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hindu gods=10 gurus ji??????????????????

Deep Singh

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Ryu Hayabusa Ji,

my point is not to hurt Hindus or whatever. i am only here to learn. till now (my whole life) i have believed that Hindu devteh didn't exist. i was only stating that point.

and i think i said why Guru Gobind Singh Ji used the hindu gods in Sri Dasam Granth. For Sri Guru Granth Sahib, also Adam and Eva are mentioned there...we can't seriously believe they are also real? Please Sikhism is scientific (not that sciene is over religion...if there was only science, where would be religion and belief), and even Biblical experts now deny that Adam and Eva existed.

For the Hindu gods mentioned in SGGS, just imagine you were going to explain a Hindu about God. Wouldn't you use the names of his gods to discuss religion with him? SGGS only tells Hindus that all these devta are just simple creations and not God. Quoting Hindu texts Guru Sahib shows that Hindu gods were not perfect. they had maya etc. Even in modern western world, when someone has to explain something...they use the names of Greek gods...as people have a image in their minds what that "god" did. So merely to show that, Guru Sahib mention Hindu gods.

Just think over it and be realistic:

Can you imagine Shiva opening his hair and rivers flowing. It is much like the Greeks. And the world wasn't much different back then (atleast it was not flat). The Vedic division of time is not relevent....the same texts say world is flat...do we believe that also?

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Guest mehtab

Question : How many of us wanna convert to Hinduism ?

Expected answer : None.

Question : So why debate on the existence of the Hindu gods? Why not just follow Sikhi?

Answer : To answer some Hindu unaware about Sikhism.

Solution : Tell him about Sikhism then, and show him quotes from SGGS about Hindu gods.

And yeah, SGGS mentions Hindu gods, so they gotta be real as SGGS doesnt have fake or made up fairy tales, only the truth!

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

bachitter natak explains al of this

ram, mohammad, jesus, etc.

were all of gods beloved children

they were all at the level of gian khand according to japji sahib

but bachitter natak says that instead of making people worshship the almighty they made people worshship themseslves

thus they got entagled in illusion, maya

then guru je was sent in kaljug to redeem the earth and set it on the right path

and as for the powers, everyone at gian khand get riddhi siddihs

but in sikhi, we dont care about riddhi siddhis

we care about vaheguru je

our goal is to be the dust on vaheguru jes feet

to love vaheguru je

the path laid by our gurus is the only sure path in kaljug that will get u mukhti

one who is absored into vaheguru je, is the greatest of all

they have the greatest powers cause theyre god themselves, and they are just the most exalted

ram, vishnu, theyre all much lower than guru je

guru je is god himself

there is no difference between god and guru je

anyways, riddhi siddhis dont matter

but since guru je was god himself, and ram, vishni, etc. are much lower than god, guru je is much higher than them as guru je was at sach khand and ram etc. were at gian khand

bhula chuka maf

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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Brothers, i was just using my little brain. I don't know for fact if they existed or not. But haven't thought of them as historic persons till now. For Baba Deep Singh Ji's Shaheedi, we know his date of birth, we know that the tyrannt rulers he fought were historic. So there is atleast something that CAN be truth in his shaheedi. If you get what i mean. There are two types of stories:

1. Imaginary stories made about historic persons

2. Imaginary stories and fictional persones.

According to Sikh tradition Baba Deep Singh Ji was beheaded but continued to fight. We can say it is Waheguru's Kirpa, but he was a historic person. . Miracles do happen, Sikh history is full of them.

But do believe in totally fictional creatures is not even a bit history. You get what i mean? My thought have been that the Hindu Gods were never historic persons, and comparing them to Guru Sahib is nothing but useless. Because if a person is fictional, anyone can make stories about them. Just like HeMan or Superman. For Guru Sahiban we know what they did, who they were....as they were Sargun Roop of Waheguru, who is Nirgun. and finally we know they existed. Comparing them would be like comparing fact and imagination, and in imagination, anyone can literally do anything.

Our knowledge of Hindu gods has been developed through stories in Hindu literature that has been written over thousands of years and been mostly folk-literature. That can be just ficti

onal, just as all other mythological systems have been.

That is my humble opinion.

But i need some kind of "proof" to believe they are not fictional, if that is the case. Not just that SGGS is not just fairy tales, because their stories are not just fairies, but also great Warrior Odes. And it is preety much agreed upon that Guru Gobind Singh ji mentioned Hindu gods only to enhence Bir Raas, so i don't see where my point fails.

Bhul Chuk Maaf, if i hurt someone's feelings.

[ps. also in modern times, did Sikhs fight against thousands. Battle Of Saragarhi in1897


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I see the difference as this :

Hindu Gods can not be proven to exist nor disproven to exist, similar to our "God"

The Gurus were proven to exist, they were mortal, they did not have superhuman powers. They were, you and me, part of the human species.

I use the term "superhuman" meaning they did not die and come back, they did not get shot in the heart and still walk, they were not immortal.

There is no evidence that any hindu gods ever existed. Nor will there ever be any.

But we can not disprove that Zeus does not exist since he was the Greek God that was superior and controlled everything.

Its mythology that as culture grows, we tend to reject.

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