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jaisi sangat vaisi rangat


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i've noticed that many sikhs seem to follow this saying "jaisi sangat vaisi rangat" and stick with just other sikhs and "good" diciplined people. i think this could be part of the reason sikhism doesnt spread so well. its true the people around u can influence u but i think thats only temporary. anyways my point is that its wrong for sikhs to avoid types of people who "question hukam" cause thats not very open minded. discuss what u think about that quote and how much u follow it..

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There are two sides i can share on this topic. There are both good and bad effects..

Good : If someone who is paka sikh and have friends who are not so much into sikh can prove that REAL Sikhs do not hold any grudge against them and by this we can have more unity. BUT sadly I KNOW many singhs who are totally against being in the company of mix ppls (aka monaey sikhs and stuff).. Secondly, by seeing a good person (Rehitdhari SIKH) in the group of not-so-religious singhs/kaurs.. maybe someone might get inspired by the good person..u never know...

I have many friends who are not so much into sikhi, they barely go to gurdwara and follow real sikhi.. i came to know them about about an year ago.. After like one month they saw my gatra and they were shocked and they were like.. R u amritdhari? and other stuff.. and then One of my friend said.. "I never had baptized friend cauz they never talk to guys like us.. " and guess what.. whenever we have lunch and stuff.. with respect they always eat vegetarian along with me.. Im not saying im Good singh or stuff.. all i can say is that one can make difference if one respect other person lifestyle no matter what he/she do.

Bad : I see more good than bad on this topic. I have one bad effect by having friends who are not religious.. The effect is that i started listening to punjabi music tongue.gif (later i realized i need to have some limit on it)..

So in my view DON"T JUDGE OTHER person UNLESS you get to know that person. Passing judgement like.. Oh this guy/girl is mona/mony and his/

her sangat most likely gonna be bad is pure ignorance.. Get to know them and then find whether it's gonna have good or bad effect on your life..

Sikh never discriminate against anyone..

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I see it this way,

If you are confident in yourself, and know that in no way you will turn your back on sikhi, than you get out there, spread the word. SHARE WITH OTHERS. Work together with others, and get others on the right track.

jnu nwnku DUiV mMgY iqsu gurisK kI jo Awip jpY Avrh nwmu jpwvY ]2]

jun naanuk dhoorr mungai this gurasikh kee jo aap jupai avureh naam jupaavai

Servant Nanak begs for the dust of the feet of that GurSikh, who himself chants the Naam, and inspires others to chant it. ||2||

The bad thing to this is like S1ngh veerji said, you can adopt very bad habits. no.gif

bhul chuk maph!

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

satgur maharaj tells us countless times to stay away from bad sangat, dont even go near them

if they have good destiny, they will come to u

or if ure a true gursikh, PURE gurmukh, thn u can spread sikhi

if ure like me u better just stay away from bad saat

bhula chuka maf

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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Guest SikhForLife

Gurasikhaa kee har dhoorr dhaehi hum paapee bhee gath paahi

O Lord, please bless me with the dust of the feet of the Guru's Sikhs. I am a sinner - please save me.


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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

satgur maharaj tells us countless times to stay away from bad sangat, dont even go near them

if they have good destiny, they will come to u

or if ure a true gursikh, PURE gurmukh, thn u can spread sikhi

if ure like me u better just stay away from bad saat

bhula chuka maf

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Then why veer, do we always complain that sikhi is not out there. People are not aware. THIS IS THE REASON. Believe it or not... this is the reason...

bhul chuk maph!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

satgur maharaj tells us countless times to stay away from bad sangat, dont even go near them

if they have good destiny, they will come to u

or if ure a true gursikh, PURE gurmukh, thn u can spread sikhi

if ure like me u better just stay away from bad saat

bhula chuka maf

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Then why veer, do we always complain that sikhi is not out there. People are not aware. THIS IS THE REASON. Believe it or not... this is the reason...

bhul chuk maph!

yes Daasn Daas veer i completely agree :wub: ,

this really is the reason. I would also like to mention here that Christian Missionaries in order to spread their religion used to live in most inhospitable and hostile areas like deep african jungles. I think we can take a clue or two fro

m them too.

We must reach out to people with an open heart and a convincing mind to make them realize what Sikhism truly holds. :cool:

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I would also like to mention here that Christian Missionaries in order to spread their religion used to live in most inhospitable and hostile areas like deep african jungles. I think we can take a clue or two from them too.

We must reach out to people with an open heart and a convincing mind to make them realize what Sikhism truly holds. :wub:


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I can't recall the sakhi but I remember someone telling me that Guru Nanak Dev ji went to this village where there were a lot of manmukhs and he wanted everyone to stay in that village. I think someone questioned Guru ji on that point and guru ji said, I want my sikhs to disperse and spread the word on sikhi whereas bad people should stay put..

The sakhi was something like that. I am sorry I cannot remember it all blush.gif But if anyone knows it, it would be great if they could post it here..

Basically, gursikhs always show piyaar to everyone regardless of whether they are gursikh or not. It's usually this piyaar that inspires non-gursikhs to embrace sikhi.

I personally think if you are strong in your rehit and a strong person then you will not be affected that badly by people that are not gursikh. You can either lead the crowd or follow it. I prefer to lead :wub: (even though I am the biggest moorakh around)

But I probably think that because I went to school with goray, had goray friends, and am surronded by goray at work..but they would never smoke near me or anything. People even felt bad eating meat near me!

But I wouldn't call those peole my sangat even though I see them a lot, because my sangat is my nearest and dearest and most of them are gursikhs. At the end of the day you are more likely to want to spend time with

people that are similar to you therefore it only makes sense that you will makes friends with people interests and they will become your sangat.

Bhul Chuk Maaf!

P.S. It's very very late. I should be sleeping to if this doesnt make sense than that's the lack of sleep..

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