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Jathedar & Singh Sahiban In Uk


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Where do the Jathedar live on a day-to-day basis? Is it on the grounds of Harmandir Sahib, or do they commute to Harmandir Sahib and return home in the evening?

Jathedar sahib, Head granthi sahib, granthi singhs and other main sewadars of Sri Akal Takht sahib and Darbar Sahib resides inside the complex of Harmandir Sahib. Living quarters are @ the top levels (2nd/3rd or maybe 4th level) of ghanta ghar row (main entrance of the complex-clock tower). Few but limited living quarters can also be found near/around Sri Akal Takht Sahib. Jathedar's office and housing is just few yards away from Akal Takht Sahib. Hazoori Ragi of Sri Darbar Sahib lives in SGPC provided apartments which is about 4'ish miles away (those buildings are not in good shape as i heard). Good friend of mine from califonria was allotted an apartment (ragis apartment) but he didn't like that area and chose to rent long term housing near darbar sahib on his own expense. SGPC offices and main employees lives/work in the outer complex area where guesthouses (sarai) are.. If i am not mistaken the only area that SGPC use inner complex of harmander sahib is the informational office near the main entrance.

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Thanks S1ngh Ji.

The reason I asked was because I was wondering on what criteria a person is selected to become a Jathedar. Are they students of theology who have dedicated their life to Sikhi and seva since a young age? Are they wealthy businessmen? They must have some kind of higher social standing, because I doubt some random sevak who has dedicated his life to doing seva at his local Gurughar is selected to become an Akal Takhat Sahib Jathedar. Does anyone know?

I'm guessing a minimum requirement is years of studying the faith?

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The reason I asked was because I was wondering on what criteria a person is selected to become a Jathedar. Are they students of theology who have dedicated their life to Sikhi and seva since a young age? Are they wealthy businessmen? They must have some kind of higher social standing because I doubt some random sevak who has dedicated his life to doing seva is selected to become an Akal Takhat Sahib Jathedar. Does anyone know?

Selection process by granthi singhs, panj piyarays and other main sewadars of sri darbar sahib and so on.. Also few prominent members of Akali Party can and do recommend some possible candidates for such positions (SGPC, Akal Takht always remained Akali since 1920's). None of candidates are from business background and there is no election process for such positions. Their lifestyle can be compared with average income punjabi living standard.. so in other word, they are not rich and most of them are from rural background just like most of the sikhs of punjab are from..

Regarding the current jathedar sahib of sri akal takht sahib; he started his job @ sri darbar as a common sewadar few decades ago and slowly rose to the position of granthi singh and then became head granthi singh of Sri Darbar Sahib because of his knowledge in sikhi. Most of the Akal takht Jathedar education is from Taksal or related gurmat schools.

Chances of jathedar being elected is mostly from current positions being held by head granthi of sri darbar sahib or from sri akal takht sahib (or panj granthi singhs of darbar sahib. In some rare cases, the person who did chardikala work in the panth can be awarded the position of akal takht jathedar sahib (ex. ex-jatehdar of akal takht; Bhai Ranjit Singh who killed nirankari head in 80's).

Badal being head of akali party also plays influence in picking up the recommendations of jathedars. So, it may be true that if badal didn't like a particular person then he/she would not be given the jathedar position. Akali party controls such power thru SGPC elected 170+ members (most of those members belong to akali party).

Disgruntled ex-sikh lobby members like kala afghana, darshan ragi and many others stress on only one point that badal is controlling everything overshadowing the important "Yes" and meetings of other prominent non-political sewadars of sri harmandir sahib. Such tactic by shady characters shows their last-minute desperate attempt to save their image by attacking credibility of Sri Akal Takht Sahib..

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There have only been a handfull of jathedars in the last 50 odd years that one could say were jathedars that kept upto the padvee given, the rest unfortunately were used and abused by various political parties and individuals. Untill we are not free, we cannot blame the jathedars either, as if they sspeak, they will get taken off and slowly slowly the vidiarthees are drying up, and soon you will start getting missionary minded jathedars and then its game over.

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Ask them if they can have web centralized database where all the gurdwaras abroad should report to them in matters of guidance or acknowledgment of the Hakumnamas/Edict releases by Sri Akaal Takth Sahib. (For Eg- Catholics churches abroad do report to Vatican via web on many issues, mandates etc.)

Also have it mandatory to have atleast have one youth in gurdwara committees abroad which should over see the whole operation of committe members and report it back to Sri Akaal Takth Sahib or atleast have one youth in gurdwara committees to bring fresh ideas of parchar and also can take an role of P.R/M.R (Public Relations/Media Relations) which we all know we suck at the moment.

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I have soo many ideas, i am just posting them as we go along..speaking of public/media relations above for abroad gurdwaras...lets try to first give your jathedars ideas to have public/media relations representative within Sri Akaal Takth Sahib at the first place then move on to abroad...they should track all news concerning sikhs in india and abroad and release statements in timely manner representing sikhs to media....media usually post the release statements from authoritarian body of any organization/religion/group. This will represent sikhs in positive light as there will be statements from authoritarian body condemning the act or explaining the act.

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Present jathedar sahib of akal takhat seems to be a sincere person for sikh issues considering the environment he has to operate in. He has been made a victim of vicious propaganda by followers of darshan ragi, missionaries and spokesman newspaper.

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