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Marriages Of Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji


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but it seems more than likely that Mata Sundari Ji's name prior to marriage was Mata Jito Ji. It was most likely ji that Guru Ji named her Sundari Saroop.Two different names led to the assumption of two different marriages and hence two different partners.

why is it more than likely Ji?

and if Sikh History tells us that Mata Jito Ji passed away, before the shaheedi of Sahibzade's and then Mata Sundri and Mata Sahib Devan went to Delhi, after the evacuation of Anandpur Sahib, which is more likely?

Isn't it more likely that you cannot accept that the lives and thinking of Sikhs were more different than what they are today?

that your version of sikhi just doesnt fit in with history?

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There is a katha on one of the Sikh channels by an American Bibi, it is a most beautiful katha.

She recounts how Guru Ji was only 14 (i think) when he married Mata Jito Ji who was 9 years old at a town designated by Guru Ji as Guru Ka Lahore. They spent few blissful months here before the call of state affairs meant Guru Ji had to move back to Anandpur sahib. Mata Ji was a keen gardener and loved to grow fresh flowers. As they grew up Mata Ji one day asked Guru Ji to bless her with Naam. Guru Ji told here how to do Naam.

Guru Ji would arise early in the morning and would do simran in a room, Mata Ji would also arise early but would sit at the foot of the door and while she waited for Guru Ji she would make a garland of fresh flowers. When Guru Ji finished his simran they would open the door and Mata Ji would do mutha-take and put the garland of fresh flowers around Guru Ji. Guru Ji would then go about state affairs and Mata Ji would hold that vision of Guru Ji she had in the morning and holding the image in her mind should would go and sit and do simran. Within months Mata Ji had elevated her soul so high should could see what was to happen in the future. Mata Ji left her body before the Shaheedi of the Sahibzaday.

American Bibi Ji said that she had stayed many months in and around Anandpur Sahib and her research also showed that Mata Jito Ji and Mata Sundri Ji were two separate persons, again she stressed that we should not look upon the marraiges with our low level thinking and that this was the norm in those times.

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polygamy was never an issue in the Sikh Panth, it only became an issue when the brits took over and introduced their own values, leading to people thinking that polygamy was sinful. They tried to same thing in African countries they took over but were met with more resistance, than they did in India.

Whats more surprising is that this is not sanctioned in the Bible either. The early christians acording to the bible practised polygamy, and the Mormon Church in USA still to today. Polygamy is just weird more than anything to us, because we have for several generations been brought up thinking a person can only ever have one spouse.

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polygamy was never an issue in the Sikh Panth, it only became an issue when the brits took over and introduced their own values, leading to people thinking that polygamy was sinful. They tried to same thing in African countries they took over but were met with more resistance, than they did in India.

Whats more surprising is that this is not sanctioned in the Bible either. The early christians acording to the bible practised polygamy, and the Mormon Church in USA still to today. Polygamy is just weird more than anything to us, because we have for several generations been brought up thinking a person can only ever have one spouse.

There is no doubt that Dhan Dashmesh pita had more than one mahal and this should not be questioned at all, however to say in that Sikhs in general had no problem with polygamy is incorrect. What Guru does is one thing what Sikhs can do is another, marriage for Sikhs is only one spouse at a time.

ਏਕਾ ਨਾਰੀ ਜਤੀ ਹੋਇ ਪਰ ਨਾਰੀ ਧੀ ਭੈਣ ਵਖਾਣੈ।

aykaa naaree jatee hoi par naaree dhee bhain vakhaanai.

एका नारी जती होइ पर नारी धी भैण वखाणै ।

Having one women as wife he (the Sikh) is a celebate and considers any other's wife as his daughter or a sister.

3 ਵਾਰਾਂ ਭਾਈ ਗੁਰਦਾਸ : ਵਾਰ ੬ ਪਉੜੀ ੮ ਪੰ. ੩

(Bhai Gurdas Vara)

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just stop bringing up these topics again and again, perform a search or something..


"Mata Sunder Kaur (Mata Sundri) or Mata Jeeto (Mata Jito) was the wife of Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708). She was the daughter of Bhai Ram Saran, a Kumarav Khatri of Bajwara, in present-day Hoshiarpur district of the Punjab. She was married to the tenth Sikh Guru at Anandpur on 4 April 1684. The father-in-law had desired that the bridegroom should come at the head of a marriage party to Lahore where the ceremony should be performed with due dignity.

The fateful events leading to the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur intervened, and in the changed circumstances it was not possible for the young Guru to go to Lahore. Therefore a temporary encampment was raised near the village of Basantgarh, 10 km north of Anandpur, and named Guru ka Lahore where the nuptials were held on 23 Har 1734 Bk/21 June 1684. Mata Jito ji became Mata Sundari ji after marriage as was the custom in Punjabi families. "

"Mata Sahib Kaur also Mata Sahib Devan is known as the "Mother of the Khalsa". She earned the distinction by instilling the first Amrit with the sweetness that balances its fierceness. Mata Sundari ji (also known as 'Mata Jito ji') was the only wife of Guru Gobind Singh. Mata Sahib Kaur, who was called 'Sahib Devan' before recieving Amrit, was the Spiritual Mother of the Khalsa, however some historians have mistakenly confused Mata Sahib Kaur as having been married to Guru Gobind Singh.

Mata Sahib Devan's father wished her daughter to marry Guru Gobind Singh, however as the Guru was already married, her father asked the Guru's permission for Mata Sahib Devan to live in the Guru's house as Sikh and serve the Guru and his family. Therefore, Mata Sahib Devan was never married and never had a physical relationship with the Guru. As a consequence of not marrying Mata Sahib Devan and her not being able to have children, Guru Gobind Singh made her the "Mother of the Khalsa". Up to this day in history, all Sikhs who take Amrit consider Mata Sahib Kaur as their (spiritual) Mother, and Guru Gobind Singh ji as their (spiritual) Father. "

got it from sikhiwiki but i think information about mata sahib kaur ji is true. i have definately heard about mata sahib kaur ji never being married to guru sahib from various people (speeches etc). in those times once a rishta has been rejected it was very hard to find a husband because of the general perspective of the society. and since guru sahib was already married by the time mata sahib kaurs father reached guru sahib, thats why guru sahib ji asked mata sahib kaur ji to stay and do seva for the panth as guru gobind singh ji knew about the perspective of the society and that it would be very hard to find anyone willing to marry mata sahib kaur ji because of the general mindset of people in those times. so guru sahib ji asking mata sahib kaur ji to stay and service the panth makes sense.

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