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Pandit Kirpa Ram Dutt Seeks Refuge Of Sahib Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji Maharaj

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Pundit Kirpa Ram received divine instruction to seek refuge at the court of Guru Tegh bahadhur Ji at Amarnath cave. The chronicle said that there is no one but Guru Tegh Bahadhur Ji, the son of the sixth Guru, Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji, who can save your faith in the hour of need.

Pundit Kirpa ram was well aware of the the beliefs and teachings of Guru Tegh Bahadhur Ji.Guru Tegh Bahadhur Ji hekd court at Sri Anadpur Sahib and would listen to the sorrowful tales of his devotees. Guru Tegh Bahadhur Ji uttered that his head was not dear to him as He was going to play the game of martyrdom.Guru Tegh Bahadhur Ji gave his attention to the compilation of hymns for Guru Granth Sahib Ji and spent most of his time in meditation.

Bhai Kesar Singh Chibbar writes that Bhai Harjas Rai taught Gurmukhi script to Guru Gobind Rai Ji.He was hooured as a great scholar.Within a year, the child Guru became fluent in Pharsi and learnt the whole of Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji in a matter of six months.Guru Tegh Bahadhur Ji also educated the child Guru in the art of weaponry, horse riding, archery,spear fighting and swimming. According to Bhatt Vahi Taulad and Guru Kian Sakhian , the art of weaponry and horse riding was delivered to Guru Gobind Singh Ji by Bhai Bujjr Singh Sahdra Pargana Wajira Bhatt . The child Guru mastered worldly knowledge and the art of warfare in three years only.The child Guru was very intelligent and was very handsome.

Guru Tegh Bahadhur left for heavenly aboard after He was beheaded at the orders of the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb.The end of Guru Tegh Bahadhur Ji's earthly life marked the beginninig of the fall of the Mughal Empire.

No one dared to lift the head of the martyred guru.Rebelions ensued in the various states but had minimum neffect on the unjust Mughl empire.[

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A letter of gratitude delivered to Gurdwara Chamkaur Sahib by Kashmiri Pandits. Gurdwara Chamkaur Sahib is the site of martyrdom of 40 beloved sikhs of Guru Gobind Singh ji, including his two elder sons. This martyrdom took place in Gregorian calendar month of December in year 1705. Gurdwara Qatalgarh Sahib marks the exact spot where the Sahibzadas Ajit Singh and Jujhar Singh fell in the battlefield.

Note that towards the middle of the letter, the kashmiri pandits write the following:

हे पंडित किरपा राम दत्त ! आज 16 अप्रैल 1995 के दिन हम अपनी जन्मभूमी से निष्काषित कश्मीरी पंडित, तुम्हारी संतान, एक बार फिर जा रहे है आनंद पुर साहिब, आशा विशवास और श्रधा के साथ । हम तुम्हारे दरशाय मार्ग पर चल पड़े हे ।


That on 16 April 1995, we the children of Pandit Kirpa Ram Dutt, having been kicked out of Kashmir, are once again going back to Anandpur Sahib with the hope that we will get help, once again (just as we did from Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib) in saving our religion.

हे पंडित किरपा राम दत्त ! आज 16 अप्रैल 1995 के दिन हम अपनी जन्मभूमी से निष्काषित कश्मीरी पंडित, तुम्हारी संतान, एक बार फिर जा रहे है आनंद पुर साहिब, आशा विशवास और श्रधा के साथ । हम तुम्हारे दरशाय मार्ग पर चल पड़े हे ।

Actually this would translate as follows:

Oh Pandit Kirpa Ram Dutt! Today, 16th April, 1995, we the Kashmiri Pandits, your progeny who have been displaced from their motherland, are going once again to Anandpur Sahib with hope, faith and devotion. We embark upon the path shown by you.

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Guru sahib was not bedeaded he choose to

he tied a thread before kirpan and said if thread is cut only then my head will be cut by kirpan
but he relayed message to his sikh that he is giving shaheedi willingly and he would carry their body

the thread wasnt cut. the head fell off by Gurus will. and that was chamatkar he showed to mughals

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Pandit Kirpa Ram ji, who himself along with his family became sikh after taking Amrit from Guru Gobind Singh ji, got shaheed in Jung with his sons while fighting for Dasvein paatshah.

Pandit Kirpa Ram ji fought and became martyr with vadde sahibzade in Chamkaur di jung.

Source: Giani Thakur Singh ji Patialewale katha

check this out: http://www.brahmansikh.com/site/?p=338

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Thanks veer. By the way, did any historian (Sikh or Kashmiri) ever mention anything about the descendants of Kirpa Singh? Did they remain Hindus or became Sikhs as well? I guess people used to have many kids back then, so is it possible all became Sikhs? Or only some? Any knows?

Veerji the descendants of Kirpa Singh Ji were all Sikhs. These new so-called Hindu vansh are about as false as the fake Pakistani's who claim to be Bhai Mardana's descendents (when it is historic fact that Bhai Mardana's sons were devout Gursikhs). This has become a big business for non-Sikhs and Bedi's who are busy exploiting sharda of gullible Sikhs. I think the latest fraudulent non-Sikh descendents of famous Gursikhs are these Mehra crooks (who happen to be Hindu in 2013) in contrast to their supposed ancestor who was a brave Guru ka Sikh.

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