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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

So far the_sikh, or anyone of you can only respond with propaganda as to the justification of Khalistan through war. You are not serious because you are not educated. I have done nothing but shown fault in your 'logic'. And as much as I am a thorn in your side, I won't go away. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji asked questions to every action by the Hindus, while he was a Hindu. I shall follow His example for the Sikhs. We all should search the truth through Him. I do not fear your persecution as and ignorance. I fear only the will of Waheguru.

You can't respond without using quotes that supposedly speak for themselves.

No one here has had the confidence to speak intelligently against my views. I've faced attacks from members and administration. The sites disclaimer should apply to the orchestrators of this site as well. I get blocked from expressing my opinions. Yet you flex your hatred towards groups that can't possibly represent themselves here. You should be ashamed. Your insecurity is made further evident by ignoring my posts if you can't get rid of them. If you can't reply with the same dedication I bring to my arguments, then how can you possibly fathom receiving a country in the Sikh name?

Yes, you have been purged. You have been stereotyped and assaulted. I can not forget. None of you were there in 1984 to fully claim exactly what happened. That is a weakness of humanity and history. Face it. You will never know the true course of events. Everyone is biased. There is no escaping it. Even if I am talking in tongues, many of you will never ac

cept a Khalistan made in peace, even if it is offered to you. This is hate. This is disgusting. Smily faces shooting guns? A fight for land. Didn't we learn about illusion and its many forms? This is what Sikhism has become to you people. An excuse for power?

Shame. I pity you. I pity your cause. Bloody as it will be. You show no remorse, then why should I?

Block me. Ban me from this forum. I was ONESSIKHI, and I still am. Re-write my posts. Quote me without reading my posts. You can kill the messenger, but you can't kill the message.

There are many Sikhs who dare to read between lines. There are many Sikhs who try to be realist and practical about obtaining Khalistan. They find it is possible through peaceful means. They plan infrastructure. They consider the failures of other church states. They discuss and try to comprehend every aspect of the Khalistan. They truly love their cause, because they seek to find justice behind every action. A heavenly nation such as Khalistan can only be found through heavenly means. Guru Gobind Singh Ji fought with His pen before He fought with his sword. The least we can do is learn how to write.

I dare you to argue against my statements without quoting our great sants so abrasively. I dare administration to leave this message posted for replies. I offend you? I make you mad and frustrated? I bring to you my views. Nothing more. I'm not here to convert you. You restricted me from even replying to my earlier posts. This is shameful. Is this the democracy you hope to enforce in your Khalistan? I gave up on you and your cause a long time ago. I am here to warn you. Your actions represent all Sikhs, those for and against a Khalistan that is one won through war. I've dealt with stereotyping all my life. I accept it as a test of my faith. But I will not stand idly while millions jump the gun and use it to shoot innocent people and take what they cannot have by force.

I am here to question. I am not here to make enemies. You

r violent reactions are just evidence to me that you are not ready and insecure. If you were so prepared and confident in your cause, you would be comfortable calm collected. You would be wise not to let your pride blind your judgement.

Stop speaking for Sants. Stop arguing over small contradictions in their history. Triviality has led your minds astray. None of you should have the privelage to make such context sensitive quotes without thinking about it thoroughly. You command nothing with historical quotes out of context. You disrespect the Sants and Shaheeds by taking their words and converting them to a simplified truth, or objective.

They said what they said so that the mistakes of the past are not endured again. If Khalistan is won through war, you and your decendants will face a lifetime of opposition.

Exploitation. Revenge. Death. Destruction. Blood. War. Politics. These are the foundations of your Khalistan. These are not the foundations of Sikhism.

No clickable smiles, or post icons can make this issue a lightened topic. This IS serious. This is controversial, even between us Sikhs, for a reason. For the sake of those who want to see the credibility behind the views, start by asking questions and answering them in as much detail as you can. Research. Love every aspect of your cause. How far after the reception of Khalistan have you planned or thought out?

You spend so much time glorifying your warriorship. You have not even looked passed the edge of your swords.

Take my earlier posts (OneSikhi). I was kind. I was courteous. I treated you all with the utmost respect. And I still await valid responses.

You can cut off the head, but it always grows back hard. I am here as long as you are.

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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whoa, it's only the internet child :|

"Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji asked questions to everything, while he was a Hindu"

Hmmm ok.

There are many people who do not support Khalistan with war, but as a Sikh one is prepared for war, not wanting it but ready for it.

I personally do not support the killing of innocent people. I don't care if people are Hindu, Muslim, Christian, or Sikh; they are are human beings and God's creation.

I think that when a lot of people hear the word "khalistan" they automatically picture the slaughter of Hindus and hatred towards non-Sikhs. Personally I hate such "Khalistanis" myself. I will admit that the Indian government and many of our own people have managed to turn the beautiful dream of a Sikh homeland into an image of bloody carnage.

Many "Sikhs" did murder innocent people in the name of khalistan, however the sad thing is that the Indian government has murdered thousands in the name of INdian unity. The tragedy lies in the fact that the INdian government has managed the "damage control" very well abroad by showing how "savage" the khalistan campaign is, and Sikhs have failed tremendously to give the world a glimpse into what Khalistan is.

I was at a recent march in front of an indian consulate and people were shouting Khalistan Zindabaad, khalistan zindabaad, and they asked me to make a speech in English. I went up and explained what khalistan means to Sikhs as Gorre and kaale were confuse

d as to what khalistan was. I said that khalistan is not just a peice of land for Sikhs with borders, rather it is justice, it is a home, where the Sikhs are free to propagate their faith without tyranny and injustice, I said khalistan is freedom. And then these uncles came up to me and said when you go up to a stage just shout khalistan zindabaad, khalistan zindabaad.

So my point is that our people have failed to express the ideals of a sikh homeland. Instead of going on the internet and getting upset about some kids behind a computer, take the initiative and study the history of the sikh people, look into the events of 1984, look at the human rights reports, look at the interviews with victikms, learn about the plight of the sikh nation, don't take anyone's word for it, find out for yourself and then come on this site. You will be surprised and learn that even Guru nanak dev ji was a very warrior-like saint. All the gurus were one Divine Jot, the message was always the same. The spirit of the khalsa panth did not begin with Guru Gobind Singh Ji, it began with Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Children behind computers?

It's interesting. We treat children today with such little credibility. How ironic then that some of our Gurus were children when they made decisions that we revere today.

I am not likening myself to the wisdom of our Gurus, I'm just trying to convey a point about what power we saw in children then and now.

The ideals of Khalistan are lost in the fact that the majority sees victory only through war. And when we receive this Khalistan we will be so caught up in the fact that we've received it, that we will realize we never planned on how it should be run.

IfKhalistan will be won in bloody war, then its infrastructure, government and justice system will be won through civil war.

Dig the trenches. You believe you've exhausted peaceful means? You will see what exhaustion is actually like when you reap what you have sown.

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji asked questions to every action by the Hindus, while he was a Hindu.

whoa whoa whoa hold up .................. When in the name of blue blazin ...."heck".... was dhan dhan siri guru nanak dev ji maharaj a hindu? guru nanak dev ji had no guru nor was he a hindu. from birth he had renounced his faith in hinduism. was he born to a hindu family .... yes ..... was he a hindu .... no.... and i am willing to argue this

bhul chuuk maaf

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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What a waste of time, voice of the voiceless we have heared so many ppl like you. One thing they all have in common is they bombard us with questions and when someone answers them they still wont listen to reason.

If you are going to ASK questions: ASK ONE QUESTION, then let that be answered or debated then ask another.

Exploitation. Revenge. Death. Destruction. Blood. War. Politics. These are the foundations of your Khalistan.

how so?

Also i have never seen anyone make use of "I" as much as you have in your posts.

ITS ALL ABOUT me me me me me INIT.

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bhullar sahib the internet can make things happen but i think this individual is basing his feelings on a few people encountered on the net. It seems he/she has read some posts by a couple of people in favor of a bloody war for khalistan and this has shaped his/her views on all khalistanis. The internet is important to share views, but the views are not always representative of the masses.....

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re: (original post)

buddy, you got too much time on your hands, why don't you invest that time into something productive like doing bani, or simran, or helping someone, rather than try to prove your intelligence, your intelligence is mere dust against the word of Guru Granth Sahib ji, understand that and live by it, as long as you keep trying to prove others wrong, and yourself right, you'll remain a fool in Guruji's eyes.

No nindya, just the truth. Bhul chuk muaf!!

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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

Shame. I pity you. I pity your cause. Bloody as it will be. You show no remorse, then why should I?

thats funny cuz i feel the same way about you....i pity you my friend. how old are you? its nice that you have your opinions. but its a shame cuz we really dont care and whatever you say will not change our opinions. its really hard to believe that you are a sikh as sad as that may sound.

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

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Before Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji found Sikhism, he was a hindu. He questioned the rituals of Hinduism and determined that to find Waheguru was to meditate and recant his name. He asked questions and figured out that some rituals in Hinduism to Him were pointless and did not help one get a closer relationship with Waheguru.

I'm not here to prove my intelligence. I am just a child behind a computer as some you have pointed out.

Its not about me. Its about you. You are not used to argument. Because you use your words so disparingly.

Its a depraved new world after all.

On this website there is a general hatred for those who opress Sikhs. The general idea is to win Khalistan by fighting for it. Smily faces with guns shooting? Is that a peaceful statement to you? I've read not one or two posts. I've read through hundreds. I've met many in my own community that share these feelings. And there is never any serious debate about the consequences about Khalistan, just constant propaganda. Where is the discussion in this forum? Where is your debate.

I DO apologize for my previous posts. I resent the fact that we hold those who wish to pursue things through to the end back. I understand I was angry that admin revoked my rights to post just beause of my questioning without ever feeling I was answered. I was even more dissapointed when admin rewrote some of my posts.

Alright, I'll take your suggestions. I will post one question at a time. I'll try to be less akin to talking about how I feel and more towards finding the truth. Thank you for your comments.

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