman attacked 1 sikh boy and he fought them on his own, later the Shere Panjab organized a meeting at the college where Dal Singh Dhesy and all the panjabi mundeh who go to the colege was present and he brought the munda who got jumped to the front of the class. He then said "this boy fought the pakis by himself and none of you lot done anything and didnt let your own brother," he then got a box out which also had bangles in it (the 1 girls wear LOL) and said "all of you take ur kareh off and put them in the box youre not worthy of wearing it and take a bangle to replace it" the panjabi mundeh then realized that they need 2 unite n fight together and that being a sikh aint a joke and they all signed up for SP...Some of them now are amritdhari and got more closer to sikhi

The SP promoted unity and strength but in recent years its been taken over by drug dealers and druggies from bham and london who claim to be the real SP when they do business deals with pakistani gangs muslims and sell drugs messing up their own people yet claim to be SP when they aint doing <banned word filter activated> for the panth. The SP was officially shut down ages ago but recently with the permision of old SP members the youth rebooted it to clear up the name...but it didnt work out as they were constantly mistaken for the FAKE SP so it made it hard for them to do parchar

this is wat the youths miss reall role models !!!! people who care for the youth not people who r intrested in maken new gurdwara we need Youth centres that have gyms in for the youth to train!!

well me was told this story by ex copper who was a sardaar a non GurSikh

bak in day in brum think it was aston uni dnt remember rite, but at this uni muslims used to harrass Siklhs n our sisster main guy was a muslim n he used to have up lot of our brothers and harass out sisters

this muslim than went over the top and started harassing this one sister phoning her yard touching her she told her bro he told his mate and it finally reached a SINGH i say Singh coz he was a tru Singh who wasnt scared of going and doing what he done next

so he goes to the uni waits for the muslim to come out.

they was walking on a main rd this Singh n his brothers jumped pout and started laying into these muslims and the Dust (the muslim that touched our sister started showing off hows hes done this to our sikhs bros n sister

this Singh went crazy pulled him into this pizza shop open the pizza oven and shoved him in let the Muslim roast he recently got out on a 20 yr strech

shows the power we had than and we can see what we r capble these days of running n hiding scared what mommy n daddy will say

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All I know is they were a force to be reckoned with in the 80's, after the Blacks it was the SP that ruled Birmingham and we need them back now. When someone attacks you, you cannot defend yourself with words. Most cities now in the UK have large criminal Muslim groups who seem to rule some areas of cities, as the Blacks seem to have become less physical as the Black nutters have matured and are not as violent.

We definitely need the SP back...

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There were several groups that were made, SP was one of them. A very close relative of mine was one of the leaders of Holey Smokes, if your from london you would have heard of them. The group broke, some joined SP others with other groups.

There is a film being released on DVD about the HOLEY SMOKES called triads yardies and onion bhajees - once upon a time in southall.

(I watched the film in my non amritdhari days - it was quite good, its now being released on april 10 2010 . . . Its not in accordance to Gurmat, so dont do my head in after.


This ain't 'Bend it Like Beckham'... this ain't 'East is East'... this is Southall. WHO RULES LONDON TOWN? BLACK, WHITE OR BROWN?

Welcome to London, home of many creeds and cultures. The modern criminal underworld reflects the diverse races that call London home.

West London is ruled by the 'Holy Smokes' crime syndicate. At their head is the ruthless Chacha (Jas Bassi). His mob includes various psychopathic killers, pimps, and drug dealers.

North London is the territory of the Triads. These ruthless Chinese gangsters will do anything to protect their honour. Leading them is the young Billy Chan.

South London is governed by the Yardies, the Jamaican mafia. At the head of this notorious crew is Lloyd. This gang lives purely for the day and their motto is "Live Fast and Die Young!"

East London is home to The Firm. The last stronghold of the original Anglo-Saxon cockney gangsters, The Firm is ruled by Mad Dave (Dave Courtney). They cannot understand how London has come to be ruled by the ethnic mobsters.

Someone is muscling on the Holy Smokes cocaine deals and they are not amused. Added to this deadly event is the theft of six million dollars from Heathrow Airport making an explosive cocktail! Hot on the trail of the missing money is the Metropolitan Police's most corrupt officer Detective Inspector Greaves (Jonathan Reason) and Singh (Manish Patel), London's most ruthless feared hitman. It's a roller-coaster ride as the Holy Smokes wage war against the Triads, the Yardies and The Firm ruled by Mad Dave (Dave Courtney

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